Bound | Aphro-rising

Jan 11, 2012 04:00

Much like any other time in the hotel, the things done had been done while in the deep confines of sleep. Though her nights had been lonely recently, she had done what she could to ignore any of the rising heat on her face and between her legs. But the hotel was unforgiving in such a manner where it continued to persevere until another victory ( Read more... )

series: d.gray-man, pairing: f/m

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gray_walker January 11 2012, 13:50:25 UTC
Allen wasn't stupid. He could tell what kind of place this was from the first distant moan to reach his ears. Having lived with Cross during his years in training, Allen had been through countless brothels and whorehouses. He knew the scents, the sounds even the feel of one of the mistresses of pleasure. That was more recent to the date when Cross sent him away. That is why he kept his face down, ignoring everything and everyone as he tried to summon the song of the Ark in his mind to escape this place. Even though he had promised to never use it again after leaving the Order that faithful night ( ... )


gray_walker January 12 2012, 11:01:11 UTC
Allen frowned faintly. If she could read him, he could definitely read her.

"That's not true is it Lenalee? There's something more." Allen said kindly but firmly. He needed every information he could get if he was to get Lenalee out safely.


sanctus_memoria January 12 2012, 11:10:51 UTC
Quiet for a moment, Lenalee weighed the burden of the words and took a deep breath.

"This place..." She started before her tongue swept over her dry lips. "You can feel it, can't you?" She asked quietly as her head turned towards him. "This hotel does not let people go so easily...The only way to really be free of these bounds are-..." She did her best to consider her next words. "to have sex."


gray_walker January 12 2012, 11:46:39 UTC
That deepening silence she could hear was the sound of Allen's mind grinding to an abrupt halt as Lenalee's words traveled throughout his mind.

"But....that's...ridiculous. That's inhumane! Something...something like that..." It was a good thing Allen was already sitting down or he would have probably tripped to the floor with how dizzy he felt with the revelation. Sex and Lenalee were two words he never dared to put in the same sentence. She was too important to think of in such shameless ways.


sanctus_memoria January 12 2012, 11:49:15 UTC
"I know." She huffed as she leaned back heavily to the bed, finding the situation cruel. "I wouldn't of said anything if I wasn't sure of everything. This is the hotel's plan and always its intention." She said quietly as her eyes closed behind the mask that decorated her face. "Often it even puts two strangers together in order to complete this... How is that fair?"


gray_walker January 12 2012, 11:53:52 UTC
Lenalee's words only served to fill him with more dread and outrage but what really made his blood boil was the implication of her words and her in depth knowledge of the hotel.

"...This....has happened to you before?" He sounds as if he's barely containing the outrage and that is enough to override the typhoon of embarrassment he would be feeling the first opportunity he would be allowed to think


sanctus_memoria January 12 2012, 11:56:33 UTC
Staying quiet for a moment, Lenalee took a deep breath before she nodded slowly. "Yes." She simply said as her fingers curled on her hands to ball small fists. "It has. That's- how I was aware of how the bonds would tighten if attacked."

The tone of his voice indeed changed and she was curious to where such a tone came from. "Does that displease you, Allen?"


gray_walker January 12 2012, 12:04:52 UTC
Does it displease him? As if his feelings on this matter were that benign. He could put up with a lot of things people did to him, but for them to do this to Lenalee....Displeasure is the least of emotions he felt roaring up from within. Still his voice didn't shake as he spoke. The rage however was evident, startlingly so if those who knew would hear him.

"Those monsters... For them to do this kind of thing. Unforgivable."

Just as he said those words he felt that familiar tug in his mind signaling the 14th trying to make itself manifest, feeding on his rage. Unforgivable, a common word between Allen and the Noah. Still he didn't lose control. Not when Lenalee was here. He took a deep breath and managed to regain a modicum of calm. Allen reached out his right hand and brushed against Lenalee's bangs tucking one behind her ear.

"I'm sorry..."


sanctus_memoria January 12 2012, 12:13:56 UTC
Such a touch made her cheeks blaze up in blush from the warmth of his hand on such sensitive skin. Without really knowing she was doing it, she turned her head and gave the smallest of nuzzles to his palm like someone seeking attention. It was comforting to know it really was him after all the time that had passed between.

"It's not your fault." She said quietly. "You've nothing to apologize for."


gray_walker January 12 2012, 12:18:44 UTC
"I should have kept you safe. I thought I was doing that by leaving in the first place..." His composure was crumbling fast now. Maybe if he hadn't left, if he'd been strong enough to stand up to the Apocryphos. Maybe Lenalee would not have been....violated in a place like this. No matter what the drugs did he still saw it as without consent and that went against so many of his principles, the book written out of his outrage would probably surpass his debt book in page count.


sanctus_memoria January 12 2012, 12:23:54 UTC
"You can't blame yourself for the world's problems, Allen." She said, trying her best to comfort him in the situation she was in. Bound and presented yet they were still having their deep and meaningful conversations; like no time had passed between them, just the regret.

"If you carry the burden of a heavy heart alone then the weight becomes too much for one person. We share our burdens which is how we grow. So please don't regret or blame yourself for someone else's doing..."


gray_walker January 12 2012, 12:29:07 UTC
Lenalee should probably know by now. That is what he did best. Shouldering the weight of the world on his own, soldiering on to save both enemy and foe alike. A most unpopular stance but one he tried to stick to, to the best of his ability.

"But you don't deserve this. Any of this..." Allen said softly and leaned closer to press his forehead against Lenalee's trying to comfort her as well as himself.


sanctus_memoria January 12 2012, 12:34:53 UTC
Closing her eyes behind her mask, she leaned her head back against his and felt the comfort of the situation wash over her. With aphrodisiacs still guiding her movements, she couldn't help but also have the love she felt for him take bloom in her words. "No one does. But it hurts more to see you suffer than to be suffering. I never want my World to feel hurt."


gray_walker January 12 2012, 12:40:56 UTC
She thought he was suffering? He couldn't agree. What he felt was not suffering but anger. At himself and at this place. He moved his head a little brushing his nose against her cheek.

"Your World lives for you. If you are suffering then so will it." Allen said softly.

"Even after you get out of this... I still can't save you. The Ark won't answer me...Even though I rejected everything to do with the Ark and the Noah... When i actually want that power, there's nothing there.


sanctus_memoria January 12 2012, 12:44:42 UTC
She felt helpless. Unable to comfort him or touch him like he had been doing for her to keep her comfortable and here he was before her with his heart breaking to bits before her blind eyes.

Her brow furrowed and taking a soft breath, Lenalee leaned close and brushed her lips carefully over his as he spoke. Perhaps the hotel gave her the bit of boldness needed to do such a thing but either or, he needed what comfort she could give. And for him, she'd give it all.

"You can save me from this situation Allen. Even if it's just this once, it would make my heart the happiest. Let me save you as well." She whispered quietly to his mouth.


gray_walker January 12 2012, 12:53:45 UTC
Of all the things he expected to happen, that kiss was not one of them. It couldn't even really be called a kiss as much as it was a gentle meeting of their lips. Still that snapped him out of his brooding as his eyes widened at what had just transpired.

"But...I don't know how." Allen managed to say, admitting how much he was entirely in the dark about these things despite what people might have expected of him given his training under Cross.


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