Intro // No Event // BYOA

Dec 30, 2011 12:13

Waking up in the strange room wasn’t the thing that set Karkat Vantas into a panic. Granted, waking up on some cushioned rectangle instead of in the peaceful sopor slime within his recuperacoon was strange, but it wasn’t the first time he woke up in some strange place. Nor was it the strange scent in the room, or the faint mugginess he felt that ( Read more... )

series: homestuck, pairing: m/f, pairing: m/m

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cancercarcino December 31 2011, 07:21:19 UTC
Karkat had to stare for a moment at the weird creature before him. He definitely looked like a human, but he'd never seen a human with a tail like that before, and since he'd helped create Earth with the other trolls he could validly say that. This looked more like... what were those things that John had been saying evolved from humans? Monkeys, or some other retarded name? Well, the tail definitely looked like one of those creature's.

"Oh I'm sorry, I guess I missed the welcoming party that must have been thrown when they were handing out buckets to people. I was far too distracted to go up and take my turn with making the introductions, what with being knocked out and brought here against my will." He wasn't entirely sure he had been knocked out, but since he didn't remember what happened between falling asleep and waking up here, it was the only conclusion he could draw.

But what threw him off even more was how... relaxed this other person was, despite the early-morning grumpiness. How could he be so calm? Wasn't he distressed by the situation? Did he not see the bucket??


kadonamonkey December 31 2011, 19:48:55 UTC
Zidane's grin widened through the gray teen's tirade. Oh boy, oh boy. This guy. This guy seemed like he's be GREAT fun to screw around with. The thief's tail swished in a way that a particularly happy puppy's might wag.

"Aww... don't worry! You didn't miss anything! I'll be your welcoming party! How about a nice to meet you hug?" he snickered and spread his arms out... and after a moment, coiled his tail around the handle of the bucket beside his bed (he'd used it to carry a few things to his room the prior night and just kinda left it there) "I'm such a nice guy I'll even let you have my bucket since you seem to want one soooo bad."

Not knowing the object was probably undesirable he actually intended to just play a little game of, 'pull the thing away as soon as it's reached for'.


cancercarcino January 1 2012, 01:10:21 UTC
"Hey, get the fuck away from me you mutated human freak you!" Karkat said, taking a step back. But when Zidane's tail reached for the bucket and he said that comment of his, his eyes widened and his face paled.

"Get that fucking thing away from me, you nooksucking shitstain!!" he yelled, his voice raising a few octaves in desperation. "Do you even know what you're holding, you ignorant douche?!"


kadonamonkey January 1 2012, 03:51:42 UTC
"Man I don't even understand a bunch of those insults you're tossing at me!" he shrugged, swinging the bucket merrily around with a tail. And oh but his grin grew even more impish if it was even possible when the other's voice rose like that. He really didn't understand what was going on... but damn he'd stumbled across something good here.

"What's wrong? It's just a harmless lil bucket!" he laughed, swinging the seemingly innocent household object closer and closer to the other teen... just to see what other great reactions he'd get of course!


You still sticking around, or you moving to DW with the community? cancercarcino January 1 2012, 10:03:38 UTC
"Harmless is hardly what that thing could be called!" Karkat protested, yelling even louder than before. He continued to step back until his back hit the wall behind him. "If you think that by swinging a fucking bucket in front of me long enough you'll get lucky enough that I'll want to pail you, then you're as sick and twisted as the shitstain who left that fucking thing here!"


Re: You still sticking around, or you moving to DW with the community? kadonamonkey January 1 2012, 14:32:35 UTC
(ooc: kinda yes and no? XD I'm definitely at least staying to do the threads I have here already, and honestly I would prefer to play a couple of my muses JUST here at least for the moment because I still have a couple months of paid time on them... @_@ but I am making accounts for DW for all my main muses as well since that place seems more happening at the moment XD; )

Zidane paused. Okay yeah, wow. That was a little more extreme a reaction then he'd been expecting.

"Seriously, what's the issue? It's just a bucket. Nothing dangerous in it," hands on his hips, he held it upside down and shook it, nothing came out, "I mean if you walloped someone over the head with it then yeah, it'd probably hurt. But I ain't planning on doing that."


cancercarcino January 1 2012, 18:32:12 UTC
[OoC: Hehe, fair enough. I wanna finish up some of my threads here before moving there, but I'd definitely still have muses here. So probably gonna re-post this there in the next few days xD]

"It's indecent, that's what's the issue!" Karkat snapped, averting his gaze as the bucket was held up and shaken upside down. "Seriously, don't you know anything?? How else do you think they collect your genetic material?!"


kadonamonkey January 1 2012, 19:54:36 UTC
[ooc: Go for it! Honestly it just seems like there's more folks over at DW right now anyways.]

"Wait wait wait... I think one of us here has some serious misconceptions about what a bucket is used for," he waved his arms and finally set the apparently offensive object down. And there was something suspicious about what he said too. Genetic material...? He couldn't possibly mean? Nah. Not like Zidane was familiar with the word, oh he'd heard his overly scientific sister mention the term in reference to the process of creating a new Genome... but he kinda didn't pay much attention to that. Too many complicated words. But still. There was NO way a bucket was involved with that, "And possibly some misconceptions about how the birds and bees work too,"


cancercarcino January 2 2012, 07:52:13 UTC
"Sweet mother grubfucker, do not tell me you're as ignorant as the rest of them!" Karkat said in dismay, slapping the palm of his hand up against his forehead. This... fuck, he'd already had to practically explain it to John and the others (and by explain, he of course meant freaking out and switching topics immediately) and that was embarrassing enough.

"No, you know what? Fuck you for being so ignorant. Use your goddamn think pan to figure it out because I don't see why I need to explain this for a third fucking time to someone." he said. "And I don't see how featherbeasts and yellow-and-black buzz-grubs have anything to do with this situation, unless it's some other convoluted human metaphor that of course makes no goddamn sense."


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