Oreo Chips

Jul 15, 2013 17:21

Title: Oreo Chips
Characters: Jensen/Danneel/Jared
Rating: NC-17
Medium: Fic
Word Count: 3962
Summary: Written for the very lovely and wonderful meesasometimes and her prompt: Jared and Jensen play strip poker...whether Jared bottoming is winning or losing is up to you! for the Bottom!Jared Comment-fic Meme Though I couldn't help but add Danneel into the mix ( Read more... )

character: jared padalecki, kink: face fucking, genre: pwp, kink: rimming, verse: oreo, pairing: jensen/danneel/jared, genre: au, comment fic meme, my darling girl, love you bb!, genre: threesome, character: danneel harris ackles, fandom: cwrpf, bottom!jared, character: jensen ackles, kink: fingering, genre: established relationship, genre: schmoop, meesasometimes, medium: fic

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Comments 16

linvro21 July 15 2013, 17:03:56 UTC
HOT! And I love how you write the three of them together :)


the_rant_girl July 15 2013, 17:09:28 UTC
Heee! =DD Thank you so very much! ♥!!


meesasometimes July 15 2013, 17:36:01 UTC
oh em gee!!!! You are a goddess for this :) GODDESS!!! So So So SWEET and charming and adorkable :P the personalized crumb sweeper, sulky Jared for the peanutbutter Oreos, Nelly....I'm sorry, it was all too perfect.

“You have no sense of whimsy.”

for whatever reason, that line was the sweetest little Danneel thing to say with just a hint of Buffy. AND YOU KNOW I LIKE THE HINT OF BUFFY ♥

sucking so sucktacularly....I'm going to use that phrase today.

tidiness is sexy.

Jensen would think that :)

I can't give you a higher compliment than to tell you that you could have ended it before the sex and I wouldn't even have cared. I LOVE YOU FOREVER NOW♥♥


the_rant_girl July 15 2013, 18:00:25 UTC
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! *tackles you to the ground and ravishes you with lots of licking and gropage thrown in* Thank you oh so very, very much BB!! I LOVE YOU SO FUCKING MUCH! FOREVER AND BEYOND! ♥!!

You have absolutely made my day! and god you have no idea how much I've agonised over this, like dude and I can't give you a higher compliment than to tell you that you could have ended it before the sex and I wouldn't even have cared. -- Now you tell me! lol *head.desk* I was tempted a couple of times haha, but I was determined to give you the sexy times LOL (I hope they were worth it haha ;P ( ... )


meesasometimes July 15 2013, 17:37:54 UTC
I obviously have misused my italics in the excitement of this story and poker and naked butt photoshoots...lol


the_rant_girl July 15 2013, 18:00:27 UTC
=DDDD bwa ha! I am so pleased you liked the naked butt photoshoot! heeeeeee! *lick you all over again* ♥!!


tmn1966 July 15 2013, 20:18:03 UTC
As you know, I love your sense of humor. The banter here is glorious. Jared being miffed that no one else knew how to eat a Twix correctly, and Jensen positive that no one likes crumbs (well, he does have a point there) and tidiness being sexy, and Danneel having all the best ideas.

And haha I love that Jensen leaves his sock on and that he and Danneel make Jared pick up all their clothes before they can go to the bedroom.

And I sooooo love the idea of the naked backside photoshoot with the quit clenching and having to do it right or not at all. Bwa haha

And of course the hot sexiness of the three of them followed by the complete snugglefest at the end.

Loved it, honey! Awesome job!!! ♥♥♥


the_rant_girl July 16 2013, 00:13:01 UTC
Ok take 2.0. It may not be as pretty as the first one LOL ;P ( ... )


peepingdru July 16 2013, 02:14:25 UTC
awesome my love<<<<33333

... )


the_rant_girl July 16 2013, 02:44:02 UTC
=DDDDDDD HEEEEEEEE! Thank you ever so much honeycakes *is what I say when I get in a Lorne mood* lol and heeeeee appropriate gif quotage *smooches* ♥♥♥


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