Title: The One True Free Life (22/26)
Characters: Alt!Ten/Rose, and everyone else I can cram in to the Alt!Verse, plus several OCs
Rating: Teen
Spoilers: Everything
Disclaimer: It would be a very different, and possibly quite upsetting, world if I owned these characters. For the sake of the world's children, I don't.
Summary: When Rose and Alt!Ten
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Comments 13
I'm also assuming the Doctor isn't going to tell her about what really happened to Donna--or has he? I'm starting to confuse my post-JE fics...
He hasn't told her. You know, the sick sad part is that I confuse my post-JE fics too...up to and including ones I myself have written.
Okay, so now they're using the zeppelins as opposed to the satellites. Clever, clever Liberty creeps.
Great story, always a highlight of my day, and you update so regularly its really amazing so thank you for that.
I love these guys. All of them. Except, you know, that bad guys. And Pete! Always love Pete. Brilliant work! The monkey's uncle thing was amazing. "Monkey's uncle? No?" VERY Ten.
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