Doomed Ships

Oct 01, 2011 11:07

*SIGH* I feel like a Team Jacob adulteress.

Between mera_naam_joker who got me into Paul/Bella and then Sam/Bella and briefly Carlisle/Bella

Mrstrentreznor who just cemented my Paul/Bella ship and recently my Quil/Bella ship

and of course LJ_Summers  lovely Embry/Bella, I sometimes feel like these amazing stories, doomed and crackish as some of them may be, set a higher standard in what I look for in Jacob/Bella fics.

(For some reason I never looked at any other pairings for Jacob, yet I seem completely open for Bella.)

Am I alone here? When I was new to Twilight I would read anything Team Jacob. I judged the story based on my interest in plot, grammar, pacing and smut content.

Now, I compare. After reading so many Paul/Bella fics, I sometimes look for an aggressive, dominating Jacob. I look for how others portray Jacob when he's not Bella's main love interest. I look at how Bella is portrayed when paired with such different wolves.

I know that this is a Jacob community, but am I the only that has strayed into other pairings? How has these fics from other ships affected how you look at Jacob/Bella fics?

discussions:general, discussion: twilight fandom, discussion: ships, discussion: fandom

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