nebris wrote in the_recession Jan 24, 2013 08:45
credit default swaps, credit rating agencies, derivatives, journalism, collateralized debt, global financial trainwreck of 2007-?, 52 week lows, fraud, mortgage applications, real estate bubble, bailouts, tarps gone wild, banking sector, anatomy of a meltdown, mortgage backed securities, the great crash of 2007-2009, economic collapse, loan defaults, bank lending, crime, 'capitalism', eliot spitzer, citigroup, class war, washington, 50 state slump, obama administration, rating agencies
cieldumort wrote in the_recession Apr 17, 2011 00:59
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matt taibbi, henry paulson, timothy geithner, federal reserve, eliot spitzer, goldman sachs, bush administration, fraud, obama administration, tarps gone wild