Twilight Big Bang

Aug 10, 2010 23:16

Is anyone thinking about participating in the big bang this year? I'm considering it but nervous about meeting the deadline. *bites fingernails* Has anyone participated before? How was your experience?

If you don't know what a Big Bang is:

Big Bangs are long-fic challenges. The idea is to write a complete fic of at least 16,000 words. It's written over several months. (Dates to be announced)

(Fics that have been already posted - in whole or as a WIP - would not be eligible for the challenge. Fics that you have already finished writing, or have written major chunks for, are also not eligible.)

You definitely can write about anything Twilight - as long as at least one of your main characters appears somewhere in the Twilight Saga books, you're good.

You could, for example, write about Bella and Edward after Breaking Dawn. You could write an AU. You could write a Cullen's backstory. You could write about the apocalypse. You could write about the pack. You could write about the Volturi. You could write a threesome Emmett/Rosalie/Jasper story. You could write about Victoria, James, and Laurent before they met their fate with the Cullens. You could PRETTY MUCH write about anything, any kink, pairing, or rating.

A Big Bang is not a fic exchange - you're not writing for anyone else, just yourself. And the fun of it! :)

If you're not a writer, there are plenty of ways to participate in a Big Bang and have fun:

You can sign up to be a author. A author's goal is to write a complete story of at least 16,000 words by the deadline.

If anyone intrested,you can sign up to be an artist. An artist will be assigned to a fic and will produce work(s) of art to accompany the fic. Artists can choose from traditional art, banners/graphic design, photography series, videos, and fanmixes (including cover designs).

You can sign up to be a beta reader. A beta reader will be assigned to an author and will help them revise and edit their story.

discussion: general, discussion: twilight fandom, discussion: writing process

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