C&L: Stewart "Creams" Jim Cramer

Mar 13, 2009 03:21

Crooks and Liars:
Jon Stewart creams Jim Cramer on the Daily Show

By John Amato Thursday Mar 12, 2009 9:46pm

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(h/t Heather)

Jon Stewart made Jim Cramer look like a wounded puppy tonight as the CNBC host joined The Daily Show after a full week of back-and-forth.

It all started when Cramer got perturbed by a segment TDS did on CNBC's financial network (Jon Stewart Eviscerates CNBC and Rick Santelli ).

He was so mad that he showed up on a bunch of NBC shows crying about the way he was portrayed. Stewart really just said what all of America wanted to say to Wall Street: F*&K You!

Tonight we had the big face-off, the heavyweight bout, the Super Bowl square-off between CNBC's Jim Cramer and Comedy Central's Jon Stewart. Cramer was especially upset about being included in a segment TDS produced on the horrible and almost criminal reporting CNBC has been airing as THE go-to business network after CNBC's Rick Santelli attacked average working-class people who got caught up in the sub-prime mortgage crisis. Santelli dubbed them as "losers." Well, the only loser tonight was Cramer and CNBC.

Jim basically sat there, starry-eyed like a lost puppy, and was virtually silent throughout the three-segment show featuring him. He basically waved the white flag and said, "You got me."

Comedy Central had to edit out eight minutes of video to accommodate the show format, and it will be available on their website tomorrow.
Stewart's point was that Wall Street got fat off of all our pension plans, 401K's and long-term investments, while the "Fast Money" crowd cashed in our long-term investments -- and CNBC was complicit in the entire gambit...

I wonder if Rick Santelli will show his face on Stewart's set? Highly unlikely...

rick santelli, cnbc, jim cramer, the great crash of 2007-2009, fraud, jon stewart

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