It's the most wonderful time of the year...

Jul 06, 2012 22:04

And I ain't talking about Christmas! Or my birthday, or Halloween...

I'm talking Comic-Con! A week from today I'll be back in San Diego for the first of my two days at con for 2012. Looks like this year I will be able to meet up with the wonderful krisrussel (who I previously met at the 2011 Creation Stargate con at LAX with TORRI HIGGINSON!!! WOOT!) And lo ( Read more... )

comic-con, good times, fandom

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Comments 4

lanna_kitty July 7 2012, 06:13:14 UTC
x_x I don't know I'll be going this year. I have my pro ticket and even have a free guest pass for someone! .... but I have nowhere to stay if I made it, and no time off (though I could possibly fudge a friday) but still doesn't resolve staying issue. *huffs*

would it be a HUGE inconvenience if I could somehow arrange for you to get two of the comicon my little ponies for me? *huge eyes*


the_scary_kitty July 7 2012, 20:17:15 UTC
Crap, and I would've loved to meet you too! :( Oh well, maybe next year. *hopeful look*

I could try to track down the ponies, but I know I won't have a lot of time in the exhibit hall; Saturday's out because I'll be camped in Hall H all day until after the exhibit hall closes, and Friday I'm in panels until almost 6, and I can only assume the daily allotment will probably be gone by then. Drat. :(


ugahill July 10 2012, 12:14:36 UTC
I expect daily reports! I'm jealous...I've always wanted to visit Comic-Con, especially back in the days that Zack Levi would haunt it. Have so much fun!


Is the website still up? That's good. *LOL*

I am a huge fan of Tony/Pepper too! Though only enough to watch what's going on in the movies ATM, not into comics. Comics are things I have no time for.


the_scary_kitty July 10 2012, 14:20:42 UTC
Gah, the comics are so convoluted (but then, that's true of any long-running series) that I don't have the patience to try to keep everything sorted out. I got enough of a headache untangling the SG timeline for SGA Rising. ;) So I totally stick with just the movieverse as well; safer for my sanity that way, LMAO. :P

But OMG yes, Tony/Pepper FOR THE WIN!!! *\o/* Love them so much! *squishes them*

As for Comic-Con, probably going to do one big report when it's over, as I won't be getting back 'til late both days I'm there... But will likely be on Twitter and tweeting like mad! XD


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