55 Days of BtVS: Day 16

Apr 26, 2016 22:36

Day 16: Favourite Non-Canon Ship

I don't have one I'm married to, but I definitely like relationships with some interest or tension. I've read a couple of cool takes on Giles/Anya, and I love how Barb portrays Dawn/Gunn. Since I headcanon Dawn as bisexual, I was really intrigued by a recent mention on tumblr of Dawn/Illyria, but I haven't seen any fic for that pairing, alas. Possibly my biggest moment of yes omg THAT, though, was when someone (on tumblr again -- apologies, I forget who) pointed out how much more interesting a Willow/Faith storyline would've been in S7 than Willow/Kennedy. Again, I've never read fic for that pairing, but wow, that would've been something, and one of the many reasons I occassionally mull over doing a S7 re-write.

Index of 55 Days

fandom: btvs, 55 days of btvs, meta

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