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Comments 16

writerfreek August 11 2010, 03:22:06 UTC
Meeting deadlines don't work for me so I probably won't do it but it's fun! I might sign up to be an artist because I'm dabbling into photoshop now haha. Or maybe a beta, 16,000 words can go by fast or slow depending on how much you write per chapter haha


majestamoniet August 11 2010, 03:28:02 UTC
Well, the deadline isn't until December so as long as I don't procrastinate I should be able to make it. Thea last chapter of Zenith was over 11,000 words and I wrote that in three weeks. I'm more worried about me losing direction/inspiration for the story halfway though and letting down whichever artist is assigned to me. *sigh*

decisions, decisions


writerfreek August 11 2010, 03:33:33 UTC
For as long as you've been working on Zenith I'd say you'd be alright in that aspect hun. Speaking of... I WANT THE NEXT CHAPTER NOW

oh lord "decisions, decisions" makes me think of Jane...


majestamoniet August 11 2010, 03:36:04 UTC
I'm working on it. Promise!

Yes, I looked/sounded just as creepy and foreboding as her when I wrote that.


pnai_87 August 11 2010, 04:24:22 UTC
It sounds like a lot of fun, and a good opportunity to either challenge myself as a writer or practice for making a serious effort at writing. It's an interesting idea, but as new as I am a writer in general and in twilight and as lazy I am as a person...I couldn't write for anything other than no-pressure, on my own time, on my own dime fun. It's really easy for me to lose motivation and that writing mojo when I don't have fun anymore. Selfish and narcissistic as it sounds, writing is something that's just for me mostly. Maybe next time and I really look forward to what others come up with.


majestamoniet August 11 2010, 12:59:34 UTC
I definitely know where you're coming from. Two years ago I wouldn't have ever considered joining something like this. But now with a couple fic exchanges under my belt (which is less pressure but still sets a deadline) and my first multi-chap nearly completed, I feel a bit more confident about it. Maybe if they decide to do another strictly J/B big bang like they did last year, you'll be ready by then. :)

But,IDK, I'll probably chicken out of this one at the last moment.


pnai_87 August 11 2010, 17:11:04 UTC
Well now, you have talent and experience and self discipline. I think you should try it and see what it's like. I would like to try a fic exchange the next time we have one, but I think that's all the pressure I can deal with at the moment. a stricktly j/b? Can I find those somewhere? Good luck to you if you decide to do it, it really does sound like fun no matter the pressure.


audreyii_fic August 11 2010, 05:18:22 UTC
They have exclusive rights to your story for, like, a month, right? I'm not sure I'd like that. (I *do* like the idea of my own personal artist...)


majestamoniet August 11 2010, 12:55:31 UTC
I'm not sure how long it takes before you can start posting the story on another site. Usually that would bother me because I would want to share it here with you ladies first, but I would probably use this thing to write my E/B story. So I could probably be patient. lol.


audreyii_fic August 11 2010, 13:06:06 UTC
Ah, yes, the E/B story... still kicking that one around, huh?


majestamoniet August 11 2010, 13:18:48 UTC
Yes. I'm really pumped about it actually. Although E/B will be the romantic relationship, Bella and Rosalie are the two characters who are gonna get the most page time with Edward, Emmett, and Jacob coming in a little less prominently. I'm excited that I get to work with characters I don't have much experience with.

And I've decided that this story and its ending is going to send a much different message than the series did. So I'm enjoying the chance to stick it to Smeyer on a literary level.


sleepy_sheep683 August 11 2010, 21:38:56 UTC
I could be interested, as I have a couple of story ideas that I know wouldn't interest many peeps- but what's it like? Is it full of people who are going to get arsey because I don't depict Edward and Bella as 'teh perfect couple'?


spoonz_10 August 12 2010, 08:46:25 UTC
Well... I would sign up to be an artist, Buuuuut. The only thing I'm really good at is drawing. And I'm not even that good (My friends hate when I say that, but I do anyways cause their reactions are hilarious! XD). Though I have drawn Jake and Bella before. Not any of the others though, so if they popped up I would probably be screwed. lol

And I tend to get lazy anyway P:

But good luck to those who ARE participating! I'm looking forward to it. =)


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