(old) event: The USS Centerpiece B -- Floor 31,721,363 | BYOAprho

Sep 20, 2011 09:17

Jim shifted in his chair. It was almost the end of alpha shift, and it couldn't come any sooner as far as he was concerned. His re-crossed his legs, the movement shifting the plug inside him against his prostate. And there was nothing he could do to stop that jolt of pleasure. Nothing he could do to keep the remote from being activated and setting ( Read more... )

pairing: m/*, pairing: m/other, pairing: m/f, pairing: m/m, pairing: m/x, series: star trek

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Mild Aphro - Start at the Turbo lift? theladycroft September 21 2011, 08:57:50 UTC
She didn't know where she was or how she got there.
Last she knew was the thick lush forests of Coastland Thailand, of scaling and climbing ruined and cracked walls. She'd slipped. Fallen and landed... Here. A small found room, built like an elevator.

Lara spent a few moments flexing every muscle to assess for injury and when she found none, she stood. She did feel rather warm however. Hands hanging near her guns, Lara paced the small space, studying the panel on the wall, the deigns and the material. There was one door.

It didn't open when she pressed the buttons on the panel, no when she'd kicked it. She was moments away from drawing her guns and firing out of pure frustration when the doors opened.


goldn_boy September 21 2011, 14:13:32 UTC
It wasn't what he was expecting. Or who.

Jim had paced in the turbolift until he realized that it was only intensifying the effect; distracted, anticipating someone else, it took him a moment to realize there was an armed and extremely attractive woman (or was that attractive and extremely armed?) standing in the space framed by the doorway.

It was then that Jim realized this might not have been such a good idea after all. Slightly flushed, he wondered if his arousal was obvious, and tried to put on his best captain's demeanor.

"Are you lost, miss?" he asked smoothly, not wanting to provoke anything of their unexpected visitor.


theladycroft September 21 2011, 14:41:53 UTC
When she saw the man, her hands twitched towards her weapons, surprise clear on her face. But after a moment that was swept aside and a look of almost amused confidence smoothed her features as she took him in. Handsome, skin a little flushed but he held himself with presence.

Lara raised a single brow.

"Unless this is in fact Thailand and I'm simply mistaken," she said, her voice smooth, her accent British and cultured. "I suppose I am." Though her hands moved from her weapons, she still watched him carefully.

"Just where is it that I've found myself?"


goldn_boy September 21 2011, 16:55:47 UTC
This was not what Jim wanted to be dealing with right now. Bad enough he'd been kept at a nearly constant state of low arousal all day, but now there was an attractive and assertive woman who was possibly an enemy invading his turbolift.

Yeah, this had been a really bad idea.

"The USS Enterprise," he said. "I'm Captain James T. Kirk. And you are?"


theladycroft September 22 2011, 00:44:45 UTC
Lara's expression didn't change much.

"I'm on a ship?" She could hear something that could be engines... but... then how did she get here.

Back on subject, Lara nodded.

"Lady Lara Croft pleasure to make your acquaintance, Captain." she said, studying him. His eye's were dilated, his breathing a little heavy. Curious.
She stepped towards him arms crossed before her chest.

"How exactly did I get here, Captain?"


goldn_boy September 22 2011, 06:56:09 UTC
Of course, he had a job to do. And he'd do it, stupid ill-advised sex games and attractive women be damned.

"Frankly, I don't know," he confessed. She didn't seem an immediate thread, and Jim was used to rolling with the punches. Not usually with the current distractions, but he'd overcome worse obstacles. "I'll have to check the records. Consult with my crew. Where were you before you came here?"


theladycroft September 22 2011, 16:50:22 UTC
It was really getting warm and Lara tugged at her shirt awkwardly.

"Coastal Thailand, eight kilometres inland." She said, her gaze travelling from his very handsome face and down to a well formed chest. Not too bulky and well cared for... Mmmm.

Lara cleared her throat, bringing her attention back to bear.


the lift is about to get jammed jsyk goldn_boy September 22 2011, 17:38:37 UTC
At the sound of her throat clearing, Jim's eyes snapped back up to her face. Damn it. He'd been staring.

"All right, Ms. Croft," he said as evenly as he could. "If you'll come with me, we'll figure this out." He motioned for her to join him in the turbolift. He'd take this to Spock and Scotty and see what they could figure out.


Uh oh! XD theladycroft September 23 2011, 10:25:43 UTC
He had. She didn't mind so much. He seemed to be honestly appreciative.

Lara nodded and stepped into the lift, eyes never leaving his face.

"I certainly hope so. I'd hate to be getting in your way." The last came out in a low almost purr.


goldn_boy September 23 2011, 16:16:53 UTC
The door slid shut behind her, and Jim felt the temperature rising in the small, enclosed space.

"Not at all," Jim said. "You'd be surprised how often people end up here without meaning to. But I'm afraid we'll have to subject you to some scrutiny until we know who you are and where you're from."

Scrutiny. Not that kind. Oh god, this had been a terrible idea.

Even worse was someone's impatient decision at that moment to touch the remote, sending a jolt of vibratory pleasure that made Jim bite off a little cry. Too late.


theladycroft September 24 2011, 03:53:39 UTC
She felt the heat rise and leaned against the wall, her arms crossed as she watched him. At the word scrutiny, she felt a flush of heat pass through her and she had to brace herself against the wall.

"Depends on just what kind of-" He cried out, cutting her off and she straightened.

"Are you alright?" Lara moved towards the Captain, a hand held out.


goldn_boy September 24 2011, 05:00:49 UTC
Jim straightened, standing too stiff for comfort, schooling his expression to neutrality.

"Sorry," he said. "I'm not hurt. Just. Remembered somewhere I'm supposed to be."

The was, hands down, the least professional day of his life. He should be stripped of command for this. If she was a Klingon spy they were all dead.

It was then he noticed that the lift wasn't moving. The doors weren't opening. And the computer was completely non responsive to his repeated attempts to open the doors or at least find out what was going on.

"I think we're stuck."


theladycroft September 24 2011, 05:25:23 UTC
Right... that was certainly the sound of someone remembering. Watching Kirk, who was behaving very strangely, Lara's hands drifted towards her guns.

"No, it's alright Captain. You just seemed... surprised." lucky for him she was a fairly honest girl. Watching him she noticed the same and felt her stomach sink.

"We're... Bugger." She moved to hover at his shoulder watching him. She might've brushed a little against him as she did.

"Please tell me this is a joke, Capatin."


goldn_boy September 24 2011, 22:49:23 UTC
Alert as he was to the sensations flooding his body, the touch was less innocent than it might have been. Jim grit his teeth and decided that being stuck with an armed stranger was not the time.

"I'm not that funny," he said. "And I'm not going to hurt you. I'd appreciate not getting shot until after we've figured this out."


theladycroft September 25 2011, 05:37:12 UTC
Lara raised a brow.
"You'll have to forgive my caution, Captain. I'm a little lost in this place." She stood her ground, staring t Kirk, trying to her eyes focused in his and not the way his mouth moved.

The heat was getting unbearable and she broke off eye contact to pull at her shirt. This was worse than a jungle.

"Is there something wrong with the heating?"


goldn_boy September 25 2011, 17:33:15 UTC
Jim glanced at the vents, artfully concealed. "I hadn't heard a report," he said. But it didn't mean it wasn't broken, along with the lift. He glanced at her. She seemed flushed, too warm, and he felt bad. Only it would be a tactic to lock him in here with someone feminine and attractive, a distraction.

"Oh anfdndg," he said, leaning a hand against the wall as he supported himself against the onslaught within. This was just ridiculous, and his pants felt ever more constrictive. He squeezed his eyes shut. "I'm sorry. This is just... really bad timing."


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