Jul 30, 2009 22:43


Some of the choices are brutal, so good luck! Both Buffy and Faith made it, but I don't think anyone else I was really, REALLY rooting for did.



When last we left our heroes, we discovered that Pinky was probably gay, and/or Jessica is just not into pink dudes. Shame.

Look! I got a new egg!

Please click hir so s/he will grow! :D

No mating for a few days, apparently. *sigh*


Taken from my new friend clevermonikerr!


Comment to this entry with any fandom. If I'm knowledgeable enough in the fandom to have ships, I'll tell you one non-canon ship I like, one canon ship I like, and one ship I really don't like (either canon OR fanon). Then post this in your own journal to offer up the same responses.

I'll try anything once. *G*


This one taken from the lovely ladyoneill!

1. What did you have for dinner last night? Grilled Zucchini and whole wheat pasta. Yum.

2. Have you ever wished you had a different last name? No. I mean, the worst thing my last name has ever yielded on a playground was "Flower" and "Fowl." Meh.

3. Would you ever consider piercing your lip? If I was 20 years younger, maybe more likely my nose and/or belly button. I hear the mouth gets infected too easily.

4. Have you ever cheated on a test in school? I must have -- I was a juvenile delinquent early on in high school, and yet I managed not to flunk, so... *shrug*

5. Something you used to love but have lost interest in? Drinking. *G*

6. If you're being extremely quiet, what does it mean? I'm alive. I like being quiet most of the time. Of course, if I'm around people and I'm very quiet, check out my expression -- I may be so angry I can't speak without freaking out, or I may be extremely tired. It's hard to say, but I do tend to be talkative in public.

7. Have you ever kissed someone and never saw them again? Hahahaha. Yeah.

8. Do you announce when you have to pee sometimes? Hee. At home, all the time. I have no idea why.

9. Kids then marriage or marriage then kids? Probably neither, at this point. But, hey, you never know.

10. Do you hang up on telemarketers? I screen all of my calls, so they generally don't catch me at all. If they do, I just say I'm not interested, thank you, and hang up. I mean, that's a suck job. I know, I've done it.

11. If someone offered you $80,000 to marry them for a year, would you do it? Hm. Depends on the conditions of the marriage, who the person was, and what I'd be expected to provide. If we just had to be married in name? Hell yeah!

12. Have you ever been rock climbing? Um, no. Hiking is as risky as I get. Although I used to like to climb giant boulders when I was a tomboy kid, does that count?

13. Do you get depressed about things easily? It depends on my hormones and my depression meds, I suppose.

14. Are you a celebrity news junkie? Gads, no.

15. Water - bottle or tap? We can't drink our tap water because we need a new well-filtration system. Currently, we drive up to a local spring a couple of times a month and fill up bottles to use for drinking and for the cats to drink. When it comes to cooking, coffee, and washing, we use the tap.

16. Do you use a landline or cell more often? I don't own a cell and don't really miss it.

17. Do you earn your living doing what you love, or do you earn your living in order to do what you love? I don't really earn a living, but I am doing what I love. I'll keep doing it, and I believe the old adage is true -- the money will follow. I don't need to be wealthy, just have enough to live on.

18. Do you love where you live? I adore where I live as far as cost, location, geography, crime rate, traffic, decent proximity to pretty much anything I could want goes. But as far as meeting like-minded people or "high" culture? Not so much. I'm willing to trade the latter for the former in these times, though.

19. Do you consider yourself religious? Spiritual? Neither? Spiritual to some degree. There are bits and pieces of some religions that are appealing, but I believe my place in and relationship with the universe is too personal to make any group or institution a legitimate source of guiding that relationship.

20. Were you raised in a family that participated in a religious tradition? Like going to church? Only very vaguely. What we call "Generic New England Protestant" -- Easter, Christmas, Weddings, Funerals. My parents did try to expose me to as many belief systems as possible, and I grew up with friends from various faiths (especially Catholic and Jewish), so I spent a lot of time going to various functions in Catholic church and (mostly Reform) temple.

21. If you owned a restaurant, what kind of food would you serve? I always wanted to run a restaurant/snack bar for potheads. Offering munchies and weird combinations of salty and sweet foods, especially Italian and Mexican, plus chocolate. *G* It would have to be a cheap menu, so burnouts digging for change in their pockets could get plenty to eat.

22. Do you clean when you're upset?. Hahahahahahahahahaha! No. Unless I've gotten into a huge fight with my mother about cleaning, and then I clean... which is a stupid response, since it just encourages her, but... whatevs.

23. A college calls you up and says that you have been selected to get any degree that you want on their dollar.... what do you choose? MFA in Creative Writing. A PhD in Popular Lit, if one exists. *G*

24. Which store, excluding a grocery store, do you shop at most often? Kmart -- for medication. Various sources for books.

25. If you were drafted into a war would you survive? Yes, because I would do anything in my power not to fight. I'm a pacifist, and I think war is by far humanity's stupidest idea.


OMG U GYZ! I'm all addicted to Star Trek TOS and shit. I had no idea it had such a dry, sarcastic sense of humor about itself. I mean, the sexism and racism is icky, but I bet still better than most shows of it's day. Or so I imagine, since there are people of color on there AT ALL, and women in uniform (skimpy though it may be, they're officers), and my knowledge of TV in the 60's is pretty limited to this and Batman.



tv: star trek tos, home team 2009, meme, dragons

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