55 Days of BtVS: Day 16

Apr 26, 2016 22:36

Day 16: Favourite Non-Canon Ship

I don't have one I'm married to, but I definitely like relationships with some interest or tension. I've read a couple of cool takes on Giles/Anya, and I love how Barb portrays Dawn/Gunn. Since I headcanon Dawn as bisexual, I was really intrigued by a recent mention on tumblr of Dawn/Illyria, but I haven't seen any ( Read more... )

fandom: btvs, 55 days of btvs, meta

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Comments 29

velvetwhip April 27 2016, 03:00:59 UTC
She hasn't written Dawn/Illyria, but if you're looking for lyrical, poetic, and breathtaking Dawn femslash, you need to race right over to clockwork_hart1's journal and read, read, read. She's like no one you've ever read and her Dawn will leave you gasping.



red_satin_doll April 28 2016, 13:57:23 UTC
I second the recommendation of clockwork_hart1! Her stories leapt to mind as soon as I read this post.

kwritten is another master of all things Dawn and unusual pairings.


velvetwhip April 28 2016, 14:01:24 UTC
I should have thought of kwritten, but I have "springrolls" on the brain when it comes to her so I forgot about her excellent Dawn fic for a moment.



the_moonmoth May 1 2016, 02:23:01 UTC
Thank you! *adds to list*


shapinglight April 27 2016, 08:04:17 UTC
I implied Dawn/Illyria in something I wrote once - Last Dance, it was called. Dawn was Illyria's consort. Neither of them had a speaking role, though.


the_moonmoth May 1 2016, 02:24:53 UTC
It might've been that fic that got mentioned, you know. It's only a vague memory, but someone was talking about having seen the idea in a fic as a sort of passing mention iirc, and wanting it expanded on. It's a great idea! So much potential with the mystical elements of their natures.


shapinglight May 4 2016, 13:13:46 UTC
I agree. And maybe now I've managed to write some real, actual f/f and feel less daunted by it (in the sense of, not wanting to do it wrong and offend someone), I might return to the idea.


snogged April 27 2016, 12:24:08 UTC
Willow/Faith would have been fun to watch.


the_moonmoth May 1 2016, 02:25:36 UTC
Yeah, esp at that point in each of their arcs, they had so much in common, it would've been awesome.


brunettepet April 27 2016, 14:06:05 UTC
I would have loved some Willow/Faith in the show.


the_moonmoth May 1 2016, 02:26:34 UTC
I esp would've liked it in S7 I think. The parallels in their stories are legion, and they're at similar places by that point. It could've been incredibly powerful.


herself_nyc April 27 2016, 16:40:14 UTC
Yeah, Willow/Faith could have a lot of ummph.


the_moonmoth May 1 2016, 02:27:30 UTC
Not to mention - rivals to lovers. Something I think many of us are suckers for :D


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