Hiho my girls!

Aug 16, 2006 22:55

We've reached 52 members! YAY! I'd like to welcome our two newest members, the awesome laurens_bonanza (known to some as the Il Divo Girl) and the equally awesome and talented chimosaIn honour of our new members, and by popular demand, the MAS proudly presents ( Read more... )

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Comments 119

kristiinthedark August 17 2006, 03:19:02 UTC
username: kristiinthedark

call me...: My name is irrevelant. Give me a nickname, dammit!

fandoms: Due South, SV

pairings: Fraser/RayK, Clark/Lex

Turn Ons: bondage, phone sex, talking dirty in general, rimming, Ray coming until his vision is blurry, Clark coming over and over, sex up against the wall, kitchen counter, desk, CAR, what have you. Also, delayed orgasms are especially yummy :D

Turn Offs: Most incest fic. Fic that says it going to be NC17, but then really isn't even an R.

Favourite Fics: Just about any dS fic by Speranza, just about any SV fic by Jenn.

Random Fact About Me: I wanted to be a journalist once upon a time. Even won several awards in competions against schools across the state. But the whole "deadline" thing did away with that dream. *g*


vibrantharmony August 17 2006, 05:49:51 UTC
I shall call you Squishy.


kristiinthedark August 17 2006, 13:39:37 UTC
Will you pet me and keep me as your very own?!?


nehellania August 17 2006, 14:34:31 UTC
I find fault with this "Squishy" plan. Harm can't keep you as her very own because you belong to all of us! *frowns*


digitalwave August 17 2006, 03:33:10 UTC
call me...:Dig, DW, Digital, Barbara
fandoms:SV, SPN, SG-1, DS, DCU, Harry Potter
pairings:Clex, J/D, RV/B, Dick/Roy, Kon/Tim, Bruce/Clark, H/D
Turn Ons:Kissing, touch, hugs, fireplaces, slow, intense sex with lots of build-up
Turn Offs:most incest fics, death fics, hurt without the comfort
Favourite Fics: Somewhere to be Flying, Yellow Means Slow, Of Bastard Saints & many, many more.
Random Fact About Me:I once helped deliver a baby in a truck's front seat when I still worked ER. Of course, I was young and limber then... ;)


kristiinthedark August 17 2006, 14:38:15 UTC
You helped deliver a baby? That is SO COOL!


digitalwave August 17 2006, 21:10:28 UTC
I helped deliver several babies. When I first got out of school I worked maternity for about a year and a half. So many wee ones were helped along. But, thankfully, only one of them was practically standing on my head to help deliver the one in the truck. :)


laurens_bonanza August 17 2006, 03:36:29 UTC

Username: laurens_bonanza
Call me...: Lauren. Or a nickname of your choosing, I've never really had a good nickname!
Fandoms: Horatio Hornblower, Battlestar Galactica, um, Il Divo? ;)
Pairings: Archie/Horatio, Archie/Bush, Archie/Edrington, Archie/Horatio/Edrington, Apollo/Helo, Adama/Tigh.
Turn Ons: tie!kink, pretty much anything really.
Turn Offs: Incest, violent non-con
Favourite Fics: anything by widget285, cimmerianwillow, commodorified, Janis Cortese, misskittie79 for Hornblower. Mmm, sailors.
Random Fact About Me: I'm leaving Canada in 10 days. I'm terrified and completely calm at the same time. And I'm a ridiculously huge Il Divo nut. I'm beyond saving.


bloodygoodgirl August 17 2006, 06:33:50 UTC
Apollo/Helo TOTALLY. Those two need to have hot life affirming sex in the worst way.

Adama/Tigh Hee!


laurens_bonanza August 17 2006, 13:55:16 UTC
The prettiness is enough to make your brain explode. Hopefully the sex will happen this season. After fat!Lee goes away.


bloodygoodgirl August 17 2006, 17:10:45 UTC
After fat!Lee goes away. I know, they make it look like he gained like 40 pounds or something. I love you Apollo, but I love you fit and halk naked.

I could totally see Helo and Lee getting together this season. Especially since the whole fleet is on the run and there's only a handful of people left. War makes for strange bedfellows.


voldything August 17 2006, 03:38:06 UTC
Username: Voldything!
Call me: Muni
Fandoms: SV, spn, csi, hp, hmd, goong, sugar rush, blablabla
Pairings: CLEX, harry/draco, remus/sirius, tom/mike, house/wilson and others I can't remember right now
Turn Ons: Many. All of them. I'm a scorpio, what do you people expect? An example: grand declarations (our friendship's going to be the stuff of legends asdfgjhfgdf *dies*)
Turn Offs: Incest even tough sometimes I read wincest (but I pretend they're not really related, so everyone's happy in the end)
Favourite Fics: *points at nearly 1000 recs* DON'T MAKE ME CHOOSE
Random Fact About Me: I just told a friend's ex "sure, I'll be your girlfriend, what are my benefits?" and I totally meant it.


nehellania August 17 2006, 15:20:13 UTC
Yay Muni! Hee. Of course you totally meant it. You're Muni. This explains everything.


voldything August 19 2006, 14:47:59 UTC
Hee, there even was a contract involved! I hope I never become a normal person.


(The comment has been removed)

nehellania August 17 2006, 03:38:25 UTC
username: nehellania
call me...: Jen is fine. I like Jen. It's my name, only shorter. :)

fandoms: DueSouth, SV, Bleach, SGA, VM, LOST, Alias, Highlander, HP, Buffy, Horatio Hornblower, House, etc.

pairings: heh. Clex, Fraser/RayK, McShep, Jack/Sawyer, Duncan/Methos, Harry/Draco, Sirius/Remus, Buffy/Faith, Angel/Wesley, Angel/Lindsey, Jack/Daniel, Ichigo/Rukia, House/Wilson, Veronica/Weevil, Veronica/Mac

Turn Ons: light bondage, handcuffs, femslash, kitchen-counter sex, up against the wall sex, kinky sex, sex with toys, etc.

Turn Offs: penises. (in fic when they're with other penises, fine. but I don't want them near me and het fic more than often freaks me out). heavy bdsm. Incest fic (sometimes), bad characterization, mean-ness.

Favourite Fics: I have many. I'll do a complete list another time. :D

Random Fact About Me: I used to be a Xenite. :)


nehellania August 17 2006, 04:21:39 UTC
and Mulder/Krycek, the X-Files goddamit. *frowns*


bloodygoodgirl August 17 2006, 06:43:46 UTC
Hee! I totally almost missed putting them in too. But how could we forget their doomed love?

And now I totally need to go get an X-Files icon.


nehellania August 17 2006, 15:00:17 UTC
I know! erin and I were just discussing their very doomed love last night! Oh the woe!


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