So hay, still not sure what I'm going to do for the 100th round of the linkies... but I'll think of something. And if not, I'll take the week off. One of those. This week, I'm got some residual links from Halloween, mixed in with the usual stuff. I realized I pulled a lot of videos this week, which can be equal parts yay and nay, so forgive me and
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Comments 5
I am the You of the omegle conversation. :D
a fun little thing to know about this related to that seemingly random end image:
this chat went on for hours and hours in the dead of night, and as it grew more epic, i decided i'd start posting it across some forums i frequent. now, it just so happened that the person I was speaking to turned out to be someone else on this forum, who came across my thread talking about it about half way through. he didn't let on though, right until the reveal of his userpicture right at the very end. so by chance, omegle had put two users of the same forum together for an epic journey, and by chance he happened to find out that it was me he was speaking to.
needless to say we were both incredibly surprised to learn the truth!
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