Happy April!

Apr 02, 2016 19:48

April is here! Woohoo! Blossom, warmer weather, and Camp NaNoWriMo :D

The last couple of days have been lovely and warm (21C both Thursday and Friday) and the trees and bushes seem to have been jump-started into flowers and leaves. So nice to see some green around again. Alas, it's forecast to snow tomorrow and Monday, and go back below freezing, but I'm hoping that's the last little cold snap for the season. Very optimistic, I know.

Nano is going well so far, all of two days in.I set myself the target of 500 words a day, but I'm hoping to treat that as a minimum. So far so good, and I am up to 1,400 words, though tomorrow is going to be busy. I've made a tentative plan to take myself into the big public library by Harvard on weekdays to do my writing. The walk to and from the T will be good for me, and Cambridge is a very nice place to be at this time of year. My old job used to see me out and about on foot all over Cambridge, and I do miss that part of it, especially sunny lunch breaks spent in Harvard Yard. So I went in yesterday, and it did take me a while because baby, and I got hungry, and the chair was uncomfortable on my back, BUT when it was hard to get going there were way fewer distractions and I ended up sitting there until it was done, which is all to the good.

I also had a little breakthrough with the story itself.There was a big climax in the action a couple of chapters ago, and since then everyone has been dealing (or not dealing, in Buffy's case) with the fallout. What I'm writing at the moment is the crux of that emotional resolution, and it's been really slow going because I just wasn't sure exactly how to unpick and untangle each thread. Luckily I have awesome betas who bonk me on the head when I get lazy (thank you, rahirah ;) ) and the killing of one of my darlings has led to a much more satisfying route through the quagmire (I think, at least). So I now know with much greater clarity how to round off this particular arc before coming to the next, which is the story's last. Yay :)

At any rate, with NaNo going on this month my posting will probably return to its hapharzard standard, meaning I won't be posting something every day for the 55 days thingamy, esp as today's is the last pre-prepared one I have. But then, I haven't reeeeally managed that so far either, so. New friends: this is how we roll, chez Moony.

Speaking of, I've been slowly shedding new friends from teragramm's friending meme as I get to know you all and see who I have things in common with. I should've mentioned it before, but my friending policy is very much easy come, easy go, so don't feel bad about defriending me if you want to. LJ should be a hobby, not the chore :)

And finally -- and completely unrelatedly -- today I have exactly 100 days to go until my due date.

navel-gazing, writing, camp nano 2016, pregnancy

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