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Comments 36

bubonicplague July 19 2007, 00:43:05 UTC
*applauds rant* Heh if I say anything further, I'm sure it would make a Spuffy board and lunch a fresh round of disparaging comments when all I really want to do is read Harry Potter 7.


theantijoss July 19 2007, 00:50:03 UTC
Hee. Dude, I read and re-read that fucking thing forty million times, wondering if it was flame bait.

And then I remembered -- anything I fucking say could be flame bait. So I posted it. *G*

Did you notice my little dig toward certain folks we both know who do all of the things that I said I hated? Didya? *bweg*

And you, btw, are one of the primary Spikey people I love. I still feel bad that I couldn't keep the shitheads off your back when we were on the BB. *sigh* Alas, life goes on. And my flist wouldn't be as colorful without you on it.

I'm following your spoiler commentary with a mixture of anticipation and trepidation that makes me a little queasy. *adds Pepto to the shopping list*


bubonicplague July 19 2007, 00:57:03 UTC
Hahahahaha! Hmm, no, no I didn't notice that at all! You mean we both know people like that? I AM SHOCKED I TELL YOU.

And awww, I love you too! Most of you guys were so cool for letting me come over there and post. Yeah there were some attacks, but it was just the same over at fanforum and sparklies to B/A shippers, if not worse.

Heh so you have read the spoilers? I seriously think it's the best book of the series thus far.


theantijoss July 19 2007, 01:40:17 UTC

I knew you would be. I'm such a bitch. No, I'm a TRAITOR BITCH, YO!

I haven't read the spoiler pages themselves, but I've read bits and pieces and commentary about them, to the point where I've got enough of a gist, but I'm leaving the heavy lifting for Saturday. *G*


lynner_k July 19 2007, 00:57:36 UTC
Well said...

So, am I to assume the shipper wars are still going on ?? Cause..damn...I've been out of it so long..I figured they would die down.

And yeah..there are some really freaky shippers on any side of the fence...


theantijoss July 19 2007, 01:15:22 UTC
Well, they've definitely died down -- but that's mostly because the "war" continues here in certain quarters, behind flocks, and on boards that are locked down to outsiders.

Of course, a lot of the time, the different factions are just... fighting ghosts, which was more or less the case this time. Jabs here, nasty comments there, half-truths and outright lies recited over and over again as some kind of "history" -- and yeah, it goes on on both sides.

Part of the reason the BB collapsed the way it did has as much to do with B/A shippers as anyone coming in from the outside. I hear people talk like both sides are angels... or the devil... depending on who you ask.

It all just looks so stupid to me all of a sudden. If I didn't have such a headache from clamping my jaw, I'd be writing fanfic right now. I'd love to be able to go -- anytime a shipper pisses me off, I'll write a fluffy fic!

But I know I'd never do it. ;)

How are you, honey pie, speaking of my friends! *smooch*


lynner_k July 19 2007, 23:56:36 UTC
Hangin in there *smooches you*

I remember the BB..you weren't there much but there was definately a hostile edge..sometimes it was amusing and then it just got boring.

I like the bubble I live in that has B/A happily ever-after ! *G*


divajess July 19 2007, 01:05:40 UTC
I love love love Wash/Zoe, but I also love Mal/Inara. I really wish we'd gotten to see a smidge more than the total omgclasswar!angst and obvious longing between them. Those are my Firefly OTPs. :-) I need to write more than the, oh, one Mal/Inara ficlet I wrote.


theantijoss July 19 2007, 01:29:34 UTC
I love Mal/Inara too. If I had an OTP, it would probably be them. The funny thing is, I love all the ships, even the creepy Simon/River stuff. I love Wash/Zoe, love the promise of Kaylee/Simon. I even love Jayne/Vera! *G*


ljgould July 19 2007, 01:32:44 UTC
Word! Mostly, I try to follow the "Thumper" philosophy..."If you can't say anything nice..."
Shipper wars were just foolish.

Where can I get that t-shirt?

Loved the lolCat!

Can't comment on Firefly/Serenity because I've never watched either of them. Don't really want to.


theantijoss July 19 2007, 01:37:43 UTC
Hee. YOU can have a tee shirt, LJ. I, however, cannot. Like Angel, I am doomed to an eternity of repentance for my past shipper war behavior. *G*

I love ALL LOLCats. I'm developing a collection of them on my hard drive. I'm currently working on some LOLBangel icons, as you can see here. ;)

While Firefly is good stuff, your life is no less rich for having missed them, contrary to what fans may say. *hugs you*


ljgould July 19 2007, 03:19:07 UTC
Don't repent too much...most of your behavior was justified, and if not entirely justified, at least intelligent and amusing. (Hey, I may not beat the tom-toms, but I listen to them!)

LOVE the icon!


theantijoss July 19 2007, 04:02:04 UTC
Aw, thanks, LJ. I always thought it was justified to some degree. Maybe I was nastier than I needed to be, but I always felt like people were coming into my home looking for trouble, and that got my dander up.

But I don't need to tell you that, you were there. *smooch*

Here's my other LOLBangel (god I hate that name, but LOLB/A doesn't really work. *G*) so far.


skull_theatre July 19 2007, 01:54:40 UTC
*covers eyes and feel way through new fandom*

Those are pretty similar sentiments to what drove me out of the HPVerse...well...that and going ballistic on some chan...but that's another story. I just arrived in the land o' BtVSAts and I'm having such a feckin' good time that I am bound and determined to stay out of such strong-willed wankery. It's really all opinion and speculative posturing anyway, isn't it? I'm more than happy to write the fics that I want to write and read what I want to read. Of course, everyone has "feelings" about one thing or another regarding canon...I just want to stay out of it. And with the series dead and buried...I think, for the most part, that can happen - we can all live in a happy resurrected fanon world.

"Fire pretty."


theantijoss July 19 2007, 04:04:00 UTC
LOL. Poor thing. *pets you*

Fear not, the wars are mostly dead now, it's only old vestiges of hard feelings still floating around. The worst of the ugliness is long gone.

Yes, yes, the joy of the closed canon! All discussion now is strictly for fun, and we're not arguing about things that ever will or won't appear on screen.

I refuse to regard the comics as canon. Fanfic is better. *G*


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