(old) event: The USS Centerpiece B -- Floor 31,721,363 | BYOAprho

Sep 20, 2011 09:17

Jim shifted in his chair. It was almost the end of alpha shift, and it couldn't come any sooner as far as he was concerned. His re-crossed his legs, the movement shifting the plug inside him against his prostate. And there was nothing he could do to stop that jolt of pleasure. Nothing he could do to keep the remote from being activated and setting ( Read more... )

pairing: m/*, pairing: m/other, pairing: m/f, pairing: m/m, pairing: m/x, series: star trek

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Comments 186

Mild Aphro - Start at the Turbo lift? theladycroft September 21 2011, 08:57:50 UTC
She didn't know where she was or how she got there.
Last she knew was the thick lush forests of Coastland Thailand, of scaling and climbing ruined and cracked walls. She'd slipped. Fallen and landed... Here. A small found room, built like an elevator.

Lara spent a few moments flexing every muscle to assess for injury and when she found none, she stood. She did feel rather warm however. Hands hanging near her guns, Lara paced the small space, studying the panel on the wall, the deigns and the material. There was one door.

It didn't open when she pressed the buttons on the panel, no when she'd kicked it. She was moments away from drawing her guns and firing out of pure frustration when the doors opened.


goldn_boy September 21 2011, 14:13:32 UTC
It wasn't what he was expecting. Or who.

Jim had paced in the turbolift until he realized that it was only intensifying the effect; distracted, anticipating someone else, it took him a moment to realize there was an armed and extremely attractive woman (or was that attractive and extremely armed?) standing in the space framed by the doorway.

It was then that Jim realized this might not have been such a good idea after all. Slightly flushed, he wondered if his arousal was obvious, and tried to put on his best captain's demeanor.

"Are you lost, miss?" he asked smoothly, not wanting to provoke anything of their unexpected visitor.


theladycroft September 21 2011, 14:41:53 UTC
When she saw the man, her hands twitched towards her weapons, surprise clear on her face. But after a moment that was swept aside and a look of almost amused confidence smoothed her features as she took him in. Handsome, skin a little flushed but he held himself with presence.

Lara raised a single brow.

"Unless this is in fact Thailand and I'm simply mistaken," she said, her voice smooth, her accent British and cultured. "I suppose I am." Though her hands moved from her weapons, she still watched him carefully.

"Just where is it that I've found myself?"


goldn_boy September 21 2011, 16:55:47 UTC
This was not what Jim wanted to be dealing with right now. Bad enough he'd been kept at a nearly constant state of low arousal all day, but now there was an attractive and assertive woman who was possibly an enemy invading his turbolift.

Yeah, this had been a really bad idea.

"The USS Enterprise," he said. "I'm Captain James T. Kirk. And you are?"


mild aphro, Jim's quarters~? lt_cmmdr_scott September 21 2011, 09:57:33 UTC
Down in the depths of the engine room, in the middle of repairs to a leaky coolant pipe - a job that could have easily been delegated to someone else, but he'd always been so hands-on in his approach to engineering - Scotty paused a moment to thumb the switch of a tiny handheld remote. Such a small thing, unobtrusive and unnoticeable where it rested in his pocket, but he'd been aware of it all day, pressing into his leg when he sat, shifting when he stood. With a small, private grin and a hint of pink rising to his cheeks, he withdrew his hand from his pocket and went back to the repairs, for once looking forward to the end of his shift ( ... )


this is beautiful and you should be proud goldn_boy September 21 2011, 14:23:02 UTC
He felt it as he left the turbolift and started down the corridor towards his quarters, and couldn't hide the smile. The smile which, if seen by any, was preferable to the more intense reaction he wanted to have to the stimulation he'd been dreading/craving all shift. Yes, it was against regulations. More than that, many would find it wrong. But Jim embraced a challenge, as well as a good time, and perhaps if regulations hadn't been so relatively lax about on-board relationships, he wouldn't have resorted to anything like this ( ... )


lt_cmmdr_scott September 22 2011, 04:04:58 UTC
He stopped by his own quarters, briefly, to pick up his spare tool kit. A cover story about a minor repair hardly made any sense without it, after all, and there enough people out in the corridors after the shift change that getting up to the Captain's quarters unseen would be impossible. And as he finally continued on, he kept his pace steady and uneven, kept one hand in his pocket, fingers curled around the remote, though he refrained from pressing the switch this time. Scotty, after all, was a man who understood that sometimes less was infinitely more, and it was so much more efficient to let Jim do most of the work in getting himself all worked up ( ... )


goldn_boy September 22 2011, 07:08:23 UTC
Before answering, Jim's eyes traveled to the place the remote had to be, hidden in Scott's pocket. It was absurd, how quickly he could be trained. How the restraint Scott had shown in actually using it had heightened his anticipation. Because every moment it didn't come was another moment he waited, a step closer to the time it had to. The suspense was its own stimulus ( ... )


hisoldgirl September 25 2011, 03:10:57 UTC
She sat in the darkened room, silent but for the faint hum from the small device in her hands. Light flickered briefly across her features as she keyed in a few commands before the darkness settled around her once again.

There was no real rhyme or reason to her experiment. She'd found the device hidden away and pilfered it shortly after arriving in this place. She hadn't really had many plans to use it until earlier today when she'd seen a chance to test out exactly what it would do and the limits it might impose. And now that she'd done so, she waited patiently, keying in commands and checking in to make sure the device was still working.

It was too bad it didn't have a tracking feature.


this okay? goldn_boy September 25 2011, 17:58:03 UTC
He almost didn't make it back.

It had been an experiment for him, a test, but he hadn't really expected the remote to be activated during his shift. Of course, there was the possibility that it might be--but it was enough to have that anticipation, to know that when alpha was over it would be waiting in his room for him, something to set apart the days as they shuttled through the galaxy on routine missions. It was just a day, he thought. Know one would know, and it was a way to find satisfaction, to challenge himself, without the impossibility of taking a lover on board.

Of course, that had all been shot down as an extremely stupid idea when the first wave hit, as he sat in his command chair with his legs neatly crossed and the plug squirming away within him. Its attentions had been intermittent and varied, which made it even worse. Jim's irritation rose with his sneaking and entirely physical ardor as shift progressed, not thinking it suitable to leave the bridge for such a reason, but extremely aware that something had gone wrong ( ... )


bootiful \o/ hisoldgirl September 27 2011, 01:48:51 UTC
It was strange how much the little device intrigued her, really. Generally she'd have bored of something so trivial long ago, but there was something about it that drew her interest, that kept her switching the settings, alternating the speeds. The light flickered more often over her features and she hummed quietly, filling the silence with an almost mechanical-sounding tuneless song.

Eventually, she laid out along the bed, holding the remote above her and tilting it this way and that, contemplating taking it apart to see if she couldn't increase the output. It was a curious device, indeed, and she lost herself in its study.


goldn_boy September 27 2011, 21:28:09 UTC
As the door opened, he knew instantly there was someone in the room. He crept in warily, wondering who on Earth would have broken in here to play with the remote to a vibrating butt plug. It was an original offense, anyway, but that was mostly his own fault. It was not a large room, so he could see the figure on the bed, only partially obscured, as the door closed behind him.


hope Lucy's okay - if you'd rather boy!McCoy, let me know~ headdocincharge September 26 2011, 01:44:48 UTC
There had been whispers all over the ship all day, that the captain had been acting - funny. A little tenser than usual, a little jumpier. If there was one thing a girl from Georgia knew how to do, it was listen to rumors and pick out the real from the false. What Lucy had heard, anyway, all added up to one thing: she should probably go check on Jim's dumb ass and make sure he hadn't caught something.

The heels of her boots clicked against the floors of the ship as she went down the halls to Jim's quarters, and she pressed the button outside to speak. "Jim? It's Lucy."


Lucy rules, I never get het! goldn_boy September 26 2011, 23:15:34 UTC
Jim's ass had, in fact, caught something. But it was not anything Jim was eager to have his CMO examine, nor did he think it was likely to be contagious or cause him permanent harm.

So when he heard her voice coming from the comm, knowing she was just outside, he considered pretending he wasn't there. But that only led to McCoy conducting a search of the ship, culminating in her breaking through his security code at the least opportune minute.

He conceded by putting his pants back on, with a groan.

The door slid open, and Jim leaned in the opening, unconsciously creating a psychological barrier between Lucy and the things he intended to do in that room as soon as it was once again private.

"What is it, Bones?"


\o/ headdocincharge September 27 2011, 00:17:14 UTC
Lucy's practiced eyes cast over the captain, and yes, she could see what the whispers had been talking about. There was a tension in his shoulders that normally wasn't present, a sort of waiting around him that she hadn't really seen before, except in occasional diplomatic talks that had begun to go downhill.

He was also flushed, and from what Lucy could feel, his quarters weren't that warm. Something was up.

"Just checking in on you. Everything okay?"


goldn_boy September 27 2011, 21:17:39 UTC
Jim frowned, genuinely perplexed by her concern. He was, in short order, going to be awesome, if she'd just leave him alone.

"Yes, of course," he said. "Why? Is there some reason I shouldn't be?"

Great, he thought. There was another evil twin running around drinking McCoy's brandy again.


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