55 Days of BtVS: Day 11

Mar 28, 2016 17:51

Sorry for the little disappearance, folken. I got a stomach upset and then had a busy Easter weekend. At any rate, back on track now with this...

Day 11: Least Favourite Male Character

As I’ve already done Xander, I guess today is going to be a Riley Finn day.

I don’t hate the guy, exactly, and I kind of shipped him and Buffy at the start, but ultimately he was a bit meh as a character and the way he went out… *shudders* I would’ve been happy never to see him again after that tbh.

Index of 55 days

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Aaaand just a little side note reminder that April is here in 4 days, and if anyone who has not yet signed up would like to participate in Camp NaNoWriMo*, let me know and I'll add you to my cabin** of awesomeness :)

*Like actual NaNo, but you can choose your own word target, anywhere from 10,000 - 1,000,000 words!

**Cabins are like cool little chat rooms where we can report our progress and cheer each other on. My cabin is mostly spuffy-themed, with one original novel so far. You also get a set of fun little stats for both yourself and your cabin :D

fandom: btvs, 55 days of btvs, meta

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