is it okay to ask for reviews?

Nov 14, 2011 22:47

I've been kind of wondering about this today, and I was curious over what you guys thought on the matter.

So as some of you know, I've been writing exclusively for another fandom for quite some time now. The current multi-chapter that I'm working on is twenty-three chapters long and has been fairly successful, for the most part. It's getting pretty ( Read more... )

discussion: fanfic trends, likexaxdove, discussion: fandom

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Comments 27

willow2883 November 15 2011, 04:03:22 UTC
I thought what you wrote was honest and professional. I personally see nothing wrong with asking for reviews. I do it all the time ( ... )


likexaxdove November 15 2011, 04:20:21 UTC
I'm glad you thought it sounded professional. So did I, to be honest.

What irritates me the most is when writers go, "I won't update until I get 30 reviews." Like...really? I would never do something like that to my readers because not only is it shallow, but it basically says that the writer is only in it for the reviews, not the enjoyment of the actual writing.

And you're not kidding about reviewers being lazy. I can't really say anything, because sometimes I've been known to not review, but that's usually because I don't like the fic in general and am too nice to say anything.

And (I know this is bad) I don't normally reply to my reviews. I only really reply when someone asks a direct question or when someone leaves a very profound or touching review. I've been thinking about starting to reply, though. Maybe on the next fic, when we're out of the holiday season.


willow2883 November 15 2011, 04:33:35 UTC
I reply to all my reviews, even the "love it" lady! LOL You probably know her. Everyone does. No matter what you write or how many times she reviews - that's it: "love it".
I can't always muster up a review for every chapter of a fic I read. But I try to hit most of them. Or like you, if I didn't like the story, I don't leave a review. I don't like to lie and blow smoke up their ass. And my mother always told me if I didn't have something nice to say, I shouldn't say anything at all.
... or maybe it was "if you don't have anything nice to say, come sit here by me"... Whatever. :)


likexaxdove November 15 2011, 04:42:48 UTC
LOL I'm pretty sure there's a "love it!" lady (or gentleman) in every fandom ever.

Usually when it comes to my own reviewing habits, if I'm starting a story that has, say, ten chapters, then I probably won't review all ten chapters. I'll review the latest one and summarize all of my general feelings for the fic in that one review. And then for every new chapter after that I'll review UNLESS the fic spirals off into fuckery or if a character starts acting OOC. There have also been a few times where I haven't reviewed because I've literally been speechless and don't even know what to say. Those are the ones I sorta have to sit on.

And I don't think I've ever left a negative review. I've considered doing so a few times, but then I remember how I feel when people say not-so-nice things about my stories, so I just end up not saying anything at all.


ysar November 15 2011, 04:23:30 UTC
I think it's also important to keep in mind why they're not leaving reviews ( ... )


likexaxdove November 15 2011, 04:35:41 UTC
What I'm finding out through the responses I'm getting is that people are just not reviewing, even though they're openly admitting to enjoying the story and that they egarly await reviews. And I don't necessarily go off of the hits per se, but rather the amount of people who are favoriting the fics. I think that's what frustrates me the most, people who favorite your fic but still don't review.

Like I said, usually I try not to ask for reviews in this manner, since some people think it's such a negative thing to do. But I think I just reached my limits, frustration wise. As a writer I try to be understanding of the fact that everyone has a life, but my understanding only extends so far, you know?

Or just do the "sneaky" thing and ask them what they thought about a particular scene, character, or plot development.I've actually done that before, without actually realizing that the review count would spike because readers were actually going to answer my question. It's really interesting. I think sometimes when you ask your readers a ( ... )


willow2883 November 15 2011, 04:36:37 UTC
Some of the biggest authors directly ask for feedback about specific things in their chapters, and that tends to not only garner answers from readers, but also their opinions on other things in the story.
That's brilliant. I like that. It's encouraging, smart and kinda sneaky too. :P


jjsmom8506 November 15 2011, 05:41:16 UTC
Okay,major confession time for me here. I'm either the "love it!" lady, or the non-reviewer most of the time. I'm so sorry. I've never truly written anything other than ridiculously boring instructional columns and requested professional opinions. I simply don't care what people have to say about that stuff because its not exactly my soul on a page, ya know? I've been a bookworm my whole life though, so you can just about imagine my excitement upon discovering this stuff called "fan fiction ( ... )


willow2883 November 16 2011, 21:25:13 UTC
I can tell from your comment (and your name) that you are not the "love it" lady! LOL Not my "love it" lady, anyway. Hehe
We all have days when we're pressed for time or honestly just not in the mood to write a review. So no worries.
But as a writer, there is nothing nicer than the readers acknowledging that they enjoyed your story/chapter. Or even if they have a question about what you wrote, or to point out something they don't understand or can't follow. Out and out mean, snarky reviews are (of course), never appreciated. :P


likexaxdove November 17 2011, 06:27:28 UTC
To be honest, it's better to be the "love it!" lady then a lurker. At least the "love it!" lady is letting you know that she, you know, loves it ;)

I generally ignore the "no new chapters until I get x reviews" bullshit.

Ditto. Actually, when writer's hold their chapters hostage like that I normally just don't review that specific chapter, since that would be giving into their doucheness.

For what its worth, I find your stories in intriguing, insightful, and terribly addicting.

*blushes* Thank you! I totally understand why you might not review sometimes, but from a writer's stand point I'd rather you drop me a one-liner then not saying anything at all, even if you're holding out hoping that you'll have time to leave a more detailed review later. Speaking from personal experience, a reader who decides to wait and review so that it would be longer usually doesn't end up reviewing at all. And nothing is worse to a writer then complete and utter silence from their readers.

Hee, a reformed reviewer! Reviewing is really important, so ( ... )


pnai_87 November 15 2011, 06:32:26 UTC
Let me just say that you are an awesome writer and Mr Anonymous needs to get his head out of his ass ( ... )


likexaxdove November 17 2011, 06:33:12 UTC
I guess I'm of a different opinion when in comes to reviews. While it's always nice to get a good handful at each update, when the majority of your reviews basically say "Good job. Update soon." I tend to stop counting. I look for certain reviewers that say more. Specific things where they point out parts of the scenes that they liked or didn't like. Quality over quantity basically.I think this is true for most writers. Everyone prefers a long-winded review over just a one-liner. But the thing is, I have more respect for the reader that faithfully reviews, even if they're just leaving me a couple of sentences on each chapter, over the reader who leaves paragraphs every ten chapters or so. Lurkerdom is something that rubs me the wrong way. I get why people do it, but I just don't see what's so hard about saying a couple of things that you liked--or didn't like--about a chapter ( ... )


marblemeadow November 15 2011, 08:21:51 UTC
One thing to think about... 25 reviews per chapter is still a pretty big deal. Really. I average about 3 per chapter now - with a RIDICULOUS amount of hits every chapter. It's disappointing but I have to just shrug and keep plugging along.

You are a great writer. I've read your stuff and just keep your head up. Many readers are lazy. I don't think you saying that was inappropriate but it is bound to get up some people's asses. You just have to let that go - everyone is going to have their own opinion.


flowrs4ophelia November 15 2011, 15:58:28 UTC
25 reviews per chapter is still a pretty big deal. Really. I average about 3 per chapter nowThis. My longest stories have only barely broken 100 reviews, so I've learned not to care so much about the number and more about the effort and thought that people are putting into the reviews I do get. When there are subscriber alerts and hit counts to tell me how much it's getting read, what difference does it really make to get fifteen additional reviews per chapter that are all pretty much the same non-specific and brief feedback like "I love this, keep up the good work ( ... )


likexaxdove November 17 2011, 06:35:52 UTC
True. I suppose I got spoiled, since earlier chapters were averaging a much higher review count, so this new low average had me scratching my head in confusion.

Thanks :) Yeah, as my grandfather said, "Opinions are like assholes. Everybody has them and they all stink."


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