Sensory Deprivation || Injured || Low to no aphro

Sep 01, 2011 15:25

The last thing he remembered was passing out on the floor of the little house by the sea, but it certainly wasn't where he woke up. At least, it didn't feel like he was still on the floor. No, where he was gingerly curled on his side was... soft and warm. Almost pleasant, if he didn't ache so damn much ( Read more... )

series: saiyuki

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Comments 187

dulsanaya September 1 2011, 20:35:48 UTC
Known for her healing, she received a politely worded summons from the hotel that one of the inhabitants was severely injured. Not wishing to be involved in a game the demon hotel was playing, she could not let someone be harmed. She followed the directions given and opened the door. He was unconscious, and the wound to his abdomen was horrific.

As her abilities only worked by touch, she wrapped herself around his sheeted form, his back pressed to her. Her arm was wrapped around him, a cool hand resting on his stomach. Forming a healing link, she could see the injuries, killing blows they were. Slowly she began to put the pieces of him back together, deliberately not looking at his memories and thoughts, only sending reassurance and smoothing ruffled feathers. Beginning to clean the wounds and repair the damage, she sat in his mind within a lush green sphere of light gradually mending the injuries to body, mind, and soul.

Eyes closed, intent on her work, she was not aware when he rolled to his back.


green_eye_demon September 1 2011, 21:37:59 UTC
The unfamiliar and unasked for touch made him stiffen the slightest bit. It wasn't that the healing wasn't soothing, because it was; no, it was the simple fact that what was going on was completely out of his control.

Body stiff and wary, he gritted his teeth over another soft noise before he tipped his head, hoping to mime glancing away.

"... I would advise you to let me go."


dulsanaya September 1 2011, 21:54:06 UTC
'Ma nuvenin [As you wish].' murmmered a low soft voice in his mind. The healing link lightened slowly as she withdrew, the healing incomplete.

Emerald green eyes blinked open remembering who she was and her purpose. 'Andaran atish’an [formal elven greeting. Literally: I dwell in this place, a place of peace].'


green_eye_demon September 1 2011, 21:59:16 UTC
While he normally wasn't so cold, he truly wasn't in the best of moods and as he couldn't place the voice, that didn't help any.

"Who are you?"


gojyo_saaama September 1 2011, 21:25:29 UTC
It wasn't long before Hakkai had company.

A bell chimed from the speaker in the wall high above Hakkai's bed, and a childish voice announced through a burst of static, "The doctor will see you now!"

As the voice faded, and the intercom shut off with a click, there came the shuffling footsteps of the very old, or the infirm. The footsteps approached the bed, which shook slightly as the person's bumped into it. Maybe the room was dark, after all. Or maybe Hakkai's visitor was blind, too.

Gentle hands touched him then, on his feet, then his shins, slowly and methodically patting down every inch of Hakkai's body for injuries.


green_eye_demon September 1 2011, 21:41:52 UTC
Maybe so, but it didn't instil a bit of confidence.

It took all his willpower to draw away from the unwelcome touch. Once it rose high enough, he actually took a swat at the offending hand, sighing as he pondered just rolling back over and trying to go back to what passed for sleep.

"I apologize, but I'm really not in the mood to be a good patient."


gojyo_saaama September 1 2011, 21:58:48 UTC
The gentle hands pulled back when Hakkai took a swat at them. But a moment later they returned, carefully palpating his stomach.

The man - few woman had hands that big - smelled faintly of dust and mothballs, and the hands on Hakkai's body were thin for their size. One might almost say bony. There was no rasp of clothing as he moved, no scent of cologne or soap... nor, for that matter, of sex or blood or smoke. Just gentle hands, and gentle breathing somewhere above Hakkai.


green_eye_demon September 1 2011, 22:05:05 UTC
The returning touch made him wince and bite back a soft hiss as pain lanced through his abdomen once again. His stomach rolled uneasily as he reached for the intruding hands, intent on removing them once more.

"Do not touch me again."


misamisal September 1 2011, 22:46:06 UTC
When the man had suddenly appeared in her room, she immediately noticed a note card on one of her bedside tables with her name across the front. Picking it up, she read that the man was injured and that he was to be looked after. Of course, Misa would help him and her nurturing instincts quickly kicked into high gear.
Softly, she covered him in a nice warm blanket and put on some low, soothing instrumental music. Next, she went into the kitchen to prepare some tea and soup for when he woke up.
When she heard the groan, she quickly makes her way back into the room, seeing that the man had rolled over on his side. Quietly she speaks, not wanting to wake him in case he was simply getting comfortable and wasn't awake yet.
"...are you awake?"


iknowlove September 1 2011, 23:05:52 UTC
Strange men suddenly appearing in her bed wasn't an occurrence that Terra was exactly ready for, let alone the appearance of a man who was obviously very injured. Whether or not she was concerned about the fact that she was no longer alone in her room no longer mattered, not in the face of a life needing saving. Terra got up and only left the bed long enough to get dressed before she was back at the bed again.

Terra tended to him as carefully as she could. Her magic could only do so much when she couldn't figure out where exactly it was that he was hurt, but she did all she could for him regardless. Her hands were still glowing softly when he started to stir, and Terra pulled her hands away from him to turn her attention toward his face. Gently, she reached up and placed a hand against his forehead, checking to see if he had a fever. "Don't move," she said, quietly, stroking back his hair. "Would you like some water?"


green_eye_demon September 1 2011, 23:27:23 UTC
She'd find him quite warm and when his sightless eyes opened, they had a sickly yellow tint to them. The touch made him startle a little, swallowing back a groan of pain as he reached up to curl his fingers around her wrist.

"... who are you?"


iknowlove September 1 2011, 23:33:48 UTC
The color worried her, as did the heat to his skin. But at least he was conscious and aware of her presence. She covers the hand on her wrist with her other hand, giving it a reassuring pat. "My name is Terra. You were here when I woke up." She let out a soft breath and turned her gaze to look down his body again. "Your injuries... They're quite severe."


green_eye_demon September 2 2011, 01:06:53 UTC
"... this is your room?"

He hoped it was so simple as just being in her room. After all, he didn't feel any real threat from her and while that would normally make him relax a bit, there would be no soothing him for now.

"It's... all internal. Someone... did this to me."


Ffff so many typos OTL Not to mention I can't read... NOW IT'S FIXED. x_x; piercingshadow September 1 2011, 23:35:46 UTC
There was no way that Adela was expecting an unconscious Hakkai on her bed.

Green and brown eyes widened when she saw him, dropping the food she had been holding in sheer shock from the sight. In fact, it was enough to snap her out of her rut enough to act.

Quickly she picked up the bag and set it aside, rushing to Hakkai's side a moment later to examine him. At the moment it seemed like he was sleeping but she still had the horrible feeling that there was something wrong. She took a shaky breath before reaching up to gently stroke at his hair, as if to try and rouse him into being awake, "Hakkai. You there?"


<3 green_eye_demon September 2 2011, 01:08:43 UTC
He was aware, but in enough pain to haze his brain. Still, he shifted at the touch, groaning softly as he tried to sit up.

"... where am I? Adela..."


♥♥♥ piercingshadow September 2 2011, 02:05:49 UTC
It was a good sign that he recognized her, but bad that he was groaning like that.

"You're in my room. What the hell happened to you?" Adela asked, her voice soft as she tried to look him over herself. This was horrible, just seeing him in such a weakened state. There wasn't even any visible injury, but somehow it just seemed worse than when she had found him littered with them.

Whatever issues she was having with herself were nothing compared to helping Hakkai then.


green_eye_demon September 2 2011, 02:19:13 UTC
Once he was partially upright, he leaned heavily back against the wall, panting and pale with the effort. Even though his yellowed eyes were open, it was obvious he wasn't seeing anything by the way they wandered.

"A kappa... he took something out of me... the hard way."


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