Fic: Getting It Right

Jul 12, 2009 12:11

Title: Getting It Right
Pairing: John/Elizabeth UST
Rating: PG
Spoilers: First Strike
Warnings: none
Disclaimer: MGM/SyFy own it. But if I owned it, I'd treat it better than they have.
A/N: Written as a personal challenge for the GW Sparky thread's episodic post-a-thon.
Summary: AU extended ending to First Strike. Picks up right where the episode leaves ( Read more... )

sga, fanfic, sparky

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Comments 28

anuna_81 July 12 2009, 20:50:05 UTC
I just want to tell you that I have no time to read this story now, because, argh, workday tomorrow! But it's so great to see you publishing a fic, and I can't wait to read it tomorrow! *huggles*


the_scary_kitty July 13 2009, 03:05:34 UTC
You'll love it, darling! :D


anuna_81 July 13 2009, 04:10:24 UTC
Oh this was such a nice treat early in the morning. You have perfect banter, perfect character voices, perfect ending! You made THIS girl happy. My favorite bit? Elizabeth chewing out Ellis.


Well done! I just can't WAIT for your Big bang, it's going to be AWESOME!


the_scary_kitty July 13 2009, 16:53:08 UTC
Heehee! I figured you'd like the part where Lizzie got all snarly with Ellis. :P


yaboiksar July 13 2009, 00:45:32 UTC
Wonderful job!

It was just the right amount of episode feel with some sparky. Just a brief glance in time at them interacting with each other.

Very nice.


the_scary_kitty July 13 2009, 03:07:22 UTC
Thanks! I definitely wanted it to be more canonist in tone, in keeping with the episode, but still with some Sparky goodness. :D


rushingwind July 13 2009, 02:43:41 UTC
Excellent! :) Ah, if only this is how it had really unfolded! I love the bit where she dresses down Ellis while in the infirmary. Ah, Lizzie. How I love thee. :)

And the "pink marshmellow." :) Very Rodney. :)


the_scary_kitty July 13 2009, 03:15:09 UTC
This is the woman who bluffed three Goa'uld System Lords and eats IOA bureaucrats for breakfast. You betcha she'd chew out Ellis from her sickbed! LOL!

Thanks! :D


rushingwind July 13 2009, 08:08:12 UTC
YES. The woman had my respect when I watched "New Order" and saw her take the System Lords hostage. Elizabeth Weir is a very formidable woman, and one not to be taken lightly.


the_scary_kitty July 13 2009, 16:59:48 UTC
*nodnod* Absolutely. I'm glad she's on our side! :D


odakota_rose July 13 2009, 03:04:18 UTC
*flail* I needed that. And devious minds = win :D


the_scary_kitty July 13 2009, 03:16:54 UTC
Thank you! :)

Lizzie and John are the Queen and King of Deviousness. Had to get them showing off their mad mind powers somehow! Heehee! :D


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the_scary_kitty July 13 2009, 16:58:00 UTC
Thank you! Oh, if only the show could've been like fic, the world would be so much better...


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