55 Days of BtVS: Day 11

Mar 28, 2016 17:51

Sorry for the little disappearance, folken. I got a stomach upset and then had a busy Easter weekend. At any rate, back on track now with this...

Day 11: Least Favourite Male Character

As I’ve already done Xander, I guess today is going to be a Riley Finn day.

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fandom: btvs, 55 days of btvs, meta

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Comments 29

thisficklemob March 28 2016, 22:27:54 UTC
Riley's face always bugged me -- it reminded me of a Cabbage Patch doll. But if anything I like him less as time goes by -- like the part where he insulted Buffy when she didn't want to date him, and argued with her about it -- and that's supposed to be romantic? Also his "women need to be protected" bullshit. Like, that's offensive even if Buffy's not the Slayer ( ... )


the_moonmoth March 28 2016, 23:01:10 UTC
it reminded me of a Cabbage Patch doll.

OMG SAME!!!!!! I didn't think they had those in the states though lol. Also the same about liking him less the more time passes -- the more I think about how he treated Buffy, the more pissed I get with him, sefish jerk.

I'd have a whole lot more patience for it if the show didn't take his side.

Exactly this. His whole "you make me crazy" speech is borderline abusive at best and yet we're still supposed to see him as this pure-hearted good guy.


thisficklemob March 28 2016, 23:06:36 UTC
Oh yes! Cabbage Patch dolls were a phenomenon in the U.S. in the mid-80s.

Apparently, Marti Noxon named Riley after her dog. That's a bad sign right there. :p


the_moonmoth March 28 2016, 23:07:47 UTC
Looool! Kinda fitting though *she says as a non-dog-lover*


kylathelurker March 28 2016, 22:29:32 UTC
Oh dear I hope the stomach upset wasn't anything serious! And despite all that you were still able to enjoy a fine Easter feast!

Was never a fan of Riley, but I think that was due in part to me having already seen S5 and been converted to Spuffy haha! But also he just felt too much like an Angel replacement. Maybe it was their similar appearance? That and his constant need to one up Buffy just left me rolling my eyes, like he couldn't handle the idea of being her consort, nevermind the idea that she's not his 'damsel in distress' to his primitive 'knight in shining armor' mentality. *headdesks*


the_moonmoth March 28 2016, 23:03:57 UTC
I think it was just something I ate -- it passed pretty quickly, at least :)

Yeah, definitely an Angel-clone, whether Buffy did that consciously or not. I also see it a lot in fic that she dated him (a normal guy) in an effort to please Angel and all his "normal life" crap, which... I can buy. Either way, not a stellar basis for a lasting relationship.


infinitewhale March 29 2016, 00:04:55 UTC

I think that could make sense before the reveal that he was in the initiative. After that, the normal life stuff doesn't really work.

I don't think she ever really tried to please Angel in choices. Owen and Scott were before the Normal life stuff. Angel was an anomaly, not the norm. If she wanted normal, there was a whole campus full of guys to date who weren't super soldiers.


brunettepet March 28 2016, 22:48:18 UTC
Riley. I always felt like he was a safe rebound guy so was never emotionally invested in him until he started making me angry by being so demanding during Joyce's illness and then not taking ownership of how he cheated on Buffy. I was happy to see the back of him and then unhappy he turned up all happy families to screw with buffy some more.


the_moonmoth March 28 2016, 22:57:27 UTC
I was happy to see the back of him and then unhappy he turned up all happy families to screw with buffy some more.

Exactly. The 'fuck you' she never deserved :-/


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the_moonmoth March 28 2016, 23:04:41 UTC
You might be in a minority in the comments here, then ;)


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spikesjojo March 28 2016, 23:46:36 UTC
But we need to have Riley supporters to balance out - so shout it from the rooftops....or just post here. :D


thenewbuzwuzz March 29 2016, 04:23:37 UTC
It's really interesting to see that a few people actively like Riley. I agree with them that other characters have also made hideous mistakes in their time. I think my main actual problem with Riley might be that he seems so bland.


the_moonmoth March 30 2016, 02:26:15 UTC
The sheer uninterestingness of his character is a big thumbs down for me, but also, the fact that the shitty things he does are never framed as shitty by the narrative. That really bothers me.


thenewbuzwuzz March 30 2016, 03:49:39 UTC
Oh, yes, that. Good point. Ugh.


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