LJ Idol Topic #26c: Open Topic

May 22, 2011 03:02

The Ducal Council Chamber of Volterra was a sea of grave and stony faces ( Read more... )

lj idol, fiction

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Comments 16

comedychick May 23 2011, 03:52:17 UTC
Now that was a great ending!


the_vernacular May 23 2011, 04:00:14 UTC
Thank you! I got the idea from the song lyrics; the end of the song is, "her safety now concerns me; her circumstance to blame..." and thinking of it in this context was part of what made me want to write a story about it.


amenquohi May 24 2011, 14:47:25 UTC
I feel like Oliver Twist. I want MORE. Great story!


the_vernacular May 25 2011, 18:10:38 UTC
Oh, no, now I have to sell you out of the orphanage! Thank you!


alephz May 24 2011, 15:56:15 UTC
Well, when you can't GET a miracle, I suppose it IS best to make one.


the_vernacular May 25 2011, 18:10:54 UTC
God helps those who help themselves!


joeymichaels May 25 2011, 10:27:34 UTC
I really do like song-inspired stories. Most lyricists leave a lot of room for interpretation in their lyrics, which gives the rest of us the opportunity to fill in details and pieces. I love what you did with this one - I think you genuinely enhanced my enjoyment of the song. Nicely done! Hurray!


the_vernacular May 25 2011, 18:11:54 UTC
Yeah, and I could be all day with a song and probably come up with three different stories based on it.

Thank you so much. It's a beautiful song and I wouldn't want to ruin it.


mstrobel May 25 2011, 11:41:00 UTC
Aaahh. That. Was. Awesome!


the_vernacular May 25 2011, 18:12:07 UTC
Thank! You!


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