Check Yourselves and FUN AND EXCITING Things

Jun 27, 2011 11:12

I just updated the Master List after a few weeks of not updating it, so now would be a great time for validated authors to look at the Master List (there's a button for it on the right side of the com) and make sure that all of the stories they've posted here are included on the Master List. If one of your stories is missing (which is not less than ( Read more... )

discussion: general

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Comments 34

lsjcandy June 27 2011, 15:16:33 UTC
Oh dear, my creative thinking side is worthless. It's like trying to squeeze a rock until it bleeds freakin' lemonade.
I do agree that we need some new things happening around here.



majestamoniet June 27 2011, 15:26:41 UTC
LOL. Then maybe if you and mera_naam_joker were to COMBINE your creativity, you'd come up with something epic. ;)


lsjcandy June 27 2011, 15:34:51 UTC
Lol yes, can you just imagine the epicness of that idea? Gosh.


alaria June 27 2011, 16:00:52 UTC
lol Since I've just started making graphics I would want something to do with that: like tutorials where people then post what they come up with, or some kind of picture prompt/challenge - this would of course lead to lots and lots of pretty pictures being posted ♥


majestamoniet June 27 2011, 16:26:42 UTC

Like...give a Jacob/Bella graphics prompt, and then let people post their pretties.

ETA - Oops. I forgot to add the stipulation that it would need to be fanfic related graphics things because this is a fanfic community. Hmmmmm. I'd have to think about how that would work...


willow2883 June 27 2011, 20:35:32 UTC
Oooh! Graphics tutorials? Yes please! I am graphically challenged and would appreciate something like that!


runningsissors June 27 2011, 16:14:20 UTC
I dunno if it's FUN AND EXCITING but I've thought fic exchanges were always fun... (as long as everyone follows though and doesn't punk out)

We have an awesome monthly drabble prompt, but what about challenges for people who like to write one-shots. We could do writing challenges like, five things or gender reversal roles, or IDK...

these aren't very FUN AND EXCITING :/


likexaxdove June 27 2011, 16:35:40 UTC
I like Fic Exchanges!


majestamoniet June 27 2011, 16:36:31 UTC
What do you mean? You're talking Jacob/Bella and you're talking fanfic. These things combined are very FUN AND EXCITING.

I'm trying to think how the one-shot prompts would work. MAYBE we could combine this idea with someone else's ideas for more graphics-related things. Maybe do a thing where people make graphics and then writers write one-shots for them? Or were you thinking of something more long-term like a monthly prompt?

I'm always down for a fic exchange. :)


runningsissors June 27 2011, 16:41:26 UTC
I really like the idea about combining them with graphics! Definitely not a monthly thing, just something once in a while.


likexaxdove June 27 2011, 16:39:08 UTC
Hmmm. *puts thinking cap on*

I know something that we said we were gonna do but never really did was try to figure out some kind of "Interview With the Writer" thing. Where we have one-on-one with the writers and people can talk to them about what possessed them to write their fic and what not.


majestamoniet June 27 2011, 16:52:03 UTC
I love this idea. I think this never happened because we never decided who would be in charge of it.



majestamoniet June 27 2011, 16:57:05 UTC
Based on the comments so far...

Maybe we should do a Jacob/Bella Big Bang?


evaa_3 June 27 2011, 17:30:34 UTC
I do love that "Interview with the writer". I'd love to help in all that(:

And what do you mean, bu fic exchange, guys?
And also that thing where people make graphics and then writers write one-shots for them is absolutely amazing! LOVE IT!


majestamoniet June 27 2011, 17:42:06 UTC
Alright. I'm adding you to my list of volunteers (which just contains you at the moment, lol).

This was our last fic exchange post:

Read the comments for an explanation. :)


evaa_3 June 27 2011, 21:19:14 UTC
Oh I got it!
It's really nice:o


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