Sleeping Concerns

May 28, 2018 01:18

Title: Sleeping Concerns
Characters: Dean, Jack and Sam, Dean/Sam
Rating: PG-13
Medium: Fic
Word Count: 575
Summary: Jack's having nightmares. Dean has a plan to help him out.

A/N: For stir_of_echoes because this whole verse (Jack's Two Dads) is yours. Thank you for your continued love and encouragement. [Spoiler for 13.23]Inspired by the Dean and Jack nightmare scene in showRead more... )

character: dean winchester, stir_of_echoes, pairing: dean/sam, genre: gen, character: jack, fandom: supernatural, genre: wincest, verse: jack's two dads, for the very lovely jules, genre: family, character: sam winchester, genre: established relationship, genre: schmoop, medium: fic

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Comments 23

stir_of_echoes May 28 2018, 00:39:24 UTC

Aw, man. I love this. You already know how much I love this line: “You, advocating for mental wellbeing and healthy sleeping patterns.” but I just want reiterate just how much! I know he’s sleeping better since having the bunker, but still, Dean’s sleep patterns are terrible. I like to think he became such a light sleeper because he was so attuned to Sam’s nightmares growing up. He learned to react to even the slightest sound ( ... )


the_rant_girl May 28 2018, 02:34:49 UTC
♥♥♥♥ THANK YOU MY LOVELIEST!! *snuggles and squees ( ... )


stir_of_echoes May 28 2018, 20:14:27 UTC
I love the line, it is so Dean, and yes, Sam would pull him up on it ( ... )


sandy79 May 28 2018, 02:02:32 UTC
Awww! I seriously love the "soft" side of Dean (which we get way too less in the show!), and the fact that he uses a baby monitor for Jack is just adorable. *happy sigh*

Sweetie, I love this verse, and I hope there's more coming in the future! With all the heartbreak the show has delivered (again) this season, we need all the fluff we can get!


the_rant_girl May 30 2018, 11:44:54 UTC
Aww thank you so very very much, hon!! I am so very pleased that you loved this *hugs* and it is my intention to explore more of the Dean, Sam and Jack relationship :D:D And it makes me grin like an idiot that you liked the baby monitor usage lol I think it is such a Dean thing to do, and like none of your new fancy digital crap, Dean's got the old school audio only monitors lol I actually really love the idea of him tinkering with them and fixing them up/improving them :D And yes I love this side of Dean too! Thanks again, hon!! ♥♥


runedgirl May 28 2018, 02:44:55 UTC
I don't know what I love most, the loving relationship between Sam and Dean or the adorable wonderfulness that is Dean being a parent to Jack. Either way, thank you!


the_rant_girl May 30 2018, 11:50:54 UTC
Aahhhh, YOU!! Thank you so very much, BB!! It makes me very happy that you love Sam and Dean's relationship here as much as Dad!Dean :D I love him so much!! ♥♥


supernutjapan May 28 2018, 03:34:28 UTC
Awww! That is beautiful. Love all the images - Dean punching Sam on the arm because he's embarrassed, Sam teasing Dean, Sam reading Harry Potter again because it's been a while, the image of Sam reading to Jack, and last but not least, Dean going in to comfort Jack, making sure Sam also gets his rest... <3<3


the_rant_girl May 30 2018, 12:03:57 UTC
*clutches heart* Thank you so so very much for this lovely lovely comment, it makes me very shiny!happy that you enjoyed all the moments *twirls and hugs* I just had this clear image in my head of Sam being unable to help himself with the reading on lol but it's all good he's got himself two bookmarks so that he doesn't forget where he got to with Jack ;D lol And haha you gots to be real careful bandying the "a" word around Dean lol but Sammy can take it. And extra giddy-love for you picking out Dean making sure that Sam's sleep doesn't get disturbed!! ♥♥


ennisjackdean May 28 2018, 06:05:23 UTC
Your schmoop is a bar high amoung bars. ♥


the_rant_girl May 30 2018, 12:05:22 UTC
Thanks, hon! ♥♥


ousoonerfan June 3 2018, 15:04:24 UTC
Love your icon! I'm a huge Ennis and Jack fan!


ennisjackdean June 5 2018, 10:10:23 UTC

I meant to answer. Sorry.
Thank you muchly. :)))


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