Fic: Lick, R

Aug 26, 2010 00:49

Title: Lick
Author: thealpaca
Pairing: Rachel/Santana
Rating: R, nothing too explicit so no NC-17.
Length: 561
Spoilers: None
Summary: I saw a word association game prompt at the glee_kink_meme and I couldn't not play. I do enjoy word association. My word was "Lick"...clearly.
A/N: Sorry I haven't updated with All About the Girl, btw...I had two weeks of classes, a final and then a class so that I could be certified to teach synchronized swimming! And my laptop [where my fics and such are saved] has been messed up, but is now operational once again. So, I'll start working on wrapping up the last part ASAP.

Rachel had been on an art kick for the last month and Santana was getting very tired of being dragged around from art shows to museums to plays. It was as if Rachel thought Glee wasn't enough of the liberal arts to sustain Santana so she had to drag her to every public display of art she could find. She needed to put a stop to this and soon. It didn't take Santana long to come up with an idea that would satisfy both her and her girlfriend's needs.

Rachel showed up at the doorstep to the Lopez household at 10:00pm on the dot. Before she got a chance to knock on the door it flew open with Santana standing there smirking. "Glad you're on time...ready to paint?"

Rachel grinned and nodded furiously, always eager to hone new skills. She had never tried any of the studio arts, but since she excelled in performing arts she was sure that this was something she could handle. Santana lead her to her basement bedroom where the lights were dimmed and sweetly scented candles were lit. "How are we supposed to paint in here?" Rachel asked, turning and looking a little confused.

Now it was Santana's turn to grin deviously. "Well," she said stepping closer to her girl, "first you need to take off that shirt..." She slowly unbuttoned the row of buttons on the front of Rachel's blouse, sliding it off with surprisingly little argument from the smaller girl. "...and that bra," she added as she unhooked the offending garment and tossed it to the side. She stepped forward into the girls space, knocking her off balance and sending her backwards onto her bed.

"I-I don't understand..." Rachel's voice quivered with excitement. "Aren't we going to..."

"Paint?" Santana interrupted as she leaned over and lifted a small container. It was chocolate body paint. "Yes," she smiled, "we are." She walked over to Rachel and dipped her brush gently into the chocolate before running it slowly down from the corner of Rachel's Jaw to the tip of Rachel's nipple.

Rachel gasped lightly as the cooler liquid touched her hot skin. She giggled quietly as Santana leaned forward and began to suck gently where the chocolate began. Soon the other girl began swirling her tongue around in small circles as she traveled down the line. As she reached her destination she felt Rachel's body shiver and cover in goosebumps.

She smirked and decided that she hadn't cleaned Rachel well enough. With her tongue pointed she traveled back up over the path with excruciating slowness. This released a small moan from the diva. Santana stopped at the point where she had earned the moan and flicked it gently with her tongue before gently sucking and the nibbling on the area. Rachel groaned again at the sensation. Santana smiled and pulled back.

"Enjoying painting?" Santana asked as she slowly traced her girlfriends neck.

Rachel nodded as her eyes fluttered.

"More fun than a trip to an art museum?"

Again, Rachel's reply was in the form of a nod.

Santana smirked at the diva's sudden lack of speaking ability. She sat up and moved her paintbrush and body paint before leaning over Rachel again. As she reached down to grip the top of Rachel's skirt she whispered softly into her ear with a smile, "Thought so."

rating: r, glee, rachel/santana

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