The Good Things in Life

Sep 09, 2009 20:10

Title: The Good Things in Life
Author: Ru_salki99
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Disclaimer: Supernatural is property of CW/WB
Author's notes: Written for ozfroggirl for the whedonland Fic-Fest.
Summary: After his Grace is torn from him, Castiel is given to Dean to deal with.

As the light got brighter, Dean grabbed onto Sam, preparing for the worst. Lucifer was coming, they were trapped in here and Lucifer was coming and there was nothing they could do to stop it.

“You got a weapon?” he asked Sam.

“No,” Sam told him. He hadn’t needed a weapon before, so he had come unarmed.


“Oh no need to worry about that Dean.”

Spinning, Dean and Sam froze at the sight of Zachariah standing behind them.

“And why the hell not?” Dean asked as Zachariah stepped towards them.

“Because, when he finally rises, you won’t be here.”

Dean frowned and was just about to lash out at him with the knife when Zachariah reached out and tapped them both in the head. He blinked reflexively and when he opened his eyes, he was more than a little surprised to find himself sitting in the very spot in Bobby’s living room where he had been two days ago.

“What the hell?”

“Bobby?” Sam asked as Bobby came running into the living room, rifle aimed right at them.

Of course, they had sort of crash landed onto the floor rather than just appearing, and with it being the early hours of the morning and all, Bobby had no doubt been asleep.

“No, Santa Claus,” Bobby said as he lowered his gun, “Course it’s me… idjit!”

“Yeah, sorry,” Sam said as he turned and helped Dean up onto his feet. When he turned back round, he was hit with about a litre of water, holy water, “Bobby?”

“What?” he asked, “Can you blame me?”

Sam sighed and looked down at the floor, “No,” he admitted.

“What the hell happened to you anyway?” Bobby asked Dean, splashing him in the face too.

Wiping his face, Dean said one thing, “Angels.”

“Angels?” Sam and Bobby asked at the same time.

“They took you?” Bobby added.

“Yeah, wanted to keep me out the way to make sure Sam killed Lilith.”

“They knew?” Sam asked, horror flooding his face.

“I take it you didn’t stop it then,” Bobby said, noting Sam’s demeanour.

Dean shook his head, “Apparently, this was all God’s plan,” he said, ignoring the confused look creeping onto Bobby’s face, “Pile of shit if you ask me.”

“If the angels had you, how did you get away?” Sam asked.

“Cas. He helped…” Dean went quiet for a moment before turning away from the both.

“Dean?” Sam asked gently, “Where’s Castiel?”

“I don’t know,” Dean admitted, “Last time I saw him, the archangels were coming to smite him. He uh, he sacrificed himself to stop the apocalypse, to stop you.”

“God Dean, I’m so sorry,” Sam said, tears making their way into his eyes.

Dean just nodded and turned back to Bobby, taking a deep breath before speaking, “It’s…”

All three of them ducked at the same time, covering their eyes as an awful screeching deafened them and blew out the windows. A bright light started to appear and they automatically screwed their eyes shut too.

At first, Dean thought it was Lucifer, thought he had followed them back here. But as the light dimmed and screeching disappeared, the soft sound of ragged breathing and pain filled whimpers hit his ears. Looking up, he almost fainted at the sight in front of him.

Lying in the middle of the wooden floor, completely naked, covered in broken glass and panting was Castiel.

“Cas?” Dean asked, scrambling over to him and paying no mind to the broken glass that was cutting his hands, “Cas you okay?”

Castiel looked up at him and as soon as his eyes met Dean’s, Dean knew. Knew what they had done.

“Oh God Cas,” he muttered as he leaned down and pulled the now weeping form into his arms, “I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry.”

Castiel clung to him, the tears falling freely as his body shook with anguished sobs, a bodily function that was completely new to him and unable to control.

“Dean?” Sam asked, coming to stand in front of him.

“He’s human,” Dean explained, looking up at him, “Damn bastards took his Grace.”


Castiel was sat on the window ledge, staring out into the dark night at the vehicles piled high in Bobby’s yard. He’d never really noticed them before, they had always seemed so miniscule, but now, it felt like they went on forever and ever, that there was no end to them.

He could hear the other three downstairs, arguing, again.

After Gabriel had ripped his Grace from him, Barrachiel had dumped him here, at Bobby’s, with Dean. He could have put him anywhere, Gabriel had just told him to get rid of him, but Barrachiel never did have the mean streak that all the other Archangels had, Uriel used to say he was ‘soft’. So he was at least thankful for that as he knew Dean would look after him, would help him adjust. Or at least, he hoped he would. He wasn’t sure what he would do if he didn’t.

But then, Dean had brought him up here, had cleaned up his cuts, had given him some clothes to wear and put him to bed, telling him to rest. He was already helping him, so it was doubtful that he would stop.

He had been up here ever since, listening as the other three argued about what to do about him, Lucifer, Sam, the world. It was tiring just listening to it, he could only imagine what it was like actually taking part in it.

The arguing had stopped now though. Instead there was only the sound of soft footsteps making their way along the hallway towards his room, to Dean’s room. And sure enough, seconds later, the door creaked as it was opened.


Castiel didn’t answer, or turn round, just continued to stare out at the dark.

“Can I turn a light on?” Dean asked him.

When Castiel didn’t reply again, Dean closed the door behind him and walked over to the bed, turning on the bedside lamp there, allowing a soft glow to emanate throughout the room before Dean made his way over to where he was sat.

“How are you feeling?”

“Human,” Castiel told him, his voice no longer having that low rumble that Dean had grown used to. In fact, he sounded more like Jimmy than anything else. Jimmy. What had happened to him? Had the angels taken his life in order to give Castiel his body? He figured they must have. Bummer.

“Are you hungry?” Dean asked him, “You didn’t eat much at lunch…”

“I’m fine, thank you.”

“Cas, you gotta eat…”

“I’m not hungry,” Castiel said, interrupting him.

Dean sighed, “Fine. But here, you’re drinking some water. I don’t need you dehydrating on me.”

Castiel finally turned and looked at Dean, noticing that he was carrying a glass of water and a plate with a sandwich on it. He now felt guilty for refusing to eat as it was clear that Dean had went to some effort to scrape together something for him from Bobby’s limited stock.

“I apologise,” he said, “I think I will try to eat something.”

Dean smiled, seemingly happy with that and held out the plate for Castiel to take from him before sitting down on the ledge in front of him, “It’s nothing exciting I’m afraid. Bobby don’t have much right now.”

“No. It’s fine,” Castiel said, “And besides, I think it’s a bit early for me to have become a fussy eater already,” he added as he raised the sandwich to his mouth and took a tentative bite, chewing it thoroughly so as not to choke like he had earlier that day with his lunch.

“Yeah, none of us can really afford to be fussy, although Sam does try,” Dean told him, handing over the glass of water.

Castiel took the glass gratefully, taking a large gulp, having not realised just how thirsty he was before, “How is Sam?” he asked as he set the glass back down.

Dean shrugged, “He’s cried a few times. Feels like this is all his fault, that he should’ve known better than to trust a demon, that if he hadn’t gone off with her then you’d still be an angel.”

“It was his destiny, just like it was yours to break the first seal, there was nothing he could do to stop it,” Castiel told him.

Dean didn’t reply at first, watching as Castiel took another bite of the sandwich, “What about you?” he asked.

“What about me?”

“How are you feeling? I mean, this is your destiny right?”

Castiel sighed and lowered the rest of the sandwich back onto the plate, “Yes, this is my destiny but…”

“But what?” Dean asked, placing a gentle hand upon Castiel’s knee, “What is it?”

“I think I’m lonely.”

Dean frowned, “If this is cause we’ve been downstairs all day, we just didn’t want to crowd you…”

“It’s not that,” Castiel interrupted, “I appreciate you giving me time to myself to… get used to myself. It’s just… I can’t hear them anymore.”

“Can’t hear who?”

“My sisters and brothers,” Castiel explained as he lowered his head, studying the crumbs on his lap, “My entire existence, I’ve been able to hear them wherever and whenever I have been in the world. But now, now there’s nothing. All I can hear now are my own thoughts and it’s so silent it’s deafening.”

Dean sighed, “I’m sorry Cas.”

Castiel didn’t reply, instead turning to look back out at Bobby’s yard.

“Look, it’s late,” Dean said as he stood up, “Try and get some sleep. I’ll be downstairs if you need me,” he added before turning away and heading to the door.

“Dean?” Castiel called.

“Yeah?” Dean asked, turning to face him.


Dean frowned in confusion.

“I know it’s not the same,” Castiel said as he stood, “But I don’t want to be on my own. Please, stay with me.”

Sighing, Dean looked down at the floor, “Cas I…”

“It’s okay,” Castiel said, “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have assumed…”

“Shut up Cas,” Dean said as he walked back over to him, a small smile on his face, “It’s the least I can do right?”

Castiel let out a huge sigh of relief. The thought of being alone all night terrified him, but if Dean was here then it would all be okay.

“Come on,” Dean said as he led him over to the bed, “We got a big day ahead of us tomorrow, you know, Lucifer hunting and all.”

“Is that the official name?” Castiel asked as he sat down on the bed, pulling back the covers and climbing in fully clothed.

“We’re still undecided,” Dean explained as he took off his boots, “Sam’s voting for Sam and Dean most Bogus Adventure.”

Castiel snorted slightly in amusement, surprising Dean with the fact that he actually got the joke.

“You might want to lose a couple of layers,” he pointed out as he unbuckled his belt, “You’ll be more comfortable.”

“Oh of course,” Castiel nodded, shimmying out of his pants and dropping them at the other side of the bed.

Dean shook his head in amusement and realised that Castiel was probably going to be a very untidy human. It would drive Sam insane. But he didn’t say anything, just lay down beside Castiel, both of them only wearing their shorts and a t-shirt. Turning off the light, Dean settled back against the pillow, not at all surprised when Castiel turned and wrapped himself around him.

He knew of course that to anyone else this would look a little suspect, him sharing a bed with another man. But he couldn’t bring himself to care. Castiel had been there for him a number of times, gave up his whole existence for him, so it was the very least he could do.

Wrapping his arm behind Castiel’s back, he reached up and began stroking his hair gently, hopefully soothing him so that he would be able to relax enough to fall asleep. It seemed to work, within minutes, Castiel’s breathing had evened out and his hold on Dean had loosened slightly as he slipped into unconsciousness.

Dean looked down at him, watching the way in which the moonlight coming in through the window lit his face, illuminating it in the most beautiful way. Yes Dean just did think another man was beautiful, there was just no other way to describe Castiel. Everything about him was beautiful, even more so now he was human.

Unable to resist any longer, Dean leaned down and placed a gentle kiss atop of Castiel’s head before letting his eyes fall closed and joining him in sleep.


Dean woke with a start, confused as for once it wasn’t one of his nightmares that had woken him, but Castiel’s.

He was clinging tightly to Dean, gasping for air, his tear streaked face so full of pain and fear.

“Hey, hey, what’s wrong?” Dean asked, using the pads of his thumbs to wipe his cheeks dry.

“It was… Michael. He was terrifying, so full of wrath. And he, my wings, and his sword… it wasn’t real was it?”

Dean shook his head and stroked a gentle hand through Castiel’s damp hair, “No Cas. It wasn’t real. It was a nightmare.”

“I don’t think I like nightmares,” Castiel said quietly, leaning into Dean’s touch.

“I don’t know anyone who does,” Dean admitted.

“Is it always this painful?” he asked as he lay on his side, facing Dean, “Sleeping? Is it always this bad.”

Dean shifted onto his side, one hand holding onto Castiel’s, the other continuing to stroke his hair, “No. Sometimes, dreams can be the most amazing thing you’ll ever experience. It’s just, with us, we’ve experienced a lot of bad things, so that’s what is gonna be on our minds when we sleep and so we have nightmares.”

“How do we experience good things?” Castiel asked, “I want to dream about them.”

Dean blushed slightly, glad that there was very little light in the room so Castiel wouldn’t be able to see, “Depends,” Dean said, “What kind of good thing?”

“I don’t know,” Castiel said, not knowing what he would think of as a good thing, “What are your favourite things to experience?”

Dean’s mind immediately went to the gutter, making him withdraw his hand from Castiel’s hair and instead pulled the covers up to their shoulders before letting his hand settled between them.

“Well, there’s food,” he said, “Burgers, pie, good coffee. Music is good too.”

“Music?” Castiel asked, “What kind of music?”

“That all depends. What I like will probably different from what you like, although I’ll be very disappointed if you don’t at least appreciate the awesome skills of Jimmy Page.”

“Who?” Castiel asked with a frown.

“Who? Are you kidding me? You know all about Bill and Ted, but you don’t know who Jimmy Page is?” Dean asked in horror as he sat up.

“Dean, I was joking. Of course I know who he is,” Castiel said, a small smile creeping onto his lips.

“Oh. Well I guess that’s alright then,” Dean said as he lay back down, wrapping the covers around them once more and curling his arm around Castiel’s body, pulling him close and happy to see a smile on his face.

“So what else do you enjoy?” Castiel asked quietly, his breath ghosting over Dean’s cheek.

Dean looked down at his parted lips where and then back up into Castiel’s eyes. There was a certainty there, a determination that was almost hidden by the lust that had appeared. And Dean knew then that there was nothing he could do to resist any longer.

Pushing forward, he closed the gap between them, pulling Castiel into a soft, heated kiss.

Castiel moaned softly into the kiss, his hand going up to wind through Dean’s hair and hold him close. He may not have done anything like this before, but he had witnessed it many a time and so was able to follow Dean’s lead quite admirably. Dean rolled on top of Castiel, settling in between his legs and deepening the kiss as one of his hands worked its way up and under Castiel’s t-shirt to gently tease the soft skin there.

The feel of Dean’s gentle finger tips on his skin, made Castiel shiver and arch up against him in desperate need.

Dean didn’t protest, didn’t tell him to slow down, instead pushing himself up onto his knees and pulling his t-shirt up and over his head before reaching down and doing the same to Castiel.

As his t-shirt was thrown away, Castiel remained sitting upright, wrapping his arms around Dean’s waist and reaching up to kiss him again. Dean settled his hands on Castiel’s shoulders, flexing his hips slightly when he felt Castiel’s hands skim over his ass, gently kneading the flesh there before he hooked his fingers into the waistband of his boxers and began to remove them.

He let Castiel push them down as far as they would go before pushing him back so that they were laying down again. He kicked his underwear off the rest of the way before attacking Castiel’s, pulling it off of his slim hips and revealing his proud cock.

Dean couldn’t take his eyes off it. Like everything else about Castiel, it was beautiful and unable to resist, he slowly began to lick his way up Castiel’s thighs and across his hip before settling above his cock. Glancing up, he locked eyes with Castiel quickly before lowering his mouth and placing a soft, wet kiss onto the head.

Castiel gasped, his hips bucking up of their own accord, desperate to feel more. Dean didn’t tease him any further though, lowering his head and taking as much of his cock into his mouth as possible.

Dean smiled inwardly as he heard Castiel swear to quietly before muttering away in Latin. He would have to ask him later what it was he was saying, but right now he was too busy, sucking on Castiel as hard as he could while remaining gentle and just doing his best to give him his first good memory.

Being new to this, it wasn’t long before Castiel’s cock was twitching inside of Dean’s mouth as he emptied himself down his throat. Dean continued to suck on him until he had gone completely limp and let him fall from his mouth with a loud pop before crawling up his body to kiss him.

Tasting himself on Dean’s lips was absolutely intoxicating and Castiel knew that he was already addicted to this.

“Was that a good enough experience?” Dean asked him, leaning down and placing soft butterfly kissed along his jaw and down his neck.

“Almost,” Castiel panted.

Dean paused and looked up in confusion, “Almost?”

“You didn’t climax,” Castiel explained, wrapping his hand around Dean’s still swollen cock as if to prove his point.

“This ain’t about me,” Dean explained, although he didn’t move Castiel’s hand away, “I don’t need to get off.”

“But I want you to,” Castiel whispered, “I want you to make love to me.”

Dean froze, “Cas I… you don’t want me to be your first.”

“Yes I do,” Castiel said, gently stroking his hand up and down his cock before leaning up for a kiss, “I can’t imagine being with anyone else.”

Feeling Castiel’s hands and lips on him, mixed with his words, Dean was unable to protest any longer, he just didn’t have the will power.

“Okay. Just, hold on,” he said as he climbed out of the bed, pulled on his underwear and ran from the room.

Castiel pushed himself up on his elbows, wondering just what Dean was doing and where he had ran to. He could see a light coming from somewhere down the hall and he guessed that he was in the bathroom, but what he was doing in there was anyone’s guess. Just as he was about to get up and go find out for himself, the light went off and he could hear Dean’s feet padding against the wooden floor as he made his way back into the room.

“What were you doing?” Castiel asked as Dean jumped back onto the bed and quickly shed his underwear again.

“Well, for us to do this, we kind of… well, we need a lubricant.”

“Oh,” Castiel said as realisation dawned on him, “Did you find some?”

Dean grinned and held up a pink bottle, “Sam’s hair conditioner, purely organic so you don’t need to worry about chemical reactions or anything.”

Castiel smiled, “Sam won’t be happy when he finds it missing.”

“Yeah, but complaining about it would mean he’d have to admit it was there - he thinks me and Bobby don’t know about it,” Dean explained.

Castiel grinned at him, reached up and pulled Dean down into a hard kiss. Dean melted into it, allowing Castiel to pull him down on top of him, and once more settled between his legs.

Dean indulged himself in some deep, passionate kisses, memorising every single little quiver of lips, every flick of the tongue that Castiel made, knowing that this was something that he shouldn’t ever forget, that he wouldn’t ever be able to forget.

However, before long, and with the feel of Castiel’s once more fully arouse cock pressing into his hip, Dean pulled back and reached for the conditioner. He was about to ask Castiel to roll over, but as he looked into his eyes, he realised he wanted to see him, wanted to see every expression his face made and so instead grabbed his pillow first and shoved it under Castiel’s hips.

Once he was ready, he grabbed the bottle and poured conditioner onto his fingers before reaching forward and breaching Castiel’s body. Castiel gasped and automatically clenched down around Dean’s fingers, preventing him from going in any further.

“It’s okay, relax,” Dean said, rubbing his hand up and down his thigh gently. Castiel nodded and willed his body to relax, loosening his hold on Dean’s fingers and allowing him to push in further, spreading the conditioner and preparing him to the best of his ability.

And then it happened.

“What was that?” Castiel panted.

“What this?” Dean asked, curving his fingers once more and making pleasure shoot through Castiel’s body.

Castiel let out a loud groan, unable to form any words in reply. Dean just smiled at him though and did it some more, waiting until Castiel was pushing down onto his hand before removing it. Castiel was just about to protest, when he felt the head of Dean’s cock pushing against his opening instead.

And then, Dean was inside him, filling him up and stretching him in a way that should have been painful but felt absolutely amazing instead.

As he buried himself deep inside Castiel, Dean had to stop and take a moment to get control of himself, otherwise it all would’ve been over far too quickly. He gripped on tight to Castiel’s hips, grounding himself and took a few deep breaths. Then Castiel reached up and trailed a finger down his chest, making him shiver.

Looking into Castiel’s eyes, Dean wanted nothing more than to kiss him. And so he did. Leaning down, he planted a sloppy kiss on his mouth, enjoying the feeling of Castiel’s hands as they wrapped around his shoulders. And then, he began to move.

He took his time, keeping his movements slow at first, paying more attention to Castiel’s lips and they way they felt against his own (he didn’t think he’d ever get tired of kissing him) until Castiel started to push back against him, flexing his hips in time with his thrusts, sending shockwaves around his cock and up his spine, making him push forward with greater enthusiasm.

As Dean began to pound into him, Castiel pulled his face away from his kiss and threw his head back, gasping for air. Dean then buried his face in the crook of his neck, his arms wrapped tight under Castiel’s body, holding him so tight that there wasn’t an inch of their bodies that wasn’t touching.

Feeling his spine tingle with the tell tale signs of orgasm, Dean’s hips sped up even more, Castiel grunting loudly with each one while the bed banged off the wall violently... there was no way Bobby nor Sam hadn’t heard them now. He didn’t care though, this felt too damn good to care.

“Dean,” Castiel moaned, arching his body one last time as pleasure swept through him once more.

Feeling Castiel’s muscles tense around him, his cock spilling his seed between their bodies, he couldn’t prevent it any longer.

Gasping and clinging onto Castiel even tighter, he slowed right down, emptying himself into Castiel’s warm body.

As they both came down from their pleasure filled high, Dean reluctantly let himself fall from Castiel’s body as he reached over the bed and picked up his boxers again and used them to clean them both up before allowing Castiel to pull him into a lazy kiss.

Lying down to the side, his limbs entangled with Castiel’s, they remained there, kissing each other for what felt like forever, fingers skimming over sweat covered skin, and soft words of affection spoken to each other. Eventually though, both of them began to feel sleepy once more and so curled up around each other.

But just before he fell into a deep sleep, Dean was woken out of his half sleep by Castiel speaking.

“So, now that we have that covered, what else do you enjoy?”


fic: supernatural, pairing: dean/castiel, rating: nc-17

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