To Have Him

Sep 09, 2009 20:25

Title: To Have Him
Author: Ru_salki99
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Chuck/Casey
Disclaimer: Chuck belongs to NBC/WB
Author's Notes: written for chonnyj for the whedonland Fic-Fest.
Summary: Casey watches Chuck sleep while contemplating his actions.

Casey sat and watched Chuck as he slept. He usually only did this through the bug and his equipment, not in the chair next to the bed he had ordered Chuck to go asleep in an hour ago.

They had ran.

The General had given, not Casey the order, but Sarah. Why she had given it to her, he’d never know as he, as far as he was aware, had never shown any weakness in relation to Chuck, where as she had, multiple times. But maybe that was just it, maybe it was a test and if she hadn’t gone through with it, he would then have had to step in and do the job for her.

Except he hadn’t.

He had been sitting, cleaning his guns, listening and watching another fake dinner date with the two of them, Chuck paying more attention to his iphone and the texts from his friends than Sarah. While she had methodically ate her meal before pulling out her favourite gun.

Casey hadn’t noticed at first, not until Chuck had screamed.

He didn’t even waste time looking to see what was going on, just grabbed his own gun and ran towards Chuck’s bedroom window. As he had climbed through, he could hear Chuck babbling, asking why, wanting to know why she was doing it, why now?

It was just as well really that he asked so many questions, that he was annoying as hell sometimes, as it had put Sarah off slightly, made her lower her gun just enough for Casey to get in there first.

Chuck had of course screamed again as Sarah’s blood splattered across the table and his shirt. But Casey didn’t give him a chance to dwell on it, grabbing Chuck running with him.

He had managed to calm him down in the car some, managed to get him to stop crying and understand just what was happening.

They had drove through the night, making their way towards the one place Casey knew no one would come looking for them. His parent’s home.

His parent’s actually hadn’t been living there since he was twelve. His father had went to prison and his mother had moved them both to his grandmother’s in the next state over, which was where she was to this very day. With his father dying in prison, there were no more traces back to the cabin, which was right in the centre of the woods anyway and could only be reached by foot.

The car they had stolen, they had pushed into a ravine about ten miles away before walking up the mountain to the place they would be calling home for the near future, Chuck moaning the entire way until they finally arrived five hours ago.

Casey wasn’t sure why he had shot Sarah, why he hadn’t just done her job for her and shot Chuck instead, life would’ve been so much easier if he had.

But then, Chuck would’ve been dead, and never mind that it would’ve been by his hand, but with Chuck gone, his life would not only be boring, but there would be no light in it either, no one to keep him going when times got hard. And he just couldn’t face that. He’d grown too used to it and wasn’t willing to give it up. Even if it did mean that they both had to live such a miserable existence.

Watching Chuck sleep, he looked so peaceful, completely different from the way he had been before he’d went to sleep, he’d been so full of pain and anguish then

“This is such a mess,” he quietly to himself as he rubbed at his tired face.

“Casey?” Chuck asked, his eyes opening to look up at him.

“Yeah?” Casey asked, schooling his face and sitting up straight.

“Why are you sitting watching me?”

Casey shrugged, “Not got anything else to do,” he said.

Chuck pushed himself up onto his elbows, “Are you okay?”

Casey sighed, “Yeah I’m fine Chuck,” he said as he stood up, “Go back to sleep.”

“Casey wait,” Chuck said, stopping him from going any further, “Sit back down.”

Casey sat back down on the chair as Chuck swung his legs round so that he was facing him, “I’m sorry,” he said.

Casey frowned, “What for?”

“I realised I haven’t said thank you yet. You saved me, you didn’t have to do that. So thank you, and I’m sorry I’ve not exactly been the easiest person to get along with these past couple of days, but I swear I’ll try harder from here on out.”

“You don’t have to apologise Chuck, I’d probably react the same,” he said with a dismissive wave of his hand.

“Still, you deserve some gratitude,” Chuck said as he reached out and placed a hand on Casey’s knee, relieved when it wasn’t hit away.

Casey stared down at the hand then back up at Chuck’s face, “Chuck?” he asked.

“Yes Casey?” Chuck asked, sliding forward slightly and in doing so, sliding his hand up Casey’s thigh.

“When you say gratitude, what exactly do…”

Chuck cut Casey off as he pushed forward and kissed him hard, startling him into silence.

At first, Casey’s mind was telling him to pull back, that Chuck was his asset and that this was inappropriate, but then he remembered, he wasn’t his asset anymore, they were just friends now, equals. This was very much allowed.

Chuck yelped slightly in surprise when Casey not only began to kiss back just as hard, but pushed him back down onto the bed, climbing on top of him. But as soon as he was settled back against the pillows, the reassuring weight of Casey on top of him, he calmed down and began to encourage Casey instead.

Chuck was already half dressed and he only thought it fair that Casey lose some of his clothes too and so quickly began to pull at buttons and zippers, trying to get Casey as naked as he could as quickly as he could.

As soon as they were both in nothing but their underwear, Casey halted, pushed up on his hands and looking down at Chuck. It was then that he realised why he could never hurt him, why he hadn’t been able to shoot him instead of Sarah. He wanted him. All of him, wanted him so much it hurt.

“John?” Chuck asked, gently cupping his face.

And now, he had him.

Letting his emotions lead him, Casey leaned down and kissed Chuck softly this time, his hand travelling down his body, taking in every dip and groove of skin, touching so slightly that Chuck began to shiver in need.

He reached up and wrapped his arm behind Casey’s shoulders, gripping onto his hair and kissing him hard before using his free hand to dip inside his underwear and take hold of his cock in his hand.

Casey gasped, his eyes falling closed slightly before he did the same, reaching down and wrapping his hand around Chuck. They took a moment just to get used to the feel of each other in their hands before they began to move their hands.

Leaning on one arm, Casey lowered his body to the side, watching their hands as the moved together, both of them gasping at the same time and hitching their hips in unison too. Chuck leaned forward for a sloppy kiss, before leaning his forehead against Casey’s, unable to pull back any further.

Working each other with talented fingers (Casey was rather surprised just how good Chuck was) it didn’t take long before they were both groaning, pushing their hips together, their cocks pulsing off the other as they emptied themselves onto what Chuck soon realised was his t-shirt, but then he couldn’t really bring himself to care either.


pairing: chuck/casey, rating: nc-17, fic: chuck

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