is it okay to ask for reviews?

Nov 14, 2011 22:47

I've been kind of wondering about this today, and I was curious over what you guys thought on the matter.

So as some of you know, I've been writing exclusively for another fandom for quite some time now. The current multi-chapter that I'm working on is twenty-three chapters long and has been fairly successful, for the most part. It's getting pretty close to reaching 1,000 reviews, which is kind of my ultimate fanfiction goal. Nearly three hundred people have it on their favorites and even more so have it on their alerts. But the thing is, for the past few chapters I've only been averaging about 25 reviews per chapter, despite their long length and the fact that they're still getting more hits and readers then the chapters that came before them.

Now, anyone who's read my fics know that I basically never ask for reviews. Most chapters end with a "Hope you enjoyed! Review!" or a "Let me know what you think!" and then I just sort of go about my business and desperately hope that people are nice enough to leave me their thoughts. But I think you guys can understand my frustration with my current fic. To have that many people reading but not saying anything sucks. Anyone who writes fanfic knows how imperative reviews are, and understands what I mean when I say that I pull inspiration and motivation from what my readers have to say. So when people aren't really saying anything, I don't really feel as motivated as I might have before. That doesn't mean that I won't update, because most good fanfic authors write 90% for themselves and 10% for their readers, and I try to be a good fanfic author.

Anyway. On my latest update for this fic I wrote this in my author's note:

"I'm going to be honest with you guys, I was pretty disappointed with the complete lack of reviews for the last chapter. I realize that everyone has their own lives, and with school and the holidays approaching I can understand why people are feeling less inclined to review. But I think what depresses me is that I'm still getting the same amount of hits- in fact more so-as chapters in the past, so the readership is still the same, but the review counts are declining. It's frustrating because as a writer I pull a lot of inspiration and motivation from what you guys have to say about each chapter, so when you don't say anything I feel less inspired and motivated. I will never be that writer that holds her chapters hostage until she gets the reviews she wants, because I write for myself more than anything, but that doesn't mean I don't value reviews any less. So please please review, guys. It really means the world to me."

I thought it sounded polite, if anything. Maybe slightly pathetic, but since I never ask for reviews like this I figured that I'd go for it. Most of the responses have been very positive--a lot of people seem to have homework or sleeping activities that prevent them from reviewing on a regular basis. Which is fine, I suppose. Still a little lazy, since it takes about a minute to review, but I get it. I get that people have lives. So that's okay. I'm just happy you're enjoying the story, since when people don't review I start having my doubts.

But then I get reviews like this little gem (it was anonymous, of course):

"Fuck that shit. No one OWES you a review, and it's immature for you to demand them. You can say you're not witholding chapters all you want, but basically, that's what you're doing. "I don't feel inspired to write if I don't get reviews." Maybe it's time to reevaluate why you're writing in the first place."

Basically what I'm asking you guys is, do you think its okay to do what I did? To occasionally ask for reviews? Or is it not okay? Because as fanfic writers we are putting ourselves out there on our own accord and aren't guaranteed a response. But at the same time, how fair is it for people to continuously read and enjoy your work, but never ever say anything?

discussion: fanfic trends, likexaxdove, discussion: fandom

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