Intro // No Event // BYOA

Dec 30, 2011 12:13

Waking up in the strange room wasn’t the thing that set Karkat Vantas into a panic. Granted, waking up on some cushioned rectangle instead of in the peaceful sopor slime within his recuperacoon was strange, but it wasn’t the first time he woke up in some strange place. Nor was it the strange scent in the room, or the faint mugginess he felt that ( Read more... )

series: homestuck, pairing: m/f, pairing: m/m

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Comments 35

kadonamonkey December 30 2011, 22:40:43 UTC
Zidane woke with a start from his spot curled up on the floor under the bed. Waking up underneath it was no surprise. He was a rather lively sleeper and this wouldn't have been the first time he managed to fall off the bed and continue to sleep and roll around. However the person screaming at the top of his lungs was a new one.

Now usually the monkey tailed thief, while a tease, was quite kind and immediately helpful to any and all new arrivals (which this foul mouthed hot head seemed to be), however it was a little known fact that for approximately the first minute and a half he was awake Zidane was grumpy as hell.

Which is why Karkat would probably find a pillow being whipped at him, flung high speed from one monkey still beneath the bed.


cancercarcino December 31 2011, 00:52:20 UTC

Ksrkat's yelling is momentarily cut off at the pillow whacks the back of his head with enough force to send him stumbling. He shakes his head for a moment before turning back and leering at the person responsible.

Oh, so there was someone else in the room all this time, and he didn't even notice? Damn, that was just one more thing to add to the list of 'Things That Make Karkat Vantas Pissed Off Today.'

"What the taint-chafing fuck was that for?1" he demanded, leering at the person before him. It was just another weird, squishy human.... with a tail okay what? Oh great, it was a mutant freak, just like him. That just made his blood boil even more.

"Is this some kind of joke, locking me in a respiteblock with a mutant human?? Cause I'm not laughing here!"


kadonamonkey December 31 2011, 02:46:41 UTC
"Well, you woke me up! Not cool man," Zidane yawned as he rolled out from under the bed and gracefully hopped back onto it, perching precariously on the corner, tail swishing behind him.

He gave the intruder a quick glance over and shrugged, he'd seen MUCH stranger looking folk before, though he hadn't a clue what exactly the other teen was. Though the races of his own homeworld were diverse enough that he didn't know them all even there.

"Don't know what a mutant is, but, nah, it's no joke. Take it you're new here then?" he figured that was the case. Why else would someone be THIS ragey? Though he had a suspicious feeling that this was somewhat of a norm for this guy.


cancercarcino December 31 2011, 07:21:19 UTC
Karkat had to stare for a moment at the weird creature before him. He definitely looked like a human, but he'd never seen a human with a tail like that before, and since he'd helped create Earth with the other trolls he could validly say that. This looked more like... what were those things that John had been saying evolved from humans? Monkeys, or some other retarded name? Well, the tail definitely looked like one of those creature's.

"Oh I'm sorry, I guess I missed the welcoming party that must have been thrown when they were handing out buckets to people. I was far too distracted to go up and take my turn with making the introductions, what with being knocked out and brought here against my will." He wasn't entirely sure he had been knocked out, but since he didn't remember what happened between falling asleep and waking up here, it was the only conclusion he could draw ( ... )


A wild Karkat appeared! Aw man, I need to make another musebox for Vriska... rainboomaviator January 1 2012, 03:52:06 UTC
On another one of her walks, Rainbow happened to pass by the room containing the now-manic Karkat. Hearing his pounding on the door just as she stepped a foot past its threshold, she froze and cringed at the loud thumping and screaming. Sounded like another newbie. Rainbow Dash rolled her red eyes and opened the door from the outside. The Hotel had a weird way of doing things -- locked from the inside without a single trace of a lock, until someone heard his complaints and came in to give him the run-down on how the place worked.

How many newbies had she adjusted this week again? Four? Five?

"I take it you're new...?" She raised her brow, expecting either flying furniture or some other blunt object to come flying toward her face.


Use pokeball? XD hehe I totally woulda trolled her cancercarcino January 1 2012, 10:09:07 UTC
Karkat was lucky that all of those sweeps he'd spent training and the countless hours playing SGRUB had honed all of his muscles so they responded almost instantly, otherwise his fist would have swung clear through as the door opened and into the other person's face. Fortunately that crisis could be averted easily.

Seeing another person immediately gave him a focal point to direct all of his anger and rage. "Is this some kind of sick fucking joke, locking me in a room with a bucket?!" he demanded eyes piercing and fangs bared as he shouted. "Just what kind of fucked-up shitstain are you?!"

[OoC: You still sticking around, or you moving to DW with the community? Cause I might re-post this intro over there if a lot of people are migrating.]


rainboomaviator January 1 2012, 17:41:46 UTC
[[OOC: I'll be making the transition over there, but not too soon. I have to stick around to ride out the two subscribed months I have here. But as they end, I'll be traveling back and forth.]]

Well, this wasn't the type of greeting you gave the non-consenting welcome committee. Though normally, she would've tried to calm him down, the second the word 'shitstain' passed her ears, her red eyes practically caught fire in anger and she ended up in his face. He did have about two inches on her though.

"What the fuck did you just call me?!" she hissed. "Look buddy, I have no damn clue how you ended up here or why there's a damn bucket in your room, but you better watch your fucking tongue or I'll put your head through a wall. I was checking on you to see if you were alright, you prick..."

And this was why Rainbow Dash was barely looked upon as a girl.


cancercarcino January 1 2012, 18:37:55 UTC
[OoC: Alright. I'm probably gonna do the same, though I wanna finish up the tags I have here first XD]

Okay, Karkat didn't expect his hostility to be met with... more hostility. Which was surprising, considering how much he yelled and swore and threw fits. It kind of reminded him of when Jade had snapped at him and his future self for arguing with each other, and you do not mess with Jade when she is angry. And besides, this girl didn't seem like the type to lock someone in the room with a bucket.

So he crossed his arms and let out a faint growl, teeth clenching as he attempted to subdue his rage. "Well then if you weren't the douchebag who locked me in here, who was?? I didn't ask to be knocked out and to wake up in someone else's respiteblock."


mizunosenshi January 6 2012, 00:25:40 UTC
While it wasn't unusual to hear people making noise behind the various hotel doors, it wasn't as common to hear them beating and cursing at the door like that. Needless to say, it got Ami's attention. The language was foul but understandable if as she suspected the person inside had just arrived. The hotel wasn't the most inviting of places, especially when one woke up in a locked room.

Reaching out, she turned the knob and opened the door, which was unlocked from the outside. That wasn't unusual either. What was unusual was the sudden gust of wind that barreled down the hall. It was enough to partially flip Ami's skirt, and push her forward enough that the door slammed shut behind her. She blinked several times, glancing over her shoulder at first, and finally back to the person who'd been yelling. Awkward. "Hello."


If you want I also posted this at DW's Love Hotel, if you'd prefer to continue there cancercarcino January 6 2012, 06:22:48 UTC
While Karkat was surprised when the door opened, he was even more surprised when the girl who opened it was suddenly pushed into the room and into him. He flailed a bit and stepped back, watching as the door shut with a click.

"Great, that's just fucking great!" he snapped at her, leering back at her and baring his fangs in a snarl. "Fucking thing was finally opened and you go and close it again?! Way to go, shitspongue!"


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