Sensory Deprivation || Injured || Low to no aphro

Sep 01, 2011 15:25

The last thing he remembered was passing out on the floor of the little house by the sea, but it certainly wasn't where he woke up. At least, it didn't feel like he was still on the floor. No, where he was gingerly curled on his side was... soft and warm. Almost pleasant, if he didn't ache so damn much.

Groaning softly, he shifted, but instantly regretted it. His head spun and his stomach lurched even as his abdomen told him in no uncertain terms that moving was not appreciated. Brow furrowed, he tried to remember back... back to what happened. At first, the memory was clouded and vague, but soon enough, he remembered encountering the kappa on the beach.

Gritting his teeth against the pain he could still feel, he forced himself onto his back, the motion sending a fresh wave of nausea washing through him even as he was silently grateful that he wouldn't end up bleeding out as there was no external wound. He forced his eyes open to see if he could figure out where he was... but he knew he was victim to yet another of the hotel's whims thanks to the absolute darkness that surrounded him. Either he had been blinded thanks to the hotel or his injuries and blood loss were far worse than he remembered.

Either way, he was in trouble.

[ooc: Have an internally injured Hakkai. Thanks to a run in with a not so friendly kappa, most of his liver is gone and he's quite bad off because of that. Feel free to find him in your room or his own, either is fine with me. While I'm mostly aiming for CR and a bit of hurt/comfort here, if it happens to go further, all I ask is nothing that belongs in a toilet, and no one under 18 for anything smutty.]

series: saiyuki

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