Title: Secrets and Hope - (5/9)
Characters/pairings: Ianto, Jack, Gwen, Rhys, Andy, various other characters introduced in CoE. Jack/Ianto and Gwen/Rhys
Rating: PG, maybe pg13ish in places.
Genre: Happy eneded angst, hurt/comfort.
Summary: As Torchwood rebuilds following the events of CoE the government are still keeping secrets and it's
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Comments 8
Jack and Ianto will be together again eventually, and there will be but kicking, although not neccessarily in that order.
Poor Jack, still feeling so low and not knowing that Ianto's alive. Can't blame him for still being angry with the Doctor though. And poor Ianto, stuck in that awful place over Christmas with only his memories to sustain him. He has to try and hold onto hope. If Jack knew where he was he could teleport to the rescue, but he doesn't even know Ianto is alive. It's so sad! Great chapter, though. The Retcon link is intriguing!
I agree about the Doctor disabling Jack's vortex manipulator - it seems rather petty since it's Jack's own equipment, which he's been fully trained to use and which could help him in his work protecting Cardiff. If he could just teleport to collect stuff that comes through the rift it could be collected faster, before any unsuspecting passer-by gets their hands on it, plus it would keep his team safer. And Jack's right, with the teleport Tosh, Owen & Ianto (and therefore probably Steven) would still be alive. The Doctor seems to selfishly want to be the only one capable of making the big rescues, but then he isn't there when he's needed and Jack loses everything he cares about (well, at this point he still thinks Ianto is dead). I will wait in patient anticipation for the next part, because however long this takes I know it will be worth the wait!
To really research how & why the others were given Rectcon, Ianto needs to be able to get into the TW database. Which, of course, should alert the others that someone is hacking in (because his passwords, etc would have been shut down w/ his "death") and TW can trace it back & come rescue him.
Can't wait for the next update.
Things are going to start happening/being a bit more action based next chapter, as the story gets past the point shown at the end of CoE, and I don't have the awkward 6 months later part to contend with anymore.
Next update should be at the weekend.
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