Body Mod | She's a Black Magic Woman | Aphro to Taste

Dec 16, 2011 15:46

"Have something about your body you'd like to change? Been messed with by the hotel and need to get transformed back? Never fear! With a little bit of magic and the snap of the fingers, I can help you out. No body change is too big or too small! Just come down to XXXXX and talk to me ( Read more... )

pairing: open, series: my little pony

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Might just be CR since he's genuinely curious :|a soundplan December 17 2011, 05:57:39 UTC
It didn't take Kabuto long at all to get the gist of what this place was all about - an idiot could put two and two together with no trouble, and the young ninja was anything but an idiot. Thus far he'd been able to avoid any unnecessary contact with others, slipping through the halls unnoticed as he got his bearings (or whatever counts as getting one's bearings in the hotel, anyway). But when you happen upon an advertisement for magical body alteration? Limitless body alteration?

Curiosity can be a dangerous thing, but he was confident that if the situation turned out to be less than favorable he could get out of there, no problem.

So, putting on his most harmless face, he made his way to the designated location - with there only being one person at the booth, it was a safe assumption that this was...

"Twilight Sparkle, is it?"

What a strange name.


Totally fine! friendyousohard December 17 2011, 06:01:17 UTC
"That's correct, sir. What might you be in need of today?" Twilight smiled warmly, giving off the same air as a salesperson dispensing a product. Which in a way she was, though she didn't really expect to be paid for this. She was just trying to help. At any rate, she certainly didn't give off any reason to be frightened of her, though that could have just been really good acting.


soundplan December 17 2011, 06:06:21 UTC
If she's acting it goes unnoticed - not that he would call her out on it even if he did notice. He has an illusion of courtesy to maintain as well, after all. He smiles in return, waving one hand in a dismissive manner.

"Nothing in particular, actually. To be honest, I was just intrigued at the offer. Is there really no limit to what you'd be able to do?"

Just how useful could this girl be?


friendyousohard December 17 2011, 06:14:24 UTC
"Well, I haven't encountered one yet. I suppose if your imagination outstrips my own you might come up with something I can't do, as far as transformation goes that is."

That was almost a direct challenge, but a good-natured one.


soundplan December 17 2011, 06:20:14 UTC
Perhaps something good could come of this trip after all. It took some effort to keep his composure entirely in check, but none of his excitement managed to break through his facade.

"Well... for instance, I have a friend who's lost the ability to use his arms entirely. Would you be able to transform them into working condition? Or, if not, would you be able to provide him with new arms entirely?"


friendyousohard December 17 2011, 06:26:33 UTC
"The second, yes. If the old arms were removed first. The first would be more along the lines of healing, unless I transmuted the arms into another form. Tentacles, for instance."

Orochimaru with tentacles. Now isn't that a pleasant thought.


soundplan December 17 2011, 06:29:03 UTC
Hey, the dude barfs snakes when he feels like it. He practically IS a tentacle monster.

"That's pretty incredible, Twilight. I'm a medic myself, and I couldn't possibly regenerate entire arms from scratch. How do you do it?"


friendyousohard December 17 2011, 18:24:49 UTC
"Well it's less regenerating, and more creating. Transformation magic and healing can have similar results but they're still completely different things. Basically I'm taking the basic building blocks of the body and rearranging them, and occasionally adding a few new things in."


soundplan December 18 2011, 01:27:06 UTC
"Different or not, it's fascinating nonetheless."

But for now it was just talk - she could claim to be able to do all sorts of outlandish things, but it didn't mean she actually could. He, more than anyone, knew never to trust someone on their word alone.

"Would you mind if I stick around and watch?"


friendyousohard December 18 2011, 06:35:41 UTC
Twilight shrugged at that, completely unconcerned. "If you don't mind waiting for my next volunteer. I have no way of knowing how long that'll be though."


soundplan December 18 2011, 07:01:43 UTC
"It's not like I have a full agenda at the moment." he remarked dryly, folding his arms over his chest to lean against the wall with an amused smirk. "Patience is a virtue, or so they say."


friendyousohard December 19 2011, 05:55:34 UTC
"In that case, feel free to hang around as long as you like." She shrugged and leaned back into her chair. "Though I'd prefer to have your name if we're going to be together that long."


soundplan December 19 2011, 22:45:28 UTC
"Fair enough!" he replied cheerfully (or at least a spot-on impersonation of cheerfulness). "You can call me Kabuto. It's good to make your acquaintance, Twilight." A brief pause, before he continued, "So where were you from before arriving here?"


friendyousohard December 22 2011, 18:53:35 UTC
"Ponyville, in Equestria." She answered. "Though I'm pretty sure we're from different worlds, so I doubt that means anything to you."


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