
Jan 01, 2007 12:58

Happy New Year, everyone! Turns out New Zealand's countdown started before everyone else, so no fair! D ( Read more... )

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Comments 10

spdavis January 1 2007, 03:27:12 UTC
I got your message! Couldn't reply because I ran out of credit. Also I was very drunk. Happy 2008!


the_outcasts January 2 2007, 08:53:04 UTC
You lie! You saw my message, and then had to drink more to handle seeing my name on your mobile screen. ;_; Then you went on a drunken rage because the stores were out of kababs. Confess!


mr_cullen January 1 2007, 03:33:37 UTC
Don't you do commisions and the like when you needs the munniez? Alot of people these days don't care for human charcacters at all. WHich is a shame really because I've seen alot of artists that draw humans just as well and sometimes better than they draw the likes of furries or whatever.


the_outcasts January 2 2007, 08:55:15 UTC
I mostly do the commissions for the sake of doing commissions. I really don't need the money (which is why I hardly pimp myself out), I just want to do them so I can get a bit of cash for my art. From other people. D:

I want to learn how to draw humans, though. Sometimes I get the urge to draw them for one reason or another, but then when I try they turn out so crap it's sickening. And then I get jealous of the artists I know that can draw them. And then I eat their babies!

So I have to learn for the sake of their babies! D:


mr_cullen January 2 2007, 12:44:16 UTC
Yes, think of the children.


puppetchaos January 3 2007, 05:38:57 UTC
Good thing I'm not planning on having children D:


orin January 1 2007, 22:13:06 UTC
... you could always socalise online! ONLINE socalising with like... people. Online. Where you don't have to leave your house even. Think of it! How novel. =D

@.@;;; Yeah. This has no point. Happy new year though~ =3


the_outcasts January 2 2007, 08:57:43 UTC
Socialise? On the Internet? You can do that now? :O X3 I've been doing that for years (in my own... special sort of way...) but now I'm a real life hermit. I need to see the world and pretend I can stand it, then come home to realise how under appreciated the Internet really is. D:

Have a Happy New Year, Orin. <3 (*hugs*)


keltyc January 2 2007, 02:13:59 UTC
Come socialize in Canada and freeze your Aussie butt off!


the_outcasts January 2 2007, 08:58:21 UTC

... Wait... that doesn't sound good.

Ah well, free trip to Canada, YAY! :D


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