ME FTW! (That's me, Ducks, not ME, Mutant Enemy. kthnxbai)

Jul 18, 2007 20:34

Gakked from the lucious crankylex:

Your Score: Cheezburger cat

68 % Affection, 58 % Excitability , 54 % Hunger

Sure, you deserve one. You helped popularized lolcats from a running gag to an online sensation. Now mainstream media writes asinine columns on this 'phenomenon', students write theses on the topic, programming languages adopt the grammar, and losers write tests about them on dating sites. Now take your cheezburger and never touch the internets again.

Link: The Which Lolcat Are You? Test written by GumOtaku on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the The Dating Persona Test


Note to self: No matter how much you like the person in question, NEVER CLICK THEIR LINK RECOMMENDING SOMETHING SPUFFY RELATED. EVEN META.

No offense, FList. :)

But I again deserve a pat on the back for saying NOTHING, even when there was factual information being discussed that was blatantly incorrect and meant to be insulting. For one thing -- there's just no reason to fight with people. If they want to keep being angry and resentful all these years after the fact, that's not my problem. I should have known better than to read comments -- I knew there was bound to be something that upset me, so reading it in spite of knowing that makes what I saw my own fault and nobody else's. Striking out is stupid and childish, like punching somebody in the face because you hurt your foot when you kicked them in the shin. Asshattery of the highest degree. It's like going to a specific ship board and getting pissed off when you see stuff against another ship there. Who does that kind of shit (she asked, fully aware of plenty of people who do exactly that)?

I love my ship, I dislike their ship. *shrug* It really is that simple. It reflects nothing about them, or me, or anybody but the assholes at M.E. who I loathe and despise beyond all measure. ;)

I'm a different person than the one who freaked out every time somebody insulted me, my character, or my ship. I'd rather do something else with my time nowdays. But for some people (and not just Spuffy people, ya'll. There's plenty of folks on the B/A side that are exactly the same way, so don't break out your Saintly tee shirts just yet) the hatred and shit-flinging itself is a sort of hobby. They would rather carry on fighting with people they perceive to be on the other side of some great, unassailable divide than to enjoy the things and people on THEIR side. I would rather talk meta, or write fic, or whatever, about the things I love than fight against the things I don't.

Part of what killed my joy in fandom back in the day was my inability to see the joy and freedom in that. My ship is so emotionally driven for me, so important and central to the enjoyment of my favorite shows ever, that I felt like I was being attacked when people started dissing my ship. (Which is not to say that I personally WASN'T attacked plenty, because I was. And STILL am. There are still people around who seem to look for opportunities to slam me, my friends, my family, my professional work, etc because of my ship preference.) This helped me to understand to some degree how people would perceive my dislike of ME for the way they developed Spuffy (among SO many other things). I found the way it went down offensive -- for reasons I probably don't need to get into AGAIN. But let me be clear: my loathing and resentment is directed where it belongs -- toward Whedon and Mutant Enemy -- not toward shippers as a group. I don't understand the appeal of the ship, nor do I need to. I have friends who love Spuffy. It's like religion and politics -- I have Republican friends. I have friends who think I'm a godless heathen and am going straight to hell when I die. Our opposing viewpoints completely escape one another, and yet, we continue to care about and like one another. I value the friendships, so I would rather avoid those contentious topics, knowing they lead to little else besides bad feelings, and nobody is going to change their viewpoint anyway.

The fact is, you can fight and flame and shriek until you're blue in the face... but wouldn't you rather be doing something else? Something fun? The next time you go to type out something mean and/or insulting about someone who likes another ship, do what I've been doing. Stop. Think. Type your nasty response out for yourself, but don't post it. Let it go. Start another LJ and just post that stuff privately. Because seriously -- taking on people who don't like you or what you like changes nothing. You're just trying to make yourself feel better. So make yourself feel better, and move on. If you post that flame? You're only making things worse. Even if someone is wrong in their facts, or making up shit just to piss you off or be an asshole? It doesn't matter if you correct them. It really doesn't. They're going to keep right on saying and believing whatever they like. The only person you're hurting by responding is yourself. They will still not see you as "right."

To quote Calvin Coolidge: "I have never been hurt by what I have not said." (Thanks, quote of the day, for being so freaking timely. *G*)

Listen to me all, 'Peace, baby, Kumbaya.' *G* I had another point about all of this that I wanted to make, but now I've rambled myself out of remembering what it is. Um...shit. Well, if I remember, I'll come back to it later. For now, the moral is:

Don't flame! Think of the fanfics!

Note, however, that if you come into MY lj and start shit, I might just strike back... or I might just delete the comment and move on with my life. Or possibly post my scathing response privately, then delete you, and THEN move on. It all depends on my mood that day. This ain't no general posting board, kids.

Which, strangely, leads me to the Word of the Day (also poetically relevant. Teh Internetz luvs me today):

Monomania: pathological obsession with one idea or subject.

Funny, ain't it? I refuse to be monomaniacal anymore*. And so, I walked away rather than fighting to be right!

Pft. Therapist schmarapist.

* except regarding Angel. :D


Something I really like about Firefly (and that made me really ANGRY about Serenity) -- Wash/Zoe. I'm a sucker for a strong "warrior-woman" and a beta male paired together. These two especially are beautiful and hilarious. Since I've only seen Serenity once, and have never followed any of the press or interviews, why does Joss say he killed Wash, besides the fact that he (Joss) is a mean bastard with serious happiness issues?

See, here's one of many things that annoys the fuck out of me about Whedon. He seems to labor under the desperately sad impression that NOBODY gets to be happy for long EVER. Nobody gets a reward, or real love, or a happy ending. That is so fucking lame, and so insulting to people who DO have, for example, awesome parents, wonderful love relationships -- especially ones that have gone on for 30, 40, 50 years. I HATE people who refuse happiness for their characters just because. It is NOT boring to watch a couple go through life together, unless you are a lameass writer who can't think of any other conflicts in a relationship than what to have for dinner or what car to buy.

Seriously, Joss. It's not that hard. If you're creative, you CAN think of conflicts in a healthy relationship. ESPECIALLY if you're, I don't know, a SPACE COWBOY FUGITIVE OR A VAMPIRE SLAYER OR A FUCKING VAMPIRE WITH A SOUL.

No, really.

Unrelenting misery makes me fucking weary. Don't we get enough of it in real life?

GOD I need some B/A fluff.


Well, LJ sure is robust today! *sigh*


Okay, I'm starting to think that Whedon (the fucker) watches my soaps -- the first mechanic (the one Mal sees banging Kaylee in "Out of Gas") is played by a guy who played a psycho stalker on The Bold & the Beautiful!

Damn, I wish I kept track of this stuff. It's like, Whedon's Six Degrees to Soap Stars. *makes tag*


MEME! Gakked from Shaddyr:

If there are one or more people on your friends list who make your world a better place just because they exist, and who you would not have met (in real life or not) without the Internet, then post this same sentence in your journal.

Hell, yeah! So many of you I can hardly count anymore! *smooches Flist*

As a present, go see chrisleeoctaves for recs. She gives the best ones. :)

(*dons Kevlar just in case*)

6 degress to whedonverse, shipper wars, note to self, lolcats, firefly

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