Hiho my girls!

Aug 16, 2006 22:55

We've reached 52 members! YAY! I'd like to welcome our two newest members, the awesome laurens_bonanza (known to some as the Il Divo Girl) and the equally awesome and talented chimosaIn honour of our new members, and by popular demand, the MAS proudly presents ( Read more... )

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nehellania August 17 2006, 03:38:25 UTC
username: nehellania
call me...: Jen is fine. I like Jen. It's my name, only shorter. :)

fandoms: DueSouth, SV, Bleach, SGA, VM, LOST, Alias, Highlander, HP, Buffy, Horatio Hornblower, House, etc.

pairings: heh. Clex, Fraser/RayK, McShep, Jack/Sawyer, Duncan/Methos, Harry/Draco, Sirius/Remus, Buffy/Faith, Angel/Wesley, Angel/Lindsey, Jack/Daniel, Ichigo/Rukia, House/Wilson, Veronica/Weevil, Veronica/Mac

Turn Ons: light bondage, handcuffs, femslash, kitchen-counter sex, up against the wall sex, kinky sex, sex with toys, etc.

Turn Offs: penises. (in fic when they're with other penises, fine. but I don't want them near me and het fic more than often freaks me out). heavy bdsm. Incest fic (sometimes), bad characterization, mean-ness.

Favourite Fics: I have many. I'll do a complete list another time. :D

Random Fact About Me: I used to be a Xenite. :)


nehellania August 17 2006, 04:21:39 UTC
and Mulder/Krycek, the X-Files goddamit. *frowns*


bloodygoodgirl August 17 2006, 06:43:46 UTC
Hee! I totally almost missed putting them in too. But how could we forget their doomed love?

And now I totally need to go get an X-Files icon.


nehellania August 17 2006, 15:00:17 UTC
I know! erin and I were just discussing their very doomed love last night! Oh the woe!


kristiinthedark August 17 2006, 14:46:58 UTC
Penises, but only when they're with other penises.

Have I told you lately how much I love you?


nehellania August 17 2006, 15:03:16 UTC
Yes. But it's always nice to hear.


complicat August 17 2006, 22:28:40 UTC
Penises are just funny. I mean, clearly they have their uses, but looking at them just makes me giggle. Which is probably kind of offputting to the penis-owner so I try not to actually giggle out loud when confronted with one. And in fic sometimes they are described as such awe inspiring objects of beauty....no, no. They're ugly and funny!

Yeah...it's no wonder men don't want to sleep with me.


nehellania August 17 2006, 23:17:51 UTC
HEE! They are ugly and funny yes.

Well hey. All you really need is the one. And you've got him, yes? So you're golden. :)


vibrantharmony August 18 2006, 18:31:30 UTC
Nobody had better walk by me while I'm reading this conversation, or I'm going to get myself banned from the library, dude. :P


nehellania August 18 2006, 18:33:31 UTC
well nobody was forcing you at er...gunpoint to read it now were they? :p


vibrantharmony August 18 2006, 18:36:42 UTC
No, but where else am I going to read it? I'm not about to wait 5 days to read all the MAS gossip, am I??


nehellania August 18 2006, 18:37:59 UTC
Hee. I suppose you have a point there. Though we're not all that gossipy. REALLY.


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