(no subject)

Jan 01, 2007 12:58

Happy New Year, everyone! Turns out New Zealand's countdown started before everyone else, so no fair! D:

I was hoping to be home at midnight so that I could write out a "Happy New Year from Australia... the world didn't blow up so here's to another year!" post, but I wasn't here. I was at my aunty's. Turns out that barbecue was for today, not yesterday. >.>; (*awkward*)

Checking off resolutions I made last year:

- Get. a. new. job. (Well I DID have one... then stupid things happened)

- Achieve clear skin on my face. I'm hideous! D: (... Sorta happened?)

- Learn to drive, ya bum! (20 and not even a learner's permit. I don't care, but it's the waiting around that kills me) (I got my learner's permit! That's a good thing)

- Actually draw something amazing. Not just bloody standing poses. -_- (... I managed it once. With that Big picture with his sushi cart for that contest. And I won said contest, so it counts as amazing!)

- WRITE! DX (... Sorta. I was hoping to finish off my fics this year though)

- Survive. :p (CHECK!)

New resolutions:

Basically the same as last year's. Only this year I WANT TO LEARN HOW TO DRAW HUMANS! I hate not being able to draw them cool like everyone else I know. They always look so stiff and lifeless. Plus I need it for my mascot job; I hate turning down jobs because I'm crap at humans. >.<;

I also want to go out more. Socialising is interesting. :D

Now to get ready for the barbecue, that's TODAY and not YESTERDAY! D:
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