Doomed Ships

Oct 01, 2011 11:07

*SIGH* I feel like a Team Jacob adulteress.

Between mera_naam_joker who got me into Paul/Bella and then Sam/Bella and briefly Carlisle/Bella

Mrstrentreznor who just cemented my Paul/Bella ship and recently my Quil/Bella ship

and of course LJ_Summers  lovely Embry/Bella, I sometimes feel like these amazing stories, doomed and crackish as some of them may be, set a ( Read more... )

discussions:general, discussion: twilight fandom, discussion: ships, discussion: fandom

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Comments 10

willow2883 October 1 2011, 21:27:11 UTC
There are so many great stories out there with an assortment of pairings! One of the best I've ever read was called
Where do We Go from Here but Nowhere, and believe it or not it's a Jacob/Jessica pairing! I came 'thisclose' to not reading it, but it's awesome. Although sad, because Bella does come back at the end, and of course Jake goes back to Bella.
Mrstrentreznor is all over the board with the unique pairings, some I love, some are a little, uh... harcore for me! LOL I will read Bella with Paul or Embry if the fic is funny or particularly well-done (or in Mrstrentreznor's case, filthy, hehe ( ... )


lsjcandy October 1 2011, 21:37:09 UTC
I don't ship Bella with anyone but Jacob or (independent) happiness. Best ships in this fandom, period. Fuck to the yes.
For some reason, I can't get myself to ship Blackwater. I can see the potential, the awesomeness and most of all, the possible plot bunnies in my head, but meh. I've come to love Leah as a single woman and for some reason, I can't ship Jacob with anyone but Bella.


Okay. I lied. I can. But I'll be kicked for it in this comm.

I know, I know, it doesn't make sense. Or, well, for me it strangely, wickedly does. The line between hate and love is a fine one, as E/J shippers would say. But the angst, the angry hate-fucking... Yep, that's gooood. Hell, even the fluff, though sounding weird for a hatefull relationship, it's good.

But apart from that, I really can't ship them with anyone else.


lsjcandy October 1 2011, 21:38:07 UTC


the_angry_pixie October 1 2011, 22:42:04 UTC
dont worry hun. I think Jakeward is hot too. although i shamelessly ship them for the hate!sex, not as a longterm happily-ever-after pairing. ;)


lsjcandy October 2 2011, 13:00:13 UTC
Yeah, I think a happy ending is far less likely, but still a nice read sometimes. The sexytimes, though, are likely and nice :3


peskywhistpaw October 1 2011, 22:18:59 UTC
As a multishipper in pretty much all my favorite fandoms, I have no trouble pairing Bella with anyone and everyone I think would be interesting with her. In fact, preeeetty much the only person I won't read her with is Edward. I don't ship Jacob with as many people, but I definitely read about other Jacob pairings, especially Jacob/Leah.

Jacob/Bella will forever be my OTP in this fandom, and I will always come back to reading it eventually, but the glorious thing about fanfiction is that it allows you to explore (whether you're the one reading or the one writing) all the what-ifs of a fandom - not only what if Edward hadn't come back? but what if Bella had actually ended up with Mike Newton? Or Sam? Or, hell, Alice? Why not take advantage of that opportunity? Sometimes I even crave those kinds of pairings, depending on the mood I'm in, the way I crave certain genres ( ... )


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