Body Mod | She's a Black Magic Woman | Aphro to Taste

Dec 16, 2011 15:46

"Have something about your body you'd like to change? Been messed with by the hotel and need to get transformed back? Never fear! With a little bit of magic and the snap of the fingers, I can help you out. No body change is too big or too small! Just come down to XXXXX and talk to me ( Read more... )

pairing: open, series: my little pony

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Comments 209

Well, whaddya know? The thread you told me about :D rainboomaviator December 16 2011, 22:18:58 UTC
Rainbow cracked up as she stepped around the corner from her hiding place, tears in her eyes as she noticed that the booth's owner, her friend, had returned to her spot. That prank was way too easy, and the minor sabotage would have been wasted in other venues had it not been for this one.

"Hey, Twilight," she said, trying to calm herself down but failing, still in her comedic high. "How'd ya like the sign I made for ya? I just saved the idiots who hate to read an extra thirty seconds." She snickered, wiping one of her eyes, so satisfied with herself, ego swelling.


I did promise, after all. friendyousohard December 16 2011, 22:22:38 UTC
Twilight's eyebrow twitched. Of course. Not the hotel at all, but just one prank-loving friend.

"Rainbow, this is not some sort of 'get big body parts quick' scam. My magic can be of very great help to anyone who's unhappy in their body. I mean look."

She stood up at this point and turned around to show off the modification she'd made to herself to convince people to give it a try. Her tail jutted out proudly above the waistband of her pants. "See? So I don't want people thinking that I'm just here to help them fill out their shirts and pants better."


rainboomaviator December 16 2011, 22:34:37 UTC
Rainbow's eyes widened as she spotted her friend's tail coming out of her pants. She didn't think her friend was full of shit in the first place, but seeing that made the gears in Rainbow's brain start to go full-throttle.

"Twi, that's amazing!" she exclaimed, moving closer to the booth. "With your magic... I could finally fly again..." Her face softened, a dreamy smile spread across her lips. She wanted those more than anything, though her list for body mods was a bit long.


friendyousohard December 16 2011, 22:38:03 UTC
Twilight went from irritation to smug amusement in the span of a few seconds. She turned back around and sat in the chair, smirking at Rainbow.

"Yes, Rainbow, I can give you wings again. Actually, I could've done that at the beginning... but I wasn't sure you wanted ones like I gave Rarity." She snickered at the thought.


bigholidays December 17 2011, 01:04:17 UTC
Heledd does not need bigger tits. What she has is enough to cause envy, or make people to suck or play with them.

Honestly, though, Caprice has long since accepted her body, for both the times in which she would demonstrate a hourglass figure, and when she was just round. So the advertisement didn't really take her attention.

At least not until she reads the name and spots a familiar girl with purple hair nearby.

"... Hey, Twi." Somewhat nerviously, aware this girl might have been thinking of revenge since neither of them are actually warriors nor echantresses right now. Well, Heledd isn't, in either case.

She also spots a tail. Wait.

"--So you liked the tail, huh?"

She prays.


friendyousohard December 17 2011, 01:08:10 UTC
Twilight stares at the woman in front of her.

And stares.

And stares some more. Straight into her soul.

"Hello Caprice." She says, coldly. "No, actually, the tail is something I decided to bring back from my home. I had one there."

Her fists clench a bit as she thinks about what this woman put her through. The pain, the humiliation...

The earth-shattering orgasms...

She grits her teeth. "What. Do. You. Want."


bigholidays December 17 2011, 01:15:13 UTC
"--Okay, that came out wrong. I didn't know you have these things where you're from." Smooth. "Look. I'm really sorry for what happened out there. I would've gone a little softer, but I was pinched in the ass with needles, and it all went to hell."

The 'softer' part is true, but on second thought it probably isn't a wise thing to mention when the girl she toyed with happens to be chilling the air right now. And can also cast magic.

"If you want, I can help you with something else, or we can just walk away from..."

She takes a few steps backwards.


friendyousohard December 17 2011, 01:21:36 UTC
"I know you were aphrodisiac'd. So was I. And I would be willing to forgive what you did for that. Heck, I would have probably done the same to you if I'd won... up to a point. Do you know where that point was, Caprice?"

She stands up and starts to walk towards her.

"Do you know where you went beyond my forgiveness?"


healingslayer_x December 17 2011, 03:07:02 UTC
Konoka had always been intrigued by body shifting, but never really had the time to actually consent (because every time body modification happened, it turned her into or put her in the mercy of a yuri monster rapist). This particular deal sounded intriguing.

So she skipped down to the booth where Twilight was. "You have... body modification magic? Could you help me out? I could never really control it very well..."


friendyousohard December 17 2011, 03:08:42 UTC
"Absolutely!" Twilight beamed at the newcomer, looking very pleased at having a volunteer. "What would you like? I can do... well, just about anything. That's not me trying to boast, by the way, I just don't want to waste time listing everything."


healingslayer_x December 17 2011, 03:12:28 UTC
Konoka clapped, pleased at Twilight's enthusiasm. "That's great! So could you teach me how to grow and control multiple tails? Or make myself into a slime? Everytime I try something like that on my own, it messes up and I get unbearably horny..."

As a small demonstration, she showed her white tail, and let it fork in two, each independent in movement. However, Konoka looked notably flushed. "This is the best I can do without getting overrun with lust."


friendyousohard December 17 2011, 03:14:25 UTC
"Oh..." Twilight grimaced at that. "Well... I'm not sure your magic and mine are the same. I mean, I can try, but I'm just as liable to teach you habits that are bad for your brand of magic. See, with me it's more of a... point and will it to happen sort of thing. And I can do it to myself or others."


fashioningmagic December 17 2011, 04:24:49 UTC
"Flat-chested?! I'll have you for lunch you foal!!"

That cry could only come from Rarity, who could be seen chasing some poor hotel NPC down the end of one hallway. However, she soon deflated and huffed, a familiar flier crunched in her hand as she stalked down the hall. "Of all the nerve...!"

[OOC: Stuck doing ALL THE ERRANDS for most of the day, but I had to tag this. Will tag the other thread too!]


friendyousohard December 17 2011, 04:30:35 UTC

Twilight would hardly have called the fashionista flat-chested, certainly not in comparison to herself. But she wasn't... whoever had made the comment. Maybe they were comparing her to Fluttershy?

"You shouldn't let them get to you, you know."


fashioningmagic December 17 2011, 04:41:10 UTC
"Oh! Twilight Sparkle..." She walked over, flopping down next to her. "Can you even believe it? Someone actually said I should try and get these fixed!" She motioned to her chest with another huff. "I know I shouldn't get so upset, but I can't help it!" She crossed her arms over that chest, shaking out her hair slightly.


friendyousohard December 17 2011, 04:44:55 UTC
"Fixed? Rarity, your chest is amazing."

She realized too late what she'd just said and facepalmed at herself. "That didn't come out... well, no, it did come out right, but I promise I'm not trying to hit on you."


Might just be CR since he's genuinely curious :|a soundplan December 17 2011, 05:57:39 UTC
It didn't take Kabuto long at all to get the gist of what this place was all about - an idiot could put two and two together with no trouble, and the young ninja was anything but an idiot. Thus far he'd been able to avoid any unnecessary contact with others, slipping through the halls unnoticed as he got his bearings (or whatever counts as getting one's bearings in the hotel, anyway). But when you happen upon an advertisement for magical body alteration? Limitless body alteration?

Curiosity can be a dangerous thing, but he was confident that if the situation turned out to be less than favorable he could get out of there, no problem.

So, putting on his most harmless face, he made his way to the designated location - with there only being one person at the booth, it was a safe assumption that this was...

"Twilight Sparkle, is it?"

What a strange name.


Totally fine! friendyousohard December 17 2011, 06:01:17 UTC
"That's correct, sir. What might you be in need of today?" Twilight smiled warmly, giving off the same air as a salesperson dispensing a product. Which in a way she was, though she didn't really expect to be paid for this. She was just trying to help. At any rate, she certainly didn't give off any reason to be frightened of her, though that could have just been really good acting.


soundplan December 17 2011, 06:06:21 UTC
If she's acting it goes unnoticed - not that he would call her out on it even if he did notice. He has an illusion of courtesy to maintain as well, after all. He smiles in return, waving one hand in a dismissive manner.

"Nothing in particular, actually. To be honest, I was just intrigued at the offer. Is there really no limit to what you'd be able to do?"

Just how useful could this girl be?


friendyousohard December 17 2011, 06:14:24 UTC
"Well, I haven't encountered one yet. I suppose if your imagination outstrips my own you might come up with something I can't do, as far as transformation goes that is."

That was almost a direct challenge, but a good-natured one.


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