The end of the beginning...

Mar 14, 2007 15:41

Ok so...... big happpenings yesterday

But first of all - big thanks to 
sapphsfor putting photoshop on my laptop - even though I have no idea how to use it.... I really want to make animated icons.... any tips anyone?

Ok so yesterday .... I was at work (Bakers Delight) and to sum up the long long story in a sentence ... my boss went psycho for no reason and I walked out. But it was a bit more than that - everyone who doesnt work with me my boss is like totally insane, she has no idea about how to runa business and is totally biased for no apparent reason. So after 6 years of working there I finally decided enough was enough, I am so underappreciated there, I put in a 150% and she says that I am far from one of the best workers there (ha! so untrue. Egotistical but true)...
Said the funniest thing on the way out too...
"Good luck with business"
*smiles* finally free!

Anyways, sitting at uni now , missing out on a lecture (but this is totally justified as I cant understand the Greek lecturer who talks like an auctioneer - so I dont get anything out of the lecture anyways, I d/load the notes for it after). Just waiting for my last tutorial of the day, sitting next to my best mate Laura :) She's talking about sweet peas *confused*

But anyways....ok im gonna go..... and read SPN fan fic... preferably J2. *loves*

Am so excited about going home tonight cos I taped Supernatural last night cos I couldnt watch it last night - so I get to watch it tonight!!! I think its Croatoan! Hope its good ... wait, what am I saying , of course it will be good.....ahhhhhh time for Sammy and Dean love .... mmmmmm

Laters to you all

freedom, work, bakers delight, uni, spn, supernatural, j2, fic, friends

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