Bound | Aphro-rising

Jan 11, 2012 04:00

Much like any other time in the hotel, the things done had been done while in the deep confines of sleep. Though her nights had been lonely recently, she had done what she could to ignore any of the rising heat on her face and between her legs. But the hotel was unforgiving in such a manner where it continued to persevere until another victory ( Read more... )

series: d.gray-man, pairing: f/m

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gray_walker January 11 2012, 13:50:25 UTC
Allen wasn't stupid. He could tell what kind of place this was from the first distant moan to reach his ears. Having lived with Cross during his years in training, Allen had been through countless brothels and whorehouses. He knew the scents, the sounds even the feel of one of the mistresses of pleasure. That was more recent to the date when Cross sent him away. That is why he kept his face down, ignoring everything and everyone as he tried to summon the song of the Ark in his mind to escape this place. Even though he had promised to never use it again after leaving the Order that faithful night.

This was an emergency dammit. One moment he was in the Clown's tent, waiting for his cue to go outside and perform. The next he woke up in a lobby, lying down on one of the crimson plush couches. He'd been wandering the halls for a good hour or so before he suddenly heard the growling of a beast behind him. Allen spun around only to find a lion staring straight at him from the other end of the corridor.

"Oh you have got to be joking." Allen groaned and turned tail before sprinting down the hallway with the king of the beast roaring behind him as he gave chase. Allen knew he couldn't outrun the animal so he started trying the doors on the side of the hallway, those from which no sound was coming from at least. the first three were locked firmly and Allen did not risk trying either of them too much lest the beast caught up to him.

The fourth door however was open and he barreled inside messily before getting up and slamming the door shut, panting heavily due to the sheer adrenaline coursing through his blood right now. He was so focused on what was running past the door that he didn't even hear the girl speak from on top of the bed. If he had, he would have probably chosen to take his chances with the lion.


sanctus_memoria January 12 2012, 00:32:08 UTC
The sound of panting was- well at least different than the one she had heard during such an intimate act. This sound seemed almost more desperate from adrenaline.

Sitting up, the Exorcist tilted her head towards the sound with her eyes lamely attempting to blink behind the mask only to be greeted with the same darkness that blinded her. "Hello?" She asked against. All the while, she attempted to ignore the heavy feeling of her arms since there were more important matters at hand.

"Are you alright?" She asked against to the presence in the room.


pierrot_martyr January 12 2012, 00:42:52 UTC
Even though the beast just roared past behind his back, Allen's head turned in the direction of the bed. Time froze as Allen's eyes widened in recognition and then horror. For so many conflicting reasons but one detail cut through. The person on the bed....strapped down-no chained to the bed...wearing a most revealing night was...



sanctus_memoria January 12 2012, 00:45:54 UTC
From behind her mask, eyes widened as she tried to sit up even more only to be met with the reality that she couldn't do much in this situation. "Allen?" She called back to him, excitement mixed with dread lacing her tone.

He was the last person she wanted to see her like she was but- there he was. "I-Is that really you?" She asked lamely in hopes that she might of been dreaming still.

Her blood crystals still decorated her ankles but her hair seemed longer, about as much before she lost it to the fire of using her Innocence past their due.


pierrot_martyr January 12 2012, 01:06:02 UTC
Allen quickly invoked his Innocence and dragged the dresser towards him to block the door in case the lion sniffed him out. He wasted no time rushing over to the bed. The voice and blood anklets he saw was more than enough proof that this really was Lenalee. Even though it's been quite some time since he left her crying on the forest floor that night, he's not even thinking about that.

"Yes it's me! Hold on! I will get you out."

Allen drew his black claw back and eyed the chain connected to the bed


sanctus_memoria January 12 2012, 09:35:19 UTC
"W-Wait!" She called out before she curled a little more closer to herself, trying to save her poor arms. The presence of Innocence was something she knew but- something seemed...different about his and about him. Just how much time passed between them....

"I-If you hit it or try and undo it without the key then it will just tighten up!" She explained, having been in such a situation before much to her dismay. "Only the key can open it o-or something else...but if you attack it it reacts."


pierrot_martyr January 12 2012, 09:55:07 UTC
The Claw had already begun it's downward swing but he stopped just before the blades kissed the chains. He had no idea he appeared differently to her. All he wanted was to cut her loose. Still he withdrew his talon.

"Where is the key then? We need to get you out of those bindings." Allen said, worry laced in his words.


sanctus_memoria January 12 2012, 09:57:59 UTC
Really Allen? Did you just ask the bound up and blinded girl where the keys were? Frowning, and hating to be such an imposition, Lenalee shook her head. "I-I don't know. Maybe the drawers around the room?" She said with her own worry lacing her words.

"The hotel might of hid them somewhere so- perhaps thinking of unconventional places might be wise too?" She suggested.


gray_walker January 12 2012, 10:03:40 UTC
He's just a little frantic because he just got chased by a lion into a room where Lenalee was bound while wearing such out of uniform attire. I mean look at his cheeks already alight with a faint blush even as he struggled to think of how to get her out.

"Right I'll try looking there!" Allen said and quickly rushed to the nearest drawer, pulling it almost completely out of it's rails. The urgency made it easy to ignore the variety of toys and other unmentionables in his search for the key. Once he was done shifting through the first clutter of obscene trinkets to no avail, he moved to the next and repeated this process over and over again until no drawer was left unturned.


sanctus_memoria January 12 2012, 10:06:36 UTC
She really would have to do something in order to thank him once the situation at hand was gone. Her head turned every which way the noise was coming from as he rummaged through the drawers in hopes of finding the key. She didn't want to believe that there was no key and that the only way to be free was to have sex or an orgasm. She'd hate to put Allen in a situation like that with her after all.

Biting her lip, she did her best to ignore the continuous rising heat between her legs from the aphrodisiacs being pumped in to the room by the air vents. She had to force herself to think of nothing but the mission at hand. "N-No luck?" She asked quietly.


gray_walker January 12 2012, 10:11:16 UTC
He knew the scent in the air of the room and it only served to increase the urgency of his search. The fact that the elusive key was nowhere to be found also didn't help. He flinched when he heard Lenalee's stammer and turned his head around trying to sound optimistic and reassuring.

"Not yet. I'm sure there's some place I've overlooked. Don't worry, about it Lenalee"


sanctus_memoria January 12 2012, 10:14:32 UTC
"As long as you're sure." She said quietly with her head facing down. She really did hate to be such a bother with something as trivial as being bound up. It reminded her of her uselessness when she lost her Innocence and had to be practically carried everywhere like luggage.

"I'm really sorry about this..." She said quietly.


gray_walker January 12 2012, 10:19:50 UTC
"Nonsense! This is not your fault Lenalee!" Allen said sharply before he headed towards the dresser, his search turning noisier and more frantic with each passing moment. When nothing turned up, he went into the bathroom hoping the key would be in the cabinet above the sink. Again he found nothing. This couldn't be happening.

He looked again and again and again but no matter how many times he moved bottles of soap and more unmentionable oils, no key turned up.

"This can't be..." Allen said, the first sound of defeat slipping into his voice.


sanctus_memoria January 12 2012, 10:30:14 UTC
The murmur of his voice was like an arrow to the heart. She frowned deeper and turned her head down with her eyes closing behind the blindfold. She hated when the hotel made others feel helpless and that's exactly what the situation was doing...making them both feel helpless when they should be talking about more important matters. Like his departure that made her a crying mess for many-a-days.


gray_walker January 12 2012, 10:36:04 UTC
Allen returned to her side silently and sat on the bed next to her, his hand balling into a fist next to her head as he fought off this growing sense of helplessness. This was not how they were supposed to meet again. If anything their reunion should have been started with a well earned kick to his face after what he did to her.

"I'm sorry. I can't find it." Allen murmured apologetically.


sanctus_memoria January 12 2012, 10:39:30 UTC
"I-It's alright." She said quietly with her face turning towards the sound of his voice. "I should of known the hotel wouldn't of given up so easily..."

Shaking her head, she signed and tried to sit up to the best of her ability. "Well- it can't hold me forever. Soon it will wear out and become bored and then I'll be alright." She said with a small smile in attempt to bring some sort of light to the situation.


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