The end of the beginning...

Mar 14, 2007 15:41

Ok so...... big happpenings yesterday

But first of all - big thanks to 
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freedom, work, bakers delight, uni, spn, supernatural, j2, fic, friends

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Comments 3

sapphs March 13 2007, 05:15:08 UTC
There is some good tutorials in my memories if you look through. There is a specific one about how to turn layers into animations. I think it's called 'mini-movie icons' or something along those lines...

Supernatural was really good last night.

If you want another job you can always come work at the pizza place with me when I get bak :D


the_muso March 13 2007, 10:59:12 UTC
I saw that tute! Looks awsome and Ill have a closer look when I get a chance. Uni is hectic!
Cant wait to watch it tonight!!!!!!
Thanks for the offer! I think Im going to try and steer clear of food - try something new for a change. But big thanks aye
So far Ive burnt you these cds:
- Pink "Im not dead"
- The Fray "How to save a life"
- Jade McCrae's album
- Kelly Clarkson "Breakaway"
- Destiny's Child "#1 Hits"
.... not sure if you already have any of these ... but it doesnt matter... any requests, I may have the album and I can burn it for you...? If anything comes to mind, let me know.


steph_hime March 13 2007, 17:18:42 UTC
Croatoan is awesome! You'll love it


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