the basis of all fanfics?

Jan 18, 2011 21:05

Hi all!

I had a question I thought I would run by you all, seeing as I have the perfect combination of both readers and writers here. What your opinion on rewrites?

Like, I mean what do you think about writers who take large sections of SMeyer text and change it up. We've all seen it done right, but then again I'm sure that we've all witnessed ( Read more... )

discussion: general, discussion: fanfic trends

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Comments 15

majestamoniet January 19 2011, 02:14:27 UTC
I think that's pretty much the basis for all J/B fics. If we didn't change large parts of the series, then we'd be stuck with purely post-BD stories. You know what I mean?


runningsissors January 19 2011, 02:18:05 UTC
Too true. That's a truly frightening thing to consider.


majestamoniet January 19 2011, 02:22:59 UTC
I do think that an important thing to keep in mind is that if you're going to play in Smeyer's universe, then play in Smeyer's universe. Things go wrong when an author claims that the fic is based out of canon (with their own changes obviously) and then does something crazy that doesn't fit in the ballpark of the Twilight universe. You kinda have to make readers buy into the changes you make.

In Zenith I struggled a lot with getting witches to fit in the scope of Smeyer's world without it seeming really unnatural. I still don't think I pulled it off.


runningsissors January 19 2011, 02:37:50 UTC
everything is unnatural in Smeyer's world, so no foul there.

I think I'm worrying over nothing, because I haven't done hugely significant changes to the text other than, you know, skip the whole "I'minaforbiddenloveandit'sodeep" and cut out the massive amounts of text that obsesses over Edward's looks.


audreyii_fic January 19 2011, 02:29:41 UTC
*blushes* Thanks :) *hides under bed*

To a certain extent I agree with majesta, but I *do* think there's a difference between switching up Meyertext and other fanfiction. The type of fic this psot is talking about -- and correct me if I'm wrong -- makes an effort to not sound *totally* different from Meyer and to maintain a reasonable degree of canon compliance, only changing a small number of things. Whereas a lot of other fanfiction makes major changes to voice/tone and changes a variety of canon. Then, of course, there's total AUs. They're all different things.

I will say that (in my experience) switching up Meyertext ain't lazy. It's actually really hard to maintain canon compliance aside from one change, because it takes a lot to think about what the characters would have done if everything else was exactly the same -- where things would have changed and where they wouldn't have. It can be... um... tiring.

Follow your plot bunny where'er it may lead ;)


runningsissors January 19 2011, 02:41:35 UTC
*pulls you from under the bed and makes you take some well deserved praise*

I can say with total confidence that you are my hero. I just keep thinking of you, and what you did with New Moon as I write and rewrite parts of Twilight. It's so utterly draining.


audreyii_fic January 19 2011, 02:45:36 UTC
*keeps blushing*

Honestly, I try not to think about it too hard. Not too difficult, given that large portions of the experience have been blocked out. (Of course, now that I'm outlining the sequel some of the memories are coming back, and I have to suppress a long scream.)

Seriously, take breaks.


willow2883 January 19 2011, 06:21:49 UTC
Pssst, I can't help asking. I'm trying to be patient, but I keep seeing on Twitter and here and there about this sequel - and - I need it NOOOOWW. So when can we be expecting a tease? A sneak? A preview? A first chapter? Something?????
Not to be pushy or anything. :P


lita_cena425 January 19 2011, 02:37:32 UTC
I have no problem with rewrites. I think it's a natural occurrence. It's the delivery of rewrites that causes problems ( ... )


runningsissors January 19 2011, 02:46:26 UTC
yesyes do not fear, this all made perfect sense to me :)


lita_cena425 January 19 2011, 03:13:59 UTC
Okay, just making sure cause I tend to ramble a lot and while it makes perfect sense to me while typing it, sometimes I cringe on a re-read of it.


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