55 Days of BtVS: Day 14

Apr 02, 2016 19:55

Day 14: Least Favourite Episode

Toss up between Inca Mummy Girl, The Puppet Show and The Pack tbh (season 1 had doozies). Going to go for The Pack for sheer yuck factor, though.

We have middle aged white guys in hokey “tribal” face paint being ebil.

Because Africa?

We have Hyena!Xander trying to rape Buffy. Because no heroine’s storyline is complete without sexual assault? Good to get that established nice and early, well done Joss.

(And he never bloody apologised for it afterwards, and no I don’t care if he was possessed, his body or whatever just did something way inappropriate to a girl he just met and the least he could do is express his dismay at having made her uncomfortable).

We have a bunch of new characters introduced that we never see again.

(I’m supposed to care about you… why?)

And we have the pushing of the Xander/Buffy unrequited love story line, which just makes me want to spork my eyeballs out (lol era-appropriate net lingo).

So all in all this episode is pretty gross, and I mean that in the good old-fashioned sense of the word, as in ewww, gross, I can’t bear to watch any more of this. It doesn’t even have the redeeming feature of being part of the season arc. It’s just a lame, no-good, very-bad episode.

Index of 55 Days

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