55 Days of BtVS: Day 13

Mar 30, 2016 19:50

Day 13: Favourite Episode

OH NO I have not been looking forward to this one. It’s pretty much too hard to choose buuuuuuuuut… Okay, this is not the episode I think is technically the best, or sums up the show the best, has the best acting, or showcases all the characters, but the one I just love and could watch again and again is Fool For Love.

Cut for length )

fandom: btvs, 55 days of btvs, meta

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Comments 41

kats_meow March 31 2016, 00:04:09 UTC
::wild applause::

This eppy does it for me on every level. I've never tried to pick a favorite but this one might well be it.


the_moonmoth April 3 2016, 00:36:24 UTC
There are so many good ones, it's not an easy choice :)


velvetwhip March 31 2016, 00:15:20 UTC
I can see why you love this episode so much.



the_moonmoth April 3 2016, 00:36:41 UTC
Always love to share the love ;)


torrilin March 31 2016, 00:22:31 UTC
There's a lot I like in this one, tho I think it falls a bit flat without Darla. And as a history geek, it irritates me that the costuming is so sketchy in these two episodes. (And in the costume bits of Becoming too... The historic costuming just makes me so sad)

Tho by herself Nikki makes up for almost all the pissing and moaning I could do about costuming. Her Afro, so we know she's Black not just black, and that she's conscious. How intimidating she is. How she's dressed in a way that is pretty transgressive for the time, and suggests ties to the Black Power or Black Panther movement. Tons of characterization for a woman who doesn't say anything with words. And between her death date and Robin's age we know that if he was an accident, he was a wanted accident. Most likely he wasn't an accident at all. Subtle. And most of that *wasn't* in the script explicitly, it's all down to costuming and which stunt woman they cast. So for all my whining, sometimes the costume department blew it out of the park.


the_moonmoth April 3 2016, 00:38:32 UTC
Everything's better with Darla, it's true.

I don't know much about history beyond the broad strokes, but it even struck me as odd that William was at a Victorian evening do in a light coloured suit. I mean obviously they wanted to visually single him out, but wow, was that egregious.

I love everything you say about Nikki -- that's how you costume right, that's for sure :)


enigmaticblues March 31 2016, 00:33:01 UTC
I think I would have to agree. There were so many great moments in that episode, it really was (in a lot of ways) the episode that launched a thousand fics.


the_moonmoth April 3 2016, 00:39:17 UTC
it really was (in a lot of ways) the episode that launched a thousand fics.

*g* so very, very true :D


author_by_night March 31 2016, 00:39:09 UTC
I love your analysis. :)


the_moonmoth April 3 2016, 00:39:32 UTC
THanks :D


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