The Abbey Of St. Phallusine | Cloisterfuck | {Medium Aphro}

Nov 30, 2011 00:05

As she peered out at the flickering gleams of lights in the distance, contrasting with the dark backdrop of the forest, Amelia could honestly say she didn't envy those people who must have been trying to get back to their villages for the night. The rain had never stopped all day, and now as darkness fell, the stormy clouds above had prevented even ( Read more... )

pairing: f/f, pairing: f/m, series: slayers

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pink_is_back June 26 2012, 22:37:00 UTC
Legend told of a mystical artifact that gave great power to the one who wielded it. Some had used it for good, while others used it for evil. But for over four centuries there had been nothing but rumors and story, passed down from generation to generation. The ruins of a great castle high in the mountains was the only evidence remaining that any part of the stories might have been true. Ruins that some years ago slowly began to regenerate into a towering, Gothic palace ( ... )


pink_is_back September 3 2012, 07:04:19 UTC
If not for the dreadful weather she might have continued wandering through the forest, stubborn and lost. Getting away from the thunder and the rain was the only reason she'd stopped, but now she felt an overwhelming sense of loneliness that seemed to lessen when Amelia drew near. The brush of fingers at her back caused her to gasp, and she lowered her head slowly.

"I'll set out tomorrow," she replied quietly, unsure if she really wanted to leave. She'd wait and see what the morning brought. Shrugging her shoulders, she began to slip the wet fabric away from her body, inch by inch, revealing more of her pale, damp skin. It was when she slipped the dress down past her chest that she glanced behind but didn't stop disrobing.


healsforjustice September 7 2012, 15:51:14 UTC
By the time Black Lady had looked behind her, Amelia had made a point of taking towels and setting them down, alone with a robe that would be warm and dry to wear once her guest was rid of the wet garments. All the while, she made sure to avert her eyes for the sake of politeness and decency, not sure how comfortable the other was with having someone present as she undressed. Despite that, it was rather nice having company for the evening, though the circumstances were unusual.

"Let me just see if I can find some nightwear that will fit you while you dry off there." she spoke, moving across the room and keeping her back to the other girl as she went through the drawers for something that looked to be of an appropriate size. "Let me know when you're decent and I'll leave it on the bed for you to change into.


pink_is_back September 8 2012, 23:05:23 UTC
For the longest time she'd been alone in that castle high in the mountains, so she gave little concern to the fact that Amelia was there with her as she undressed. It didn't bother her in the least. Black Lady let the wet dress continue to slide down her body until it was nothing more than a heap of soaked fabric at her feet. She stepped out of it, using one of the towels within reach to pat herself dry. Everything beneath the dress had become damp as well, and one by one those too were slipped away until only the towel she held covered her body.

The Black Lady turned slowly to watch Amelia, the towel draped around her back and neck. It did nothing to hide her features from the front. "Decent?" She asked as if the word was foreign to her. She knew the meaning, but in this context it wasn't as clear. Stepping out of the way of the wet dress and undergarments, she knelt down to pick them up and carefully fold them over her arm. "Where shall I hang these?"


healsforjustice September 11 2012, 21:23:04 UTC
Admittedly, whatever Black Lady had experienced was unfamiliar to Amelia. Maybe it was due to her outgoing way of engaging with just about anyone, but she had never really known true loneliness. In her travels she had her friends, and at home she had her father. Even in the temple they were in now, she didn't feel isolated, comforted by the thought there were people waiting for her when her duty was done. That was a big difference between them, with Amelia naturally being her usual friendly self and having little clue of how much of an impact it could have on someone not used to such attention ( ... )


pink_is_back September 12 2012, 01:12:07 UTC
That was a problem if only because Black Lady couldn't understand why the cleric was so eager to leave her alone. She didn't want to be alone, it felt bad and she'd felt bad enough for one day. The other problem was she didn't know exactly what she wanted, other than for someone to be there that wasn't trying to use her or attack her. She reached out as Amelia began to walk away, trying to catch her arm before she was out of reach.

"Don't go," she said, quiet but stern. Her head was lowered, eyes staring at the floor. "I'm not tired." It wasn't a total lie. her body was sore from travel, but her mind was too busy to fall asleep, especially with the storm outside. "Stay with me." She paused, lifting her head a little. "Please."


My apologies for the long wait. >.< healsforjustice September 23 2012, 22:51:46 UTC
Really, Amelia was only doing what she believed to be correct and polite, naturally having no clue of anything that other girl had gone through, apart from getting soaked in the rain of course. It seemed normal that she would be tired and wish to go to bed, and that it would be rather odd for her to linger around in that instance. However, the light touch to her sleeve made her stop in her retreat, turning back and looking at Black Lady in a confused manner. Still, it seemed simple enough. If she wasn't tired, well, there was no harm in hanging around a little longer, though of course not watching anything inappropriate.

"Well, if you're sure..." she nodded slowly, turning back to fully face her guest. "Do you want to do anything, or just talk?" she enquired. It made little difference to Amelia, but if the other girl wanted her to stay, they surely couldn't just sit in awkward silence the entire time.


pink_is_back September 24 2012, 00:09:01 UTC
She didn't like the way she felt at all. So vulnerable and powerless, but catching Amelia's arm showed her she still had some control. The cleric had been so nice to her, so doing something bad was the last thing on her mind, but there were so many things that were on her mind she was having trouble sorting through it all. All she knew for sure was she didn't want to be left alone.

"I'm sure," she said, a bit more confident. If she was bothered by Amelia seeing her with nothing but a towel around her neck, she didn't show it at all. In fact she walked closer, hips swaying slightly as she moved. When she was standing right before the young cleric, she reached out and leaned in slowly as if to kiss her, but there was a flicker of red in her eyes, and she broke off to instead wrap her arms around and hug Amelia. "I don't know what I want to do, but I want to do it with you. I don't like this feeling I get when no one's around."


healsforjustice September 26 2012, 15:43:58 UTC
Naturally, Amelia was more perplexed than anything by the sudden reactions and changes to the mood. It was however starting to give the girl those first inklings that there might have been more to her guest, that she was in need of other things besides shelter and warmth for the night. While uncertain of if she had what the stranger was looking for, she would certainly try to help in anyway she could.

That being said, the close proximity had her freeze in shock, blush already heating up in her cheeks from the movement of Black Lady's body, nevermind the apparent incoming kiss. It had her entranced, and it took a moment after she was embraced before she realized what had occurred. Once she had though, she was swift in wrapping her own arms around the taller girl's frame. "It's okay. I'm not going anywhere. You don't have to be alone now." she tried to reassure her companion, rubbing her back in a comforting manner, doing her best not to be distracted by the amount of exposed skin she risked touching.


pink_is_back September 27 2012, 05:42:21 UTC
Black Lady was having trouble sorting out right and wrong, want and need, and how to treat someone who was being nice to her and not asking for anything in return. When she was alone and wanted something, she'd just take it, possessing it to make her own. A part of her wanted to do that with Amelia, to possess her and make her stay because that was all she knew how to do.

But there was something else, something lighter struggling to gain hold. That part of her had settled on hugging Amelia, and she didn't care that she was wearing absolutely nothing. "Thank you," she whispered, sliding her hand up Amelia's back. She couldn't help but wonder what the young cleric would think if she knew what she was thinking. The touch to her own back felt good, really good, and because of that she moaned softly. "What were you thinking just a moment ago?"


healsforjustice September 28 2012, 14:55:44 UTC
While not the sort to ever really take in the less redeeming side of people, it was certain she would have been surprised, maybe even a little unnerved by the truth behind Black Lady's confusion. At the moment however, all she could see was a person looking for something, searching for something. Sure she didn't know what that was at the moment, but perhaps there was a chance of figuring it out together in some way. If it made the other girl feel better, Amelia would certainly have tried.

Still a bit dazed and unsure, she continued to do what she was doing, offering all the comfort and reassurance she could at that moment. Sure the lack of clothing her guest had on was a touch distracting, but the healer knew this was not the time to fret over her own embarrassment. Perhaps it was that, combined with her unwavering honesty, that compelled the princess to let the young woman speak and touch her, before giving a truthful answer to her question. "Thst I wanted to help, if that was possible."


pink_is_back October 5 2012, 00:59:50 UTC
So many options were open to her even in that room with the cleric she'd just met. What would it be like when she stepped outside the next morning, or what if she decided not to leave? There was an option she hadn't considered. What a perfect place to hide right inside temple. That was the last place her enemies might look for her, and maybe that angelic warrior would never bother her again.

A particularly loud bit of thunder startled her enough that she tightened her hold on Amelia, closing her eyes quickly. "Help me?" She asked quietly, her voice almost trembling. Clerics could probably do magical things, but she got the feeling this one couldn't control weather. Black Lady eased up, putting a few inches between them with her hands on Amelia's shoulders. "Anything at all?"


healsforjustice October 8 2012, 15:00:33 UTC
There was more to consider on Amelia's end, things she naturally hadn't told her guest, believing them not to be important. The big one of course was that come tomorrow, when the real replacement shrine maiden arrived, she'd be going back home to Seyruun. Sure, she was certain that the other women would let Black Lady stay if she desired, but Amelia herself would be out of the picture.

For now, she didn't think on her personal impact in the situation. Instead she focused on just doing what she could in the moment, letting herself be held and offering comfort to the other girl. "Well yes, if it's something I'd be able to do, then I'd happily try and help you." she answered, staring back at Black Lady with an honest and sincere expression on her features.


pink_is_back October 16 2012, 00:47:38 UTC
Though she hadn't the time to grow particularly attached to Amelia, she did want her to stay with her through the night. In the morning, when she had time to reflect and her mind and body weren't so worn out she might not feel the need. Then again, she might just ask to travel with her. What better place to start a new life than a big city far away. The temple would not be an ideal place to live for very long.

Black Lady slid her fingers slowly along Amelia's neck, rising up beneath her ear before cupping her cheek against her palm. What she wanted was still unclear to her, but she knew she wanted to be close to someone. Notions were confused, impulses easily rising to the surface. She leaned in close, brushing her lips over Amelia's other cheek. "I want you to stay here, in this room, with me," she whispered, turning her head so their cheeks touched. "The bed is big enough for two."


healsforjustice October 23 2012, 20:39:05 UTC
It certainly was a very brief period to form any connection, but Amelia wished to be of use and help regardless, it was just the sort of person she was after all. If Black Lady needed some sort of companion, so be it, she would try to fulfil that role, despite not being sure what to feel as those fingers slid across her skin in such a way.

There were plenty of things she could have said, like asking that in staying in the room, if it was truly necessary to share a bed. She could just as easily have taken up the floor or a chair after all. However, none of that was able escape her throat, as the lingering touch to her face seemed to make any coherant speech impossible. All Amelia could do in response to the request was nod, cheeks bright pink as she stared back at the other girl's face.


pink_is_back October 27 2012, 02:36:20 UTC
She got a little thrill from the whole thing, and maybe it was because Amelia seemed to flustered and confused by what she was asking. It hadn't struck her as strange or odd, but that was because she didn't know any better. Living alone for so long, with just her imagination and any magical conjurations she summoned, had left her without much in the way of an understanding of social norms. She wanted someone to stay with her, Amelia was there, so logically Amelia should stay with her ( ... )


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