As the icon says... THE END IS FUCKING NIGH, YA'LL! Do you have your tinfoil hat ready?

Jul 17, 2007 20:45

Happy Birthday, when_it_rained!


I have GOT to put batteries in my digital camera so I can upload pics for you guys. I live right on the edge of a fairly wild forest, and our back yard is left to more or less grow as it will. We get tons of wildlife wandering through our property, eating the tall grasses and such: deer, bunnies, squirrels, a million species of birds. We're host to an entire clan of chipmunks who have lived here for years. But probably my favorite wild things that have been around the past couple of years are the wild turkeys. There's currently a Gobbler (male turkey) and about 7 hens, plus two hatchlings that are big enough to go out on raids.

Those of you who know me know I'm a basement dweller -- I've got an office and living room set up downstairs since my folks came to live with me five million years ago. There's only one window -- your standard 2X3 basement window that's in the stairway a few feet away from my ancient, raggedy LAZBOY that I love more than life itself. Well, a couple of days ago, I noticed movement in the window, looked up... and there's a giant turkey hen, picking bugs out of the spider webs on the outside of the window and around the bottom of the house! Now she comes every day at about 2:30 or so. She's almost out of bugs, so I need to get a picture of her peering in at me before she takes off for the year... or gets shot by our redneck neighbors.

Anyway, I thought I'd share that, because it's pretty cool to see. I love sitting out on my back porch watching the flock feed, but it's even cooler to look up and see one looking back in at me.


Why does it seem harder to get anything done on the days when I vow I'm going to get something done, than on a standard day when I make no effort at all? Man, I need to get back into therapy, like yesterday. There's got to be an issue at the root of this.

I woke up at 10:30 this morning! I was lying in bed, going over what I wanted to get done, and...zzzzzzz. Next thing I knew? 12 freaking 30! Ugh. Well, I guess that's almost sort of a step in the right direction.



1.) I'll be talking about the book once I'm done, if not as I go, so I'll put that stuff behind cuts. I'll also put Potter stuff in a separate post, so those who want to read the other stuff don't have to worry about being spoiled.

2.) If you see my Sirius: STILL NOT DEAD icon -- IT'S NOT A SPOILER. I've had the same icon since OotP: The Book. IF Sirius comes back (says the Queen of Denial) I will not update my icon for at least a few days with a smug, "I TOLD YOU SO!" *G* I'm not holding my breath.

3.) If LiveJournal collapses under the weight of the drama, I'll be posting at my GreatestJournal.

More as I think of it. Talking with tkp has reminded me that I need Cheetos. All special geek occasions must be marked with Cheetos or Cheeto products. I'm thinking about a Subway sub for dinner that night. Although it's hard to read and eat a sub at the same time unless you cut it into smaller pieces.


So I finished Angel today.

I thought I'd let that sit for a minute, since it's such a fun and totally unintended double entendre. *G*

Okay, I'm back. I feel all meta-tative (tm tkp). It's funny that AtS makes me feel more like doing meta than BtVS does. I haven't really sussed out why yet. I'm kind of burnt right now, so I'm going to give myself the day off from talking about the end of AtS in any detail. Blah blah, hated the ending, but love my hero, cried when Wesley died blah blah.

Now I'm watching Firefly. Perhaps I'll have some thoughts on that. Damn, I already do.

So... how 'bout them space whores? I've never been sure how I feel about the concept of a Companion. I mean, it's interesting that they're an honored and powerful class, with special education and guilds and all. But still, hooker, you know? I carry my cultural baggage into my TV viewing, and my cultural baggage says "Selling Sex Bad." Of course it's not that simple, I know of and have met plenty of women who are empowered by their work in the sex industry (I don't know any prostitutes, but I've met two porno actresses, a handful of nudie web stars, and a dominatrix), who choose it and take care of themselves, honor themselves doing it. Usually by working for their own production company or running their own website. But prostitution, especially of the street kind, is generally not only exploitative, but ultimately deadly. And selling one's body for drugs, or allowing one's body to be exploited for money reads BAD to me.

It's entirely possible that the vaguely icky feeling about what Inara *does* is simply that cultural conditioning, and that Whedon really has created an interesting and non-exploitive kind of prostitution.

But has he really? In the very first episode, the client with Inara all but calls her a cheat and a theif, and because she doesn't want to lose his business or positive word of mouth advertising, she says nothing. More than a few times, Captain Tightpants calls her a whore to hurt her, and it works. So... it's a complicated thing. Is Joss feminist for attempting it? What are your thoughts?

I love Kaylee and her relationship with both the Captain and Serenity herself. I also enjoy the use of Chinese as a universal language, although I understand that there's some debate in fandom about whether that's racist -- using the language without acknowledging the culture or using any actors of Chinese descent. But that's for bigger meta-ists than I to debate. The space western stuff, the lingo, the Reavers. It's good stuff, and in retrospect, I wish it had gotten more of a chance.

AFTER Buffy and Angel were over.

Here's our first Whedonverse Hat Trick, ladies and gentlemen! Carlos Jacott


Now if you'll excuse me, I have LOLcats to look at. *G*

life planning, ats, turkeys, firefly, potterdammerung

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