55 Days of BtVS: Day 14

Apr 02, 2016 19:55

Day 14: Least Favourite Episode

Toss up between Inca Mummy Girl, The Puppet Show and The Pack tbh (season 1 had doozies). Going to go for The Pack for sheer yuck factor, though.

Cut for yuck... )

fandom: btvs, 55 days of btvs, meta

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Comments 24

velvetwhip April 3 2016, 00:06:40 UTC
I'm still upset that Xander got a free pass for how he treated Buffy and Willow in this episode.



the_moonmoth April 6 2016, 00:17:33 UTC
Yeah. They sure started as they meant to go on :-/


trepkos April 3 2016, 00:17:55 UTC
I hate puppets, but I managed to forgive Joss for the puppet show because of the end. The only good thing about The Pack (where they also annoyingly show African hunting dogs and call them hyenas - Willow would never be so dim) is some of the soundtrack.


the_moonmoth April 6 2016, 00:19:10 UTC
I hate the puppet episode for the crappy sexual-harassment-as-comedy rather than the puppet, per se, but those lines being delivered by a grinning plastic head sure don't get any less creepy D:


ericadawn16 April 3 2016, 04:02:21 UTC
Inca Mummy Girl will always have a warmer place in my heart than she does with most people because the following year, I was able to see a real Inca Mummy Girl on a school fieldtrip. It was so incredibly sad and amazing at the same time.

The Pack would probably have a bit more significance for a Once Upon a Time fan...whereas when I watched Once Upon a Time, it was like OH, it's that actor who used to play all the assholes on the WB!

To me, The Pack is the hardest to sit through of the ones you picked but worst ever...Double-Meat Palace. I had bad flashbacks to McDonalds and the only thing that helped was that the episode was SO BAD, SO CHEESY that my friends were literally hate-watching it...before we knew what that was.


the_moonmoth April 6 2016, 00:20:20 UTC
Different strokes, I guess ;) Though your McD's-related trauma does sound pretty bad *gentle hugs*


kikimay April 3 2016, 07:36:19 UTC
I don't mind Inca Mummy Girl that much. The Puppet Show is just a big NOPE because of that creepy puppet and this episode fills me with rage mostly because of free pass Xander.


the_moonmoth April 6 2016, 00:21:14 UTC
Inca Mummy Girl has some pretty icky racist BS in it, but on the whole, yup, those other two get under my skin much worse.


roses4tonight April 3 2016, 09:14:29 UTC
Thank you for reminding me that Buffy had to deal with possessed!Xander's attempted rape. Ugh.


the_moonmoth April 6 2016, 00:21:30 UTC
Ugh is the word


roses4tonight April 6 2016, 03:24:08 UTC
Indeed it is :/


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